Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/518

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CASTUO BELLINGHAM. 608 < AST MO i 'AMI'S. formerly flourished In Hlmost ceased. limestone is quarried in the parish, and part of tlio nhoil is red sandston ' the county town of 51 assizes are held here regularly, and in January and Octobi r. IVlty 868- sions are held weekly. Tin- elective fr.mchiso was conferred on th<; borough by laim-s I., and it n-tunir.l two nH-in! iiient until the Union, when it v. 1 Castleliar is the Heat of a Poor-law Union, and contains the Union house. It has also ch m. Two weekly newspapers arc published in tin- tnwn, called the Mayo futiunnl and tin- The parish church nf Aglish, which stands in the town, erected about 1828; it is a handsome edifice in Ihe perpendicular Myle, with a tower. The Itoinan Catholics and Wesloyan s have chapels here. Them are parochial and National schools, both free. In the virinity is an ancient burying-ground, from which there is a good prospect ; and on the opposite side of Lough Lanark are remains of an old fort. This place gives the title of baron to the Earl of Lucon, whose seat is The Lawn, an oxit n- sive and beautiful demesne on the Castleliar river. Other seats are Spencer Pork, Mount Gordon, ice. Saturday is the market day. Annual fairs are held on the llth May, the 9th July, the 16th September, and the 18th N..W nibor. CASTL10 BELLIXGUAM, a vil. in the par. of Ger- nonstown, bar. of Ardw, in the co. of Louth, prov. of Leinstor, Ireland, 8 miles to the S. of Dundalk, and 42 niilrs J'riim liulilin. It is pleasantly sealed near tin- coast of Dundalk Bay, on the bonks of the river (ilyde, and is a station on the Dublin and Belfast Junc- tion laihvay. In the village is a large ale br. Tin! paiish ehurchof Gernonstown is an old stone edifice with a fine font and several monuments. There are chapels for Koman Catholics and Presbyterians, alms- houses for four widows, endowed with about 00 a year, and a dispensary. Next the village is Castle Belling- h mi House, the seat of Sir Allan Bellingham, Bart. There are still remains of a castle near the Glyde, which belonged to the Bcllinghums, and gave name to the vil- It was burnt down before the battle of the Boyno. Fairs are held on Kaster Tuesday and the 10th October. CAST 1. 10 mull. ,v<r CASTLK BYTHE. CASTLE BLAG1I, a vil. in tho bar. of Fermoy, in the co. of Cork, prov. of Munster, Ireland, 7 miles to tho V. of Fermoy. OA8TLEBLAKENEY, a vil. in tho par. of Killoso- lon, and bar. of Tiaquin, in tho co. of Galway, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, .'JO miles to the K. of (lalw.-iy, and lo.l mill '.s to tho 'W. of Dublin. It has a police station, and four annual lair.s nre held on the 1st January, the 2.ith .May, the 20th July, and the 2nd October. Abbcrt i.s tin' piinripal ivsidt-nce. i A.<n,i:i;l,AYMOY, a market town in tho par. of Mucknoo, bar. of Crcmornc, in the co. of Monaghan, prov. of UI.-tiT. lri'!:ind, 11 miles to the S.K. of .Mnna- Khan, and i mi Dublin. It is situated in a li!y-eiiltivated onmtry, and i.s u It 0:1 tin 1 lri~h North-Western railway. This place was fiiundi'd in thi! 17th century by Sir Edward Itlayney, to whuin Janus I. largo district hen. In tin- Mi, whirh has a population of 1,000, is tin- mail ;h a neat mat ket-houseof nuidi'iii Hi, sessions-house, and townliall. The lim-n manu- fucttiro is curried on to a small extent, and there are ii-mills and tain ij m y is tin 1 Jains tin' I'liimi i . a policO'Statiun, ami a nsary. The titnets air liu'liti d with gas. parish chunh of Mucknoo is in tho town. It i> a beautiful q I English stylo, ei in if. vi, at a cost of 4,000. Hero are also a chapel tO 1 H man < 'atlmlirs, twn t'i tin' IV . and twu charity 'V IInUM', lately tht! pi'iperty "1 in mansion standing "ear i undid in the reign of James I., in a largo and beautiful demesne, including the lake of Mueknoe. It is now the seat of lira, llopc, having been purchased by tin- lat<.- T. M. II j-. Esq. Markets forcorn urn In M "ii '1 ursduy und Friday, and lor mis- cellaneous goods MI V. i an- hi Id on the first YdnuKlay of each month. OA8TLEBO7, < ASTUOr.n lY, or ST. JOHNS- T( IWN, a par. in tht- bar. of Aids, in the i ... of 1 prov. of I'lstiT, Ireland, 1 mill s to tin N . i Ii'i-ry. It is situated mi the coast of tin- 1 1 i.-h ( haa^H on Cloghy Bay, and had a preceptory < St. John, founded by I I, at -y, in :ir tin loMH tho 12th century. Kuuis of the building .still i xi di.stlirt i.s fertile. CA>-Tl.i:r.l;ACK, a !r. in tho bar. of Tinnahinch, (Jii"n's County, in the jirov. of Lein.ster, i mili.s to the W. of IVrtarlington. It lies in country on tho confines of King's County, mi sido of the ii

