Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/554

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CHEESEBUBN-ORANGE. CHKKSKI!ri:N-<;i{AN<;K, a tnshp. in the ]>ar. of i ii iliv. of the ward i if Tindalc, ii Northumberland,!; miles from the "yl;i!ii laihvay station. Newcastle is its post town. Hall is a handsome stone building, annexed ], which is a Catholic chapel, and is occupied by E. liiddell, who is lord of the manor. ( II I.I; I'llAM. a chplry. in the par. and borough of Manchester, in the c-o. of Lancaster. It ia situated to tin N. nl Mancln -slcr, but may be said to commi in < in ManchoMiT iti-olf. The living is a rect, in the dioc. of Manchester, in the patron, of tins Dean and Chapter. The church is di dicalod to St. .Mark, mid wan, before the Rectorial Bill passed, Mindly a chapel of ease. There is another church, dedicated to St. Luke ; the living is also a rect., val. l"JjS, in the patron, of the trustees. Hero the Wcsleyans and Independents have places of worship. In Edward III.'s time this was the estate of Sir George Cheothain. and is described as a " little village to the N. of Manchester, which gave its name to the family of Cheetham." Smcdley Old Hall, which is situated in this chapelry, formerly belonged to the Cheethams. Of this family was Hum- phrey Cheetham, who is included by Fuller among his "Worthies of England." He was high sheriff of the county of Lancaster A.n. 1635, " discharging that office," says Fuller, " with so great honour, that very good gentlemen of birth and estate wear his cloth at the assize, to testify their unfeigned affection to him." Having amassed a largo property by the cotton , he loft a handsome endowment for the education of 40 boys, to be selected from the neighbouring towns, and also funds for the foundation of the tine library and

o which now adorn Manchester, lie further be-

lied 200 to purchase " godly English books," to be chained upon desks in the churches of Mam i I'.olton, and the chapels of Turton, Walmslcy, and n. His will is dated 10th December, 1651, and his trustees were made a body corporate by charter of Charles 1 1 . CHELBOROUGH, EAST, or LUCCOMBE, a par. in the hund. of Tollerford, in tho co. of Dorset, 6 miles N.E. of Beaminster, and 8 from Sherborne. On a hill in this parish arc the ruins of an ancient castle, visible from a great distance. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of nry, val. 242, and in the patron, of the Rev. K. . the incumbent. CHKLBOROUGH, WEST, a par. in the hund. of Tollerford, in the co. of Dorset, adjoining the above, of which it formerly formed part. The living is a rect. in tho dioc. of Salisbury, val. 88, and in the patron, of Lord Rolle and J. Bragge, Esq. < IIKI.lHiN, a par. in tho hund. of Witheridge, in the co. of Devon, 8 miles S. of South Molton, 5 miles N.E. of Eggesford railway station, and 3 N.E. of Chulmloigh, its post town. ' It is situated on the river Dart. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Exeter, val. 97, in the patron, of tho Eurl of Portsmouth. Tho church, dedicated toBt M iry, is a stone edifice in the i an style of architecture. Tho charities amount to 3 per annum. The Earl of Portsmouth is lord of tho < IIKI.ruKD, a ehplry. and tnshp. in tho par. of inirv, in tin 1 bund, of Macclestield, in the co. of mill's S.K. of KnuUford, 8 N.W. of Conglc- ton, and 14* N. of Crewe. It is a railway station on tho Manchester and Maeel, slicld line, the distance of the

