Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/466

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< Al.T"N, Mill. 4.18 CAMAOHTAGH. of the Midland railway. a small 1 1 school in tho vil' it, the par in tli>' Civil War. was bum !it Calton in Hil!'. I 'A I.'l'i 'N, M II'. ;i '/itoad tarra par. in Iliin>ny par., ii the co. of Lanark, S< ..(land, in suburbs o -ijow. The living is in tli>' pr. >b. of Glasgow, ui... in tho (rift of the crown. CALTRA, a vil. in tho par. of Killosolan, liar, of Tia- qiiin, in the co. of Galway, prov. of OoonaBght, Ireland konov. Fairs arc held c.n tin- 1 Ith May, tli- July,' the 21st September, and tho 14th uiber. C.LTI!A<!II, ii limit, in Hi.. ].ar. ..f C;, m , bar. of Athlone, in the co. of BoKouun.<n, pi-..v. .1 c. .nnaught, Ireland, 10 miles to the N.W. of Athi OALTBAGH, a limit, in the bar. of Clare, in tho CO. of (lahvay, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, not Car from Headford, and the eastern shore of Lough Corrib. CALTRAGII, a hmlt. in the bar. of Kathcline, in tin- co. of Longford, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, ii in. the 8. of Lanesborough. It is on tho eastern shore of Lough Kee. CALYKLKY, a tnshp. in tin- pur. "C Bunbury, hund. of Eddisbnry, in the eo. palatine . 13 miles to the S.E. of Chester. It is a station on tho Crcwc and Cheater branch of tho London and North- Western rail- way. The Chester canal passes near the township. Calveley was tho scat and the e-tate of the Cani'.ns Sir Hugh Calveley, who distinguished biniM 1C in the Fri nob wars of Edward III. and Richard II. Calveley Hall is now the property of the I>.n. n ports ..t" Cap. sthomc. C.VLVKK, a hmlt. in the par. oC Ifakewcll, hn- High Peak, in the co. of Derby, 4 m Bakewell. It is on the banks of the river I' Limestone is quarried and burnt here, and some ot the inhabitants arc employed in the'>n trade. CALVKKHALL. OOKRA, a chplry. in the par. of Prees, hund. of North Bradford, in tho co. of R. miles to the S.E. of Whitchurch, N.of Market Drayton, and 160 N.W. of London. It is near tho Crowe and Shrewsbury branch of the London and North- ' railway, on which Prees is a station. It includes the limits, of Millenheath and Willaston. Tho living is a perpet. cur. in tho dioc. of Lichficld, vol. 65, in tin- patron, ot .1. V. Dod, Esq., M.P. The churc-h, dedicated t.. St. Bartholomew, is a Gothic edifice, recently . : by J. W. Dod, Esq., who is chief landowner, and resides at a noble mansion called Cloverly. Viscount Hill is lord of the manor. CALYEBLEIQH, a par. in the hund. of Tiverton, in the co. of Devon, 2 miles to the N.W. of Tiverton, its post town, which is a station on the Bristol and ! railway. The living is a reet. in the dioc. of Exeter, TS! 161, in the patron, of (i. W. Owen, Esq. There are some charities of trifling value. The principal residence is < Hall. CALVERLKY, a par. in the wap. of Murlt-y, in the West Riding of the co. of York, fi miles to the N.W. ot Leeds, its post town. It is situated near tin river Aii-e and the Liverpool canal, and is a station on the Leeds, Bradford, an.l Skipton branch of the Midland rail The par., which extends over an area of about 9,000 acres, includes tho populous districts of Farsley, Idle, and Pudsey, and tie- tn-hp. of Bolton, comprising to- r a population of near 30,000. Tho inhabitants are employed in the woollen and worst..! inannfa. which are carried on in this part of the country. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Ripon, val. : .n. of the bishop. The church is dedicated t.. St. Wilfrid, and contains monuments of tho Oalverley family and others. There are chnu endowments for the poor, amounting to 54 p. r annum. At Appcrley Bridge, a vil. partly in the tnshp. ot . is a large school, founded in ISI'J for the sons of, Wesleyan n rley Hall, an old mansion of the time of II. nry V I ., w:i- tin M m , in 1004, of a double murder by Waller Calverlev, which was the nubi- tho old play called tho " Yorkshire Tragedy."' The chplrics. of Farsley, Idle, and Pudsey now forin district pan. with their sep . mi-nts and schools. CA1.VKKI.KY-W1TH-KAKSI.KY, a tnshj,. in the par. of Calverl.y, wap. ol Mori' y, in the West Hiding of the co. of York, 5 miles to the X.E. of IM is situated in A. r the Midland railwa- contains tin- vil. of CaUeH. v Moor and the 1m. -., Bodley, W lhall liill, and The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Ripon, v> 150, in the patron, of the i u . i Calverlev. church ia dedi. add to St. John the Kvaim.-list. CALVKK T IK ilsK, a hmlt. in the chplry. of Mn par. of (Irinton, in the wap. of (iillinir, North Ki.iin the co. of York, mar Muker. CAI.VKHTON', a par. in the bund, of N. the co. of Buckingham, 1 mile to the S. of Stoir its post town. It lies on the r of N"llli:i|. shire, on the banks of tin iiwr ( >n-<-, !. banish ire canal, and not far from tho I.. Xorth-Wr.-tein railway. The inhabitants ai in the lace manufacture and in lime burning. is a reel.' in tin- dioc. of Ox I I 'i, in the ].;- of tin -I '.!!.. I Lgiuniit. Tin- church i- -. It was onet.d in 1818 by Lord Arden, j^H stands near the site of a Roman camp. Th.. charities amount to 17 a year. CALVEKTOX, a par., tnshp., nnd vil. in the sou: div. of the wap. of Thurgarton, in the co. of N' 7 miles to tho N. of Nottingham, its post t> manufacture of hosiery is carried on oxtennivi ly and some of tho workpeople are employed in tho s quarries. Tin living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Lin val. 127. The church ItoSt-Wili

