Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/52

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ALDBROUOH. 42 AIJ5EEHOLT. ALDBEOUGH, a tnshp. in the par. of Stonwick St. John, wap. of West Gilling, in the North Hiding of theco. uf York, 7 miles loth. N I . t i I ichmond. Afree school, founded by Mr. Barrett, is supported by sub- scription. The Wesleyans have a chapel here. Ald- brough House is the prinicpal residence. DliriJY. :i ]iar. in the hnnd. of Dacorum, in the CO. of Herts, 3 miles to the N.E. of Bcrkhampstcad. It lies pleasantly below the range of the Chiltem hills, whose summit* are wooded, and at a little distance from the London and North Western railway and the Grand .1 unition canal. The living is a reel.* in the dioc. of Rochester, val. 448, in the patron, of Earl lirownlow. The church is old, and in the early English style, and is dedicated to St. Jnhn the Baptist It contain* two altar tomb* of the Verucyg and Andersons, richly sculp- tured : one with the figure of a knight recumbent and his lady, the other with fine brasses of a knight and lady and their twelve children. There are alao tombs of the Hydes, who owned the manor, which now belongs to the Duke of Leeds. There are three poor's cottages in the village, for five widowers and widows, endowed by some person unknown. ALD CAMUS, a par. in the co. of Berwick, Scotland, now united with Cockbumspath. It had a chapel dedi- cated to St. Helen, of which there are some remains. AI.D lAIIHK, a par. in the co. of Linlithgow, Scotland, now united with Dalmeay. ALli' l.ll'l '!:, a tnshp. in the par. of Lancaster, in the co. palatine of Lancaster, 1 mile to the 8.W. of Lancaster. It is on the Preston canal and the river Lune. Alddiffc Hall is the principal seat ALUKI'.IUiilt, or ALUBUKOUGH, a par. in the hund. of Plomesgate, in the co. of Suffolk, 24 miles to the of Ipswich, and 94 from London. It is a seaport and municipal borough, with a separate jurisdiction. It was formerly a market town. It wa also a parliamen- tary borough, returning two members, from the roign of Queen Elizabeth, who conferred on it the (! franchise, till the passing of the Reform Act, by which it was disfranchised. It is very pleasantly situated on the river Aide, in the vale of Slaughden, with a fine sea view to the east, a. good beach at low water, and high ground behind it, and has become a favourite resort for sea-bathing- There is a beautiful walk along the I of nearly two miles, and many pretty summer villas facing the sea, beside* a spacious hotel. It lies near the East Suffolk lino of railway. Its charter of incorporation was conferred by Charles I., under which it is governed by two bailiffs and thirty-four burgesses, twelve of whom are capital, and the rest in- ferior. The townhall is ancient <md built of timl>i -r. Most of the inhabitant* are seafaring people, and many of them pilots, who go far out in their cutters to meet incoming vessels. The herring and lobster fisheries con- stitute the chief occupation of the other part of the ation. The port has about forty small vessels ging to it, which are employed in the coasting trade. Orfonl is a su). Tho harbour is good, and there is a custom-house near the quay, also a coast-guard station, brewery, and some boatbuilding. A subscription library, a theatre, billiard tables, and assemblies amusement to the summer visitors. The living is a vie. in th '^, in tin; patron, of I .1 V. Vintw--rtli. l-'.-i] , "i M-i'i'-'hd'.n I louse, who is 1 1 1> is a descendant of thn Earl of lii of Viscount Aldborongh. h stands on a hill west of the town, and Eos iii.! mid ii' reparation. It is built of Hint, . which is embattled, and Mir- ..1 by a tiirnt, forma an im]Hirtant landmark. It is dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul, and contains a handsome stained window, representing the four Kvan- gelisU and the Adoration, besides many fine monuments ; the must notabl. the memory of the poet Crabbe. lie of the 16th century, it stood ten times i from the shore than it does at present, the sea having encroached on the town, and destroyed UM market-place and one whole : : are three chapels, belonging to the Independents, Baptists, and Wesleyans. Great Casino is the residence of th. lion. A. TheUuson. .Vim Cottage, of Sir R. S. .V Aldborough was thM birthplace of the poet < Market* were formerly held on Wednesday and Saturday, but ore now discon- tinued, and fair*, chiefly for toys, on the 1st March und the 3rd May. ALDEBY, a par. in the hund. of Clavering, in the co. of Norfolk, .'i miles to the N.E. of Beecles, and 16 miles S.K. of Norwich. It is situated on the river .i-y, ami i.s a station on the East Suffolk railway. A small "priory, founded by Agnes do Ki.i, in the reign i 1 1 nry I., formerly existed here, which was a oefl^H the Benedictine abbey at Norwich, and was granttfl at the Dissolution to the cathedral of that city. The living is a cur.* in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 120, in the patron, of the dean and chapter, who are ii