llain 'i . and v.. - iin : : I a 

castle belonging to tin l)n The living is a vie. unitrd with that of licisrnallis, in the dioc. of Dublin, lilendalagh, ai.d Kildaft-. Annual fain are held in the village, on the l(ith May, the 12th August, and tho 15th November. OA81 l.i:r.l;ini;i:, !t v il. in the pars, of Ardcavifi Ardcolm, and Tikillin, bar. of Shelmaliere, in the co. of Wexford, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 3 miles to t^ N. of Wexford. It is pleasantly seated on the N. el^l of Wexford Haven, on the banks of the Ca^tli bridge river, and has a good trade in corn. Tho village eon- tains large storehouses for agricultural pr< houses, and flour-mills. 11 parish church of Ardeolm, the Koman Catholic chapel, a, and a dispensary. There was anciently a castli at ihi- on the site of which the church now stands. A pokfl elation is fixed here. Fairs are held on tin- 1 1th Anfl tho 10th June, the 25th S cember. CASTLE BROMWICH, a hmlt. in the )iar. of AlW hund. of llemlinglbrd, in tho co. nt Vaiv. i. k. '> ndH to tho N.E. of Birmingham. It is within th tho borough of Birmingham , am 1 is a - MiH land West Branth railway. Ti: isses by this place. The living is a perj)et of Worcester, vaL J6S15, in the i Bradford. The church is drdirati'd to St. .Mary. I^H tho hamlet is Castle Bromwirh Hall, an ai.cient mdB si. m, tin Mat i'f the Earl of Bradford. CAST 1. 10 l;VTHAM. SeeUnuAX, CASTLB, Lii shire. CASTLIO I1VTH10, or CASTI.K HK.II.a par. in the hund. of Kemess, in tlio co. ol I' 11 miles to the N.E. of Ha Tho Itoman road called Via Julia, passed mat this village, and remains ul a ramp are still living is a red. in the dioc. of St. David's, in the : I'l rhai.i ' -'I'l. 10 ( AIOKI01XION, apar. partly in th" wrse, and jwrtly in tliat of Matin Montgomery, North Walrs, I mill .- to tin V. "i '. ]xx)l, its post town. It is included within ti tho borough of Wolshpool, and coinpriscs sitrot ati.r ihrprinoee i'f .Ninth Val.s. Tin; living is a i-ect.* in i St. A-aph, val. .t."i;."i. i lor. The church is di dii'atfil to St. (iarnon t in tin- village endowed with ill The other i 'haiii .1-1- endoi worth aliout i !."> pel aniiHin. CASTI.K ('AMI'S, a par. in th the co. ot Camhrid.i;!', < miles to the S.IO. of l,inti.n. .u ( 'amlii idire, it- pi't town. It 'illhfil ei.nfines of Sullolk and Ks.-fx, and v. ' of| liy Auhr- 5 the lordship was granted by William i

itinurd to be tin- seal of the

1 1.- V. n -, i aiN i,t I >|. ul, till near the end ol the 16th i-t-ntuiy, when it was fouada of the chaneilniiise, l..,ndon, and w
