Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/478

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( AMKLON. CAMMKUT'iN is situated ill a dreary country, near lofty hills, (in the in rly a free borough, under a ch. ul> i <>t Kn h.ud l.,ul "i < "in wall, .in.'. I bi, II. -nry III. Tin- pi. - nt chart, r, granted ,i;li under tin- govern- ment "1 nine anl- annually ]ili .inn lit I'rciiu ! KdH.ird VI. till tin passing "I til' I A.t iii I*-')-, by which it WHS distrain -Id- !. The ts are broad and paved, and tin-re is a ton- hall, with a market-house built by the Duko of J'"d- f"id, about l^iJii. The town has of latj years idi-rahly impioM-d by IP -w buildings. Cain. scat nl a !'"< -r-iaw I'liii'ii, tin head of a County Court district, and "in; of tin' polling places for the county elections. IVtty si --ions an- In Id in the town. There aro chapi N l'"i- tin Association !;- former.-, and r.i'- :.--. In 1<; 7 'J a free school was founded by Sir James Smyth, one of the members for the borough, which has an income of 40 per annum. In this school-house, which was rebuilt in IN.jl, l>ivim- service is performed ever)- Sunday evening, as the parish church is more than a mile distant from the town. There was formerly a chantry chapel, erected in 1311, and sup- pressed at the Information. There arc no vestiges of it remaining. The neighbourhood of this town is supposed to have been the scene of the. famous and fatal battle be- tween King Arthur and his nephew Modred, in which both fell. A battle between the Cornish men and the Saxons under Egbert, in 823, is also supposed to have been fought here. The Pitts, of Bocounoc, took thu title of baron from this place. Friday is the market Fairs, chiefly for cattle, are hold on the Friday after the 10th March, the 26th May, the 17th July, and the 6th September. i A MELON, a vil. in the par. of Falkirk, in the co. of Stirling, Scotland, 1 mile W. of Falkirk. It is seated on the N. side of the Forth and Clyde canal, not far from the Scottish Central railway. The nail manufacture is carried on here to a considerable extent. Old Camelon, situated a short distance N.W. of the village, was a Koman town, and a seaport at the eastern end of the wall of Antoninus. In 1707 an anchor was found here, and there is other evidence that the sea within the historical period reached to Falkirk. CAMEL, QUEEN, a par. in the hund. of Catsash, in the co. of Somerset, 5 miles to the E. of Ilchester, its post town. It is situated on the small river Camel, a branch of the Yeo, and is crossed by the Somerset and Weymonth section of the Groat Western railway. It was formerly a market town, and a place of some im- portance. The living is a vie.* in the dice, of Bath and Wells, val. 222, in the patron, of P. St. J. Mildmay, Esq. The church is dedicated to St. Barnabas. XM Wesleyans have a chapel in the village. The parochial charities are worth about 10 a year. Near the village ia a hill commanding a fine view over the rich surround- ing country, including about 40 towns and villages. Close to the river is a sulphureous spring. Two annual fairs arc held on Trinity Tuesday and the 25th October. CAMEL, WEST, a par. in the hund. of Somorton, in the co. of Somerset, 3 miles to the E. of Ilchcst- post town. It is in a flat country, on a branch of tin near the Great Western railway, and contains the hmlts. of Downhcad, Stcrthill, and Urgashay. The living is a roct* in the dipc. of Hath and Wells, val. 275, ill the patron, of the bishop. The church is dedicated to All i hero are gome charities of small value. CAMKLY, a par. in tho hund. of Chewton, in tin co. of Sou. let to tin- N. of Wells. Bath is its post town. nn are some quarries Tin' living is a reel.