. -leyans, Primitive Methodists, and Baptists 

-.and there is a free school endowed ith < ar. The charities for the pom prnlin e about the SI^H amount. The stocking-frame wa- invented about the end of the n;tli , the Kev. Will native of Calverton, and fbl a tinn- t unite of this palish. There are at present about 400 frames at work in this village alone. Culvert on II CALWK'K. a ti,-hp. in tin par. Ol Kllastolic, 111] of Totmonslow, in the co. of Stall of Uttoxt tor. It is situated on then.ntin on the banks of the river Dove. This tn>hp. v of a priory of the Dominican order, foiim. and given by II. nry VIII t Surrey. Calwick Abbey is tin and contains a good collection of p.. in' some family portraits by Sir Thomas Lawi I A M,a par. in the upper div. ot the hund. ot i in the . 1 mile t.. the X. of I) post town. It is situated on the small rivn feeder of the Severn, and is a station on tin branch of I and Birmingham lailv. s low and is liable to in tains much rich pasture land, and is not- fte. The woollen manufactories give emplov 10 of tin inhabit. nits. The living is a vie.* in th" di.x-. of I'.risto], val. with tin Lower Cam, 1.10, in the patron, of tin- bishop. The hureh is d< Here are free school* and girls, founded b in 1730 the income of which is alx'mt 160 per annum. i National school. Tin- other charitable endowi Mb about (il) a ; CAM. a par. in the bar. of Athlone, in RoMommon, pi..v. of Connaught, Inland, ' lie N.W. of Athlone. It lies in a f.-rti! listrict on the W. side of Lough K' a, and c imlU. of Curraghboy and Caltragh, the form. was a seat of th Limestone is found r >arish The living is a vie. united with that of Kilt n th" dioc. of Kilni'.re, Ardagh, and Klphin. CAJIAGH-BRIDGE, a hmlt. in the bar. . . I W. -tun ath, pi'.v.'.i Leinster, In Ian 1, r, miles . .. the N W of c.,,tle Pollard. CAMAGHTAQH, a hmlt. in tho par. of Cloncn, baiv