Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/578

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608 CHISLETT. patron. of the bishop. The church contains monuments to several members oflhr Myddleton family, the chief 'of which is one to Sir Thomas Myddleton, the clistiiif; commonwealth leader in tin 1 Civil War. In the onurch- yiird are several line old amount to 114 per nunum. In the vieinity is a fine castellated mansion, tii .it ofiho Mydd' It was originally built by linger .Mortimer, in the reign of Edwaril I., on the Bite of a more ancient fortress, called Castle Grogen, near the Berwyn hills, on the line of Offa'o Dyke, which runs about a mile from the village. After passine; through the, hands of the Fitz- Alans, Stanleys, and others, i i lie property of Lord St. John, who sold it to Sir Thomas Myddloton, afterwards Lord Mayor of London, in whoso family it still remains. It was taken by the royalists in lOHi, and wards by General Lambert, in Hi ">(>, who demolished a por- tion of the building. The castle, which was subsequently restored, is a square building, surrounding a quadrangle 160 feet by 100, and containing an oak gallery 100 feet in length, defended at each of the angles by a mas- sive bastion tower ; in the interior are several fin apartments, a chapel, and a gallery of pictures, with several good family portraits. In the tnshp. of Brynki- nalt, on the river Dee, is the fine mansion of Lord Dungannon, recently rebuilt in the pointed style of architecture. Chirk is a meet for the Vynnstay hounds. Fairs for the sale of cattle, &c., are held on the 10th February and J.unc, and the 12th August and No- vember. CHIRM, a ril. in the tnshp. of Wingatcs, in the co. of Northumberland, 4 miles S.E. of Eothbury. CHIRNSIDE, a par. in the district of the Merse, in the co. of Berwick, Scotland. It is a burgh of bar< n , containing a vil. of the samo name, 9 miles N.W. of Berwick, and 60 from Edinburgh. It has a station on the Dunso branch of the North British railway. The parish is bounded on the N. by the Uillymiro burn, and on the S. and W. by the Whitadder. Churasido Hill, a spur projecting from the Lammennoor hills, is re- markable for the great extent of its summit, and its gradual decline towards the Whitadder. The Rev. Heury Erskino, father of the Erskines who founded the Secession, was minister hereaftcrthe Revolution of 1688. This parish is the seat of a prcsb. in the synod of Merse and Teviotdale, and is in the patron, of Innes of Parsons- green. The stipend of the minister is 300. There is a Free church at Allanton; also United Presbyterian and Reformed Presbyterian churches at Chimside. It has an annual fair in November. CHIRTON, a tnshp. in the par. of Tynemouth, in the eastern div. of Castle ward, in the co. of Nor- thumberland, 1 mile W. of Shields; it is a station on the Newcastle and Tynemouth line. The river Tyuo passes through the tnshp., which is decreasing in popu- lation, owing to the collieries being worked > CHIRTON. See CMEKRISOTOX, co. WilU. CHISELBOROUGH, a par. in the hund. of Hounds. borough, in the co. of Somerset, 4 miles from the Crew- kerne station of the London and Exeter direct line, and 5 W. of Yeovil. It is situated on the river Parret. The living is a root.,* annexed to which is the cur. of West Chinnock, in the dioc. of Bath and Wells, in tin- patron. of the Earl of Egremont. The church, dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul, is a fine edifice in the Norman and early English stylos of architecture ; the nave was restored in 1M2. The register commences in ' II r it a 'i !'-van place of worship, and a school sup- ported by the re lord of the manor is J. M. Uiiantock, Esq. There is a fair for horses and on tli> in October. CH1SELDON, or CHISI.KIIOX. a par. in the hund. of Kingsbridge, in the co. of Wilts, 8 miles S. of lli<;h- worth, and 4 from (lie Swindon railway station. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Salisbury, val. 17.'!, in the i' II. ('alley. I'sq. The church, ded ; to tli.- Holy Ci.iss, is a plain edifice, lately restored, and ..liniments to tin- Call. and Mellish families. The Methodists and Primitive Methodist* manor have places of worship 1 and there is a school for both i i. charities produce si 12 a year. T. Calli lord of ti Burdrop Park contains a mbstantial stone edil, is the seat of II. ( ( HI8ELHAMPTON, a par. in the bund. . in tin: eo. . mile, N. V, and 7J S.E. of Oxford. It i, situated . '. Thames. Tie a railway passe- fcw miles of the village, and 1 : . ; t .. road. The 1: . wn9K n. val. !"> Iher 1U^B the dioc. of ( Ixfonl, in the patron, of ( '. I chui-ch, de-dint' d to St. .M.ny, is a modern M^l Chiselliainiiton Lodge, a hand .011:1 mansion ofjH brick, with stone pilasters and i urro^^^H a park of 24 acres, was foiTnerly tie family, but is now the property of C. 1'eei -., I is lord of the manor, and recorder of II Thames. CHISELllI'RST. a ],ar. in the hund. of Ruxlw, lathe of Sutton-at-llono, in the co. of Kent, :) miles E. of Bromley, and 2 from the St. Mary ('ray rail 1 station, on the Chatham and Dover line. It ; situated on the high road between lin. The manor formerly belonged to the. WaUinghi Scadbury (now a farmhouse), where Sir Franc sin^ham, Secretary of Si ite to (Jueen Klizabc Loul Keeper Bacon, were born. The living is in the dioc. of Canterbury, of the val. of ,eiti7, patron, of the Bishop of V, There a district church at Sidi -up, the living of w a pcrpet cur.,* of the val. of 150, in tin rector. The parish church, dcditat> d to St. N is a handsome Hint ediliee, with tower and sp fine peal of bells. The body of the church is in condition, and the tower and spire new, ; having been destroyed by fire in ls.">7. In iheehj are monuments t<> the ]!(.rti> .-, Wai laston, Sir Philip Warwick, and other e-, ' register dates from 1658. The charii: about 40 per annum. Tiv Catholics have chapels, and there :. for both sexes, and also infant scho< dences are Frognals, the elegant seat who inherits the manor through tli. Pheasant Grove, the scat of Lord Vi lato eminent Chief Justice of the Comn. was raised to the peerage for his serviers on t| ; and Camdcn Place, now the property of the Marquis of Camden, where the the annals of Queen Elizabeth, and died in 1' Camden Park may be so tecture which is commonly called the Demosthenes, or choragic monument of 1 fair is held on Wednesday alter Vhii CllISKM:ri;V, a tythg. in the par. of 1 the co. of Wilts, 8 miles W. of 1 situated on the river Avon, near which occupied a site of 5 acres, and is ;}!!."> circuit. Tlio chief lesidenee i - ( 'hi-enhnry I 1 C11ISHAI.!,, (1KKAT, a par. ii i Sailron Valdc-n. The Hitcliin i.iilway j.assi ~ within a I a station al living is a vie. in the dioc. ol the patron, of J. Wilkes, Esq. '1 'ill" produce '> per annum. CIIISHAI.I., UTTI.K, a par. in the eo. ol above, 1 mile to the. S. of Civut ( hisliail. 'I . holas. is a reel, annexed to that ot 1|. i CMISI.K'I"!', a jiar. ill the- hund. of : of St. Augustine, in the co. of Kent, i is! town, and 10 from : ted on the i ivc.r Stoiir. :i miles from the Cir tation ol the Soiith-Ka.-ti-rn line-. Th>- liv a vie".* in the dioc. of Canterbury, val. i'JIil, in patron, of the archbishop. The church, dedicated to I