  • , the. tithes having been commuted for 7"

annum. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, contMM a fine Norman doorway at the west end, and an cart/ font. Tho register dates from loll. ALDENHAM, a par. in the hund. of Casliio, in th* j co. of Hertford, 3 miles to the N.K. ,.f. Watford. near the London and North Western railway, and the i 'olne,and contains the hamlet of Theobald Si It formed part of the possessions of St. Alban's A and at the Conquest waa conferred on Westminster. TJIfl parochial charities are large, amounting to 1,165 per annum. Of this sum, 1,141 goes to the support of six almshousea and the free grammar school, : 1699, by Richard Platt. Tho school was established for 60 children, to bo elected from the Aldenham poor, and from th* families of the Brewers' Company, London. It is governed by the master and wardens of tin 1 who, in 182.5, rebuilt the school, and constituted an njijii r and lower school. Tho living is a vie. 1 in tin- di< Rochester, val. 425, in tho patron, of the trust' Baptist. monumental brasses, the earliest of 1520, a pillared and some effigies in the chapel. The chief resid. are Aldenham Abbey and Aldenham Lodge. ALDKHBURY, a par. in the hund. of the same n in tho co. of Wilts, 3 miles to the " It contains tho chpbios. of Farley and Pitln, and is <! near a branch of tho South Yst< ni nu. and tho river Avon. Tho living is a vie. in the di Salisbury, val., with the two i '>-, in tin ] of the bishop. Tho church is dedicated to St. i There is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel and a ,-M ;11 < n- dowed school. Alderbury House and Ivy Chun h. of amonastciy. are the jirincijial seat of a Poor-law Union, and i lirXlHiED, one of the 28 hun ! tho co. ot Wilt-, Mtnati-d in the south parliamentary div. of tin; co., and bounded on the N. l.y Ann-sliiuy and Medwitch hiinilrcd ; on tin I'., 1 y Hainp*hii S.,l,y I hundred; on the W., by Cawden and the pars, of . d, Idininston, I stock, Mi'lrhi-t P.irk, Plaitford, Wint rl.oiiu Wint. ii'lsand Winterbourne-Gunner, Winter- in 1'aik lil.i iiy. ALl>Kl:ll;D.a |,ar. in the hnnd. of Eynsford, in tho N.. i folk, 10 miles to the N.W. of Norwich. I.Vi']iham is thf nearest post town. It is on thn river Wensum. I lerly included among the [losses- .i.'di.'il of Norwich. The living is a unit. ! with tho vie. of Attlebridgi', i' dioc. of Norwich, val. i'Jl'J, in the patron, of the UM h is dcdiratcd to St. John the Bapti-' mall old l.uilding with a squaretower. The ret: AI.M.Klii 'I/I', atythi; in the par.and hund. of Cran- liorn. , in tin 1 co. ot Dorset, 4 miles to the E. of I'mn- ng is a ]>crpct. cur. in the dioc. of in the patron, of ; The