Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/616

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CI.ON1 (I, rkot town, in the ban. ., and Clankelly, in tlir ens. -d. Jt i. and Knniskillcn railway, and is tin: r line, whi it with I'n r Kin on the S V. In :._rc of hills mi tin- X. ami N.K., which it inch. if I,.. Hull l.llli. Tin --ai!.:c>- i,- na well tiinl . .small

. -in rally c . ! irly in tho

vii-inity of tin- town. The bog, which fonm ily ezt .i. considerable ]>ortion of tin- parish, is I; uiiig, and ! ed and cultivated. That part Mthe palish which in within tho bur. of Clankelly con-

Kosslea and -Maglicruvcely ; that within

. Smithsborough