* in tin- dioc. nt I'ath and Y11.-, al. of J, llippt-.-lcy, VM. Tin' i-liun-h i* dedicated to St. James. The i-h -, il in tbr IKII-. of .Mark-inch, in V It is near tin- Kdinhuigh, I 1 . ith,.unl Ihindee railway, on which .Mark- inch is a .station. i A M KK< )X, a par. in ht. Andrew's di.stria, in the co. of Fife, Scotland, reaching to within 1 mile ol Andn-w's. Tin partly moorland and partly cultivated. Coal, limestone, sandstone, and whinstono ike.l and quarried in tin n. i. living, worth 200, is iu tin- pre-b. of St. Ami; and in tin trill of tin . i..n. 'i rresbjterian church at -. 1'rior l-i IM-j this 1'ari-h was united to that "f St. Amllew's. i A.MKKox UKUK.I-:, a v n. in the ]r. ot i.ii- in the eo. of Edinburgh, S. otlaml, 1! mil. -, fi..iu I on the road to Dulkoith. , a par. in tin- hund. of YIlow, in flB co. ol ;ln S.V. .1 Hath, it t"-.-. n. Tin; Kadlord canal parish. (_ found here. Tho living i- a i. . t in and Wells, val. IH1, in tin- patron, of J. Jan. It, Ebq. The church, dedicated to St. 1'iter, is par with ivv, and stands in a churchy. nd > i y ] out and planted. The Wesleyans and I 1 - chapels in I Camerton Park i- tin- seat "f the Jarrett family. CAMEKTON. See CAMMEKTON, Cumberland. CAMEKTON, a limit, in the tnshp. of Kvhill, i Burstwick, and wap. of Holdemess, in the East J of the co. of York, 3 miles to the 8.E. of Hedon. GAMES- ASH, a tythg. in the par. of Bishops Lydeard, hund. of Kingsbuiy, in the co. of Somerset, 1 n. the N.E. of Milverton. CAM-HOUSES, a hinlt. in the chplry. of 11. Lunds, tnshp. of High Al r of Ays, in tho wap. of Uang, North Hiding of tho co. of " miles to tho N.W. of Hawes. It is seated at the i of Cam Fell, which rises to the height of 1,920 fei CAMLACUIE, a vil. and quoad mra par., in i of Barony, Glasgow, in tho co. of I, -ma mile from Glasgow. It forms part of tho suburbs, and adjoins tho village of Parkhead. II ere i Extension church, tho living of which is iu tho |_" the Church Building Society. Th.-ru is also a church. CAMLAN, a tnnhp. in the par. of JIallwyd, hu of Talvbont and M..wddwy, in the co. of North Wales, 2 miles from IKnas-M. situated in a mountainous district CAMLIN, a par. in tho bar. of Upper Ma*.- the co. of Antrim, prov. of I aid, 5 miles 1 the 8. of Antrim. It lies in a I. country, on the banks of the small river C'anilin, ' falls into Lough Neagh. The par. includes t Crumlin, and part of the vil. of (ilenavy. The tants aro chiefly employed in agriculture, and linen and cotton manufactures. Limost. in the parish. Tho living is a vie. united with Glenavy, in the dioc. of Down, Connor, and Tho church is decayed. The principal mansions Glendaragh and Cherry Valley. (A MI. OH ill, a par. in the bar. of I'j.j.i r . prov. of I the. i station on the I Belfast Junction railway. It lies in a fertile dist 1'artly mountainous, on the Cam I Viscount Mundevillc. Some ol the inhabitants are ployed in spinning and bleaching. A poli stationed here. The living ia a perpi t. cm of Armagh and (.'logher, val. ill(i, in the gift of Ui- r of Kilh-ry. The church was built in 17 tho cost of Primate liobinson. Tin parish uniatkabli' eaini. Tin- chief i I V ' mag) < A.MMKKI.NCHA.M, a ]ur. in tin- west, rn d. tin- wap. of Aslacoe, parts ot, in the co. of Un coin, 7 miles to the N. .,1 Lincoln, its post town. the site of an alien priory , founded in t Henry II. Limestone i- quairiid in ; living is a vie. in the dioc. of Lincoln, val. i n. of Ix>rd Monson Tin church isdedi- .Mi.ha.l. and is of modern date. ( AMMKKTo.N, , , c.MEKTON, a par. in the war