Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/528

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618 CASTOR. are Ballyhcnly, South llill, Mitchelstown, ic. ]> the casil' -lit trie lie I.;us, tin -re ore remains of scveial .ml niuiul towers. Friday is the market day. Fairs are held on the 17th March, the, 1st May. and the 1st December. CA8TLETOWN-ELY, or CAST 1. 1 '.To VN-LY, a par. in the bar. of Clonlisk, Kind's County, in the jn.n . of Leinster, Ireland, near JI nicy gall. It lies in a pleasant country on the border of Tipperary. Tlio living is a rect. united with that of Dunkerrin, in the dice, of Killal 01 , Kilfeuora, Clon/ert, and Kilinacduagh. The parish church is in ruins. CASTLETOWN-KILl'ATRICK. See CASTLETOIV.N, Meath. CASTLETOWN-KINDALEN, or VASTINA, a par. in the bar. of Moycashel, in the co. of '< Btmi ath, prov. of Leinstcr, Ireland, 5 miles to the N. of Kilbeggan. It lien on the W. side of Lough Ennel, and had anciently a castle belonging to the M'Geoghegons, proprietors of the district. The land is mostly cultivated and lime- stone is abundant. The Jiving is a rect. in the dioc. of Meath, val. 483, pat. the crown. The church is of modern erection. There are a Roman Catholic chapel, and National and parochial schools. The principal seats are Ji.nn st< AMI, belonging to Sir R. Nagle, Bart., a handsome modern mansion, and Middlcton. CASTLE-TOWX-^rAUTKK.u tnshp. in the par. of Rockliff, in the ward and co. of Cumberland, 5 miles to the N.W. of Carlisle. It is situated on the banks of the river Eden, close to the Caledonian railway, on which Rockliff is a station. ('ASTLETOWMJOCIIK, a par. in the bar. of F.r- moy, in the co. of Cork, prov. of Munster, Ireland, 20 nubi to the N. of Cork, and 150 miles to the; S.W. of Dublin. It is 2 miles from a station on the I'cnnoy branch of the Great Southern and Western railway. The par. is situated in a fertile, cultivated, and beautiful country, on the banks of the river Awbcg, a tributary of the Black water, and is the site of a castle, founded by the Roches, lords of Fennoy. Sir Walter Raleigh in 1580 took Lord and Lady Roche prisoners on a charge of treason, and brought them to Cork from this castle, having surprised the garrison, who did not expect his approach. In 1650 Cromwell's troops, under Lord Broghill, besieged it. The castle was defended by Lady Roche, in the absence of her husband, and after a short resistance surrendered. The old keep is still standing. The town contains a police station, and a dispensary. The Awbcg, or " gentle Mulla," of Spencer, is crossed by a bridge of five arches, half of which is very ancient. Here are some large flour-mills. This town had the grant of a market from George II., but the privilege la disused. The living is a roct. in the dioc. of Cloyno, vol. 389, in the patron, of the bishop. The church was built in 1S25, and stands on a lull by tin Awbcg. It is a handsome edifice, with a tower and 1 'iut i- ful spire. There is a Roman Catholic chapel. The schoolmaster of this place had the honour of instructing Edmund Burke for five years, previous to his i. to Dublin. His family now resides at Ballydult'. Castle Widenham, a noble mansion with which is incorporated the keep of the old castle of the Roches, occupies the summit of a rocky and wooded hill by the river, and commands fine views over the pictn: surrounding country. I'.ut of the old walls still remain. Other seats are Annsgrove, the of Kiehard ( Annesley. anci (!1. iianore. 1'iidcr the castle hill is a holy well, dedicated to St. Patrick. i .'..