Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/594

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CLAPTON, LOAVI.K. 584 CLARK. ton, in the hund. of Norton Ferris, in tho CO. of Somerset, 2 mill's K. Hi' Wincan: ( :|,.U'T(JN, M >WKK, a limit, in St. James'sdi in the par. of Hackney, in the Tower div. ol 'tho hund. of Oasulstone, in tho co. of Middlesex, 3.i miles I N.N.K. "I St. Paul's. It is within the" County Court district of Hai -kney, ami the north-eastern postal division, and is now a suburb of the city of London, containing about 3,000 inhabitants. Near the Lea Bridge i.: of the d lailway is a large india-rubber manufactory. Until recently it was a pretty rural spot, chiefly inhabited by wealthy London merchants. Tim houses are mostly old, but well built. Here arc St. John's Foundation School for the sons of clergyinen, and Hackney Grammar School in connection with King's College, London. Brook House, the ancient scat of the Earls of Northumberland, is now a lunatic asylum. CLAPTON, UPPER, a hmlt. in tho par. of Hackney, Tower div. of tho hund. of Ossulstonc, in the co. of Middlesex, 4 miles to the N.N.E. of St. Paul's. It is a flourishing suburban district, studded over with pleasant villa residences, extending from tho banks of the river Lea on tho E. to Stoke Nowington Common on tho W., where it is bounded by Hackney Brook ; on the S. it adjoins Lower Clapton at tho obelisk facing the Lea Bridge-road, and on tho N. W. it unites with Stamford Hill, in which district it is partly included. There is a proprietary chapel, and a chapel belonging to tho In- dependents. CLAPTON WICK, a tjrthg. in the par. of Portbury, in the co. of Somerset, 6 miles N.W. of Bristol. CLAKA, a quoad acra par.,jpost and market town, in the bur. of Kilcoursey, in King's County, prov. of Leinstcr, Ireland. It contains tho quoad rivilia pars, of Kilmanaghan and Kilbride, in the union of Ardnurcher. The general aspect of the country is flat and boggy, and the soil for the most part is bad. The living is a cur. in the dioc. of Heath, val. with Kilmanaghan, 91, in the patron, of the crown. The church was built by Edward Armstrong, Esq., in 1770. There arc places of worship for Baptists and Wesleyan Methodists, besides three Roman Catholic chapels, and thirteen day schools. Situated between the town and Moato-Grenogue is tho groat moving bog Kilmalcady. Tho town is neatly built on the banks of the river Brosna and the Grand canal, at the cross-roads from Kilbeggan to Banaghor, and from Athlone to Tullamoro. It is about 61 miles from Dublin by road, or 65 by the Athlone branch of the Great Southern and Western railway, which has a station at Clara. It may also bo approached riii tin Midland Great Western, which has a station at Moate. Tho inhabitants arc principally employed in tho cotton and linen trades. Hero are large corn-mills, a bleach- ground, loan-fund, dispensary, and police station. I'. It y sessions are regularly held here. About a mile from the town is the scene of tho assassination of tho Earl of Norbury, in 1839, within his own demesne, 1 1 11 1 n.w Abbey ; other scats in the neighbourhood are (lira House, Kilclaro, and Kilcoursey. The market day is Wednesday for corn. Fairs are held on tho 6th January, 1st February, 25th March, 12th May, -".'th Juno, 25th July, 26th September, and 1st November. CLARA, a par. in the bar. of Gowran, in the Kilkenny, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 4 miles E. of Kil- kenny, its post town. It lies near tho kinks of the river Nore. The soil is good. The living is a vie. annexed to that of St. John's, Kilkenny, in the patron, of tho crown. Here is a Roman Catholic chapel and two day