being about 1 mile from the village. The two 

ms forming the river Peover hero unite. The living is a perpct. cur.* in tho dioc. of Chester, val. 100, in tho patron, of J. Dixon, Esq. The church, dedicated to St. in the early English style, with tower and spire. Hero is a parochial school for both sexes. The ' unt to about 30 per annum. Wilhington Hall, most, delight- fully situated, ii a handsome edifice. The chplry. of id embraces the tnshps. of Chclford and Old CU1.I.I.. i.|;i;AT and LITTLE, two tnshps. in the par. of WolManton, in the northern div. of the hund. of I'ireliill, in the co. of Staflurd, : of 1'iurslem. The inhabitants are chii ily maintained by the )>otterj. In a healthy spot in thin township is work- house tor th. Union of Bunlem and Wolstantoa. i lIKI,I,ASToN,.-t ; hund. ol !; the co. of Derby, 4 i miles S.E. of Derby. It is situated near the Grand Trunk and Derby canal. The living it a perpct. cur. in the dioc. of Lichficld, val. M>, in the n. of tho bishop. The chinch, il<-li l'i ter, is an ancient stone structure in i ni^liih style, with a handsome tower. The Baptists and Kciormed and Vcsleyan Methodists have each a place 1 1 1 re are extensive gypsum mines, which foi employment of the inhabitants. The manor-house if to have been tho birthplace of Kobin H ( II lil.l.l Mi TON, a par. in the hund. of Will- the co. of Bedford, 1 mile S.E. of Harrold, and 8 S of Bedford. It is bounded on the W. and N. by river Ouso. Tho living is a rect. annexed to the Cailtun, in tho dioc. of Ely, val. together, i':,. patron, of LordDynovor. Tho church. Saints, is a stone edifice. Here tho Bapti place of worship. The manorial rights are vested in trustees of tho Dynevor family. CHELLOW, a hmlt. in the par. of Bradford, in wap. of Morley, in the West Riding of the co. of York, > miles N.YV. ;,f Bradford. CHELMAIiSH, a div. of the hund. of Stott. sd< n, the co. of Salop. It contains tho pars, oi Chchnarsh, Glazeley, Abbot's Astle, Mm A ill, Highlcy, Sidbury, North Cleobui > Upton Cressott, Neenton, Middleton > Round, Sheinton, Avcloy, and parts of Quatt lU^I chetton, Pattingham, and (Juatford. CHELMARSH, a par. in the Cholmarsh di hund. of Stottesden, in the co. of Salop, 3$ n Bridgnorth, its post town. It is situa: . which bounds it on the E. The Si veni Valle) branch of tho West Midland railway passes village, and has a station at Bridgnorth. 'I In a vie.* in the dioc. of Hereford, val. 'J:'.">o, in tl. of Sir T. G. S. Sebright, Bart. Tl , dedicate to St. Peter, is an ancient stone edili' > ith t fine stained-glass windows. There is a V J. Nicholls, Esq., is lord of tho manor, and i Chelmarsh II ( IIKLMEH RIVER rises about 3 mi. ted, in tho co. of Essex, and runs i to the river Blackwatcr at Maldon, passing in its court through Dunmow and Chelmsford. CHELMICK, a tnshp. in tin- par. of i in the co. of Salop, 2 miles S.E. of Church Si . MIKI.MnMHSTiiN, a par. in the hund. ford, in the co. of Suffolk, 6 mile s S.K post town. It is situated on tho river < >iwi K. mouth. The Great Eastern milv. miles of the village. The living is a net.* in of Norwich, val. i':(-!7, in the patron, ot cellor. The church, dedicated to St. Andrew, ; rii nt edifice. The register is modern, 17-'7 earliest date. The Weslr-yans and I', and there is a National school. A trade ; scptaria for Roman cement, which is dredged o sea off Harwich. .7. Bcrncrs, Esq., is loM rllKL.MoKTOX. a chplry. in ll in the hund. of lli-h IVak, in the co. of Der! S.V. of Tidcswell.aml 7 V. of BakeweU. It i : at the foot of a high hill. The inhabitai pally engaged in the ribbon manufacture. Tin a perpct. cur. in the dioc. of Lichtield, val I,' 1 -, in tli patron, of tho Vicar of Haki -well. The chin catcd to St. John the Baptist, is a stone building withate spire, built in the year 1111. The 1ml a place of worship, which is sometimes us<d by tl Methodists. There is a parochial school, to per annum was bequeathed by William Brockletor about 1792. In the neighbourhood arc two bin opened in 1782 being 80 yards in circuit, and it: wlm