--I I.I, niU'XSKXll, a vil. in the par. of ( , liar, of ('ail'. i V. -t, in the co. of Cork, prov. of Munster, Ireland, 5 miles to the S.E. of Skibl.. n < -n. It is pleasantly Mated MI the margin of < 'a-tlclnven harbour, and is visited as a v, ati Ting-]ilai 'e. In the vil- in! and police stations. It is a Hlh-]iort t-' 1'ahii .and has a small custom-house. ( townsend HOUM-, th, ,. .it ,,1'the Town and tab n in Iti'.il) by th,. I,j,h under (l'l)ii>coll, who, howev. i, did nut hold it long. <':'-tli haven church stands near this village. CASTLEYI.XTK Y, a par. partly in tho 1. Carbei , and partly in the bar. "I Ibane and 1!: in tho co. of Cork, prov. of Minuter, Jr< the N. of Ross Carbcry. It lies in a hilly and district near Carrickfadda Mountain, and was tho a fortress erected about 1300 by the Knights Tern Tho living is a vie. forming part of tho union of i-.mmore, in the dioc. of Cork, KO-S, and ('In church is a modern building in the earl;, Ruins of the old parish church stand on part of the of the Knights Templars' fortress. CASTLE WARD, one of the 6 wards or gubdi of tho co. of Cumberland, situated in tie nientary div. of the co., and bounded on the X. b jieth ward and part of tho co. of Durham, on tho E. by the North Sea, on the S. by tho river Tvnc, sepai it from the co. of Durham, and on the YV. 1 ;. ward. It is in two divisions. Tho eastern div. coi pars, of Earsdon, Horton, Long Benton, T and Wall's End, with portions of the pars, of All St. Andrew's, Gosforth, Moi].ith, and Xewlmrn. Th borough of Newcastle-upon-Tyne is locally in the eastsc div. of Castle ward. The western div. con: IKITS. of Dinnington (formerly part of Pontcland), Mel don, l'nteland, Stannington, and Whalton, of those of St. Andrew's, Bohim, Gosforth. Heddoii-aB the- Wall, St. John's, Mitford, Morpeth. This ward gives name to a Poor-law I'nion, com many of the above parishes, with some others, ward comprises an area of about 103,700 I CASTLEWARREX, a vil. in the bar. of < iowran, m the co. of Kilkenny, prov. of L'-inst.T, Ireland, ,'i milai from Gowran. CASTLEWELLAN, a small market town in the par. of Kilinegan, bar. of Upper Iveagh, in the co. f OBI prov. of Ulster, Ireland, 11 miles to the S.V Patrick, and 82 miles from Dublin. I 1 in a sheltered spot among hills, and is thriving town. A large number of ti. employed in tho extensive bleach-ground , the lin. flax manufactory, and tho yarn spinning mills, first bleach-ground was established ben in The town bos a police station and a m.u 1.- : new church was erected in 1854, at th Earl of Annosley. There are chapels Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, ai thodista, a National school, and a - with tho Church Educational S Lodge, tho pleasant seat of the Earl of Annesh y, is tit uatea at the foot of Slicve-na-lat. Thi 'sthij title of baron to that nobleman. Other sea: Ijivvn, Ansbro' Cottage, and Wood Lodi vicinity is Tullymoro Park, the sea! llodi 'ii. Monday is the market day. Fah- the second Monday in each month. ( ASTI.KW Kl(i 111', a tnsh]>. in the pur. of M hund. and co. of Montgomery, North V the S. of .Montgomery. It is on the 1 Dyke. CASTI.F.Y, a tnshp. in the par. of 1., atlili ;, Killing of the co. of York, i d' Otlcy. It is situated on tho banks of 1 CASTOX, a par. in the hund. of Wayland, in ft eo. of Xo: folk, Smiles t" (lie 8.E. of Walton. Attic boro' is n. The living is a reel.* in of X'Twich, val. l'.j, in the ]>atron. oi Esq. The church is dedicated to the Holy I 'r is a chapel belonging to the Wesleyan V, charitable endowments for the poor are worth aboi 10 a yar. ( ASTOR, a par. in tho lib. c,f 1 i ". ol X'i'itham]iton, 5 miles to the W. of Petcrboroogl| town. It is situated in a fin country, near tfc river Xen, and is a .-lation on the Xorthar rough branch of the London and North- WMtarl railway. The ]'.ar. incln uplines, of ton and Vpton, and the limit, of Aileswoiih. as its name s, was the site of a Roman