schools. Tin- i-liief resiliences in tin- neighbourhood are Clara C'astlo and Clifden, the scat of Viscount Clifden. CLAKA. a valley in the co. of Wicklow, pr. Ix'inster, Ireland ; it is a spot of extreme beauty, situated nt the meeting of several streams known us Avonmorc, and is < Moore in his "Meeting of tin Waters." It stretches from Glenalough to the Avoca, ami forms part of the roiul from Lnra^h to I: iihdrum. In the vicinity are the woods of Clambeg and Bally- gam i ' I . A 1 ; A IJEG, a demesne near the town of Ruthdmm, in tho CO. of Wicklow, prov. of I.einsti r, Ireland. It joins Ballygannon m u tin V CLARA-BRIDGE, or ri..i;KN-l',i;ilH;i:. a vil. in the par. of Stradhally, ku. of llunkellin, in 1 (tulway, prov. of Connaui^ht, Ireland; on the road b'-twiin (ialway and ' iHillchure of the Moyvilla into (ialway ll.iy. neighbourhood is Tyrone House, t !'. St. George, Esq. A monastery wa- by the Redlingtons of Kilcorran, tin village. Fairs are held on the th ^ Thui February, August, and November, and tin tirst Thun- dayafui the r.'th May (olds: CLARACH, a tnshp. in the par. . in tho hund. of Geneur Ulynn, in the co South Wales. It is situated near Aborystwith, mi the river Clarach. CLARBESTON, a par. in the hund. of Dun-! the co. of Pembroke, 5 miles N.W. of Narhcrth, |_j from Haverfordwost, its post town. There i i The living is a pcrpot. cur. in the dioc. val. 60, in tho patron, of tho executors < Phillips, Esq. There is a school situated onanemi which is exactly in the centre of tho hundred. CLARE, a par. in the hund. of liishrid^e, of Suffolk, 16 miles S.W. of Bury St. I of 1 lavcrhill, and 9 N.W. of Sudbury, i: nearest railway station. This is a place of great ^H quity, having been a frontier town East Anglia. Here are tho remains of a fnrtlc, Q|MH site of which Earl Aluric, in Canute's time, foundj^H chapel, afterwards made a cell to Bee in Nonnudfl Gilbert de Clare, son of Richard de Tonbridge, to n^H William the Conqueror . . vhich a^^l 95 lordships. It was aftcnva i Hciwird III. to his son Lionel, with the tit.' a title which has ever since becoim royal family. There are likewi Augustine priory, founded in l'J4S who removed the chapel to Stoke, and also f ; 1 J friary. It is now a market town and polling ij^^^H the western division of the county. Tie in the dioc. of Ely, val. 245, in the piitr Duchy of Lancaster. The church. >i Peter and Paul, is a handsome anci perpendicular style, and was repaired ii larged in 1851. It contains an eight-.- and a fine lectern. The Independents an<! places of worship, and schools have for boys, girls, and infunK The town v. gas in 1853, and possesses a cornexeh u site of tho market-cross, a literary i station, where tho petty sessions are held is Monday, and there are fairs on Easter Tuc.-. Jflth.luly. CLAR'E, a quail. T i,, the ]...; -ugh of T ton, in the co. of Devon. S > CLARE, a lib. in tho par. of Pirt in ; Oxford, 2 miles N. of Watlington. CLARE, a sea-side co. in tho prov. of Mu land, is situated between 52" 30' IV and '.>" HO' W. Imifr. Ii the X. by (ialway, on the K. b Till)- by Linieri' -.W. by Ken-y, and 01 the Atlantic. In form it res. mldes a trianir'- the (ialway and Ti|i)]:ay frontier n. the base, (iahv:,y Hay and tho estuary of II.

her two side-, and Loop-Head the

greatest length, fi i Ixmp-IIcad t" I and its great ist bi- Shannon to (ialwa, about .'(."> miles. It JM.'I mill's, of which more than 140 are coast-li aiea is about 1, '-'!!! square mile-, or E which only about one' half i.s cultivated, in 18' -'7-"i, showing a decrease ' 46,165, or 2173 lrnnt.; while the dec ircd with 1M1 was 7:!,S.'il, or There has been u corresponding d. of inhabited houses to the extent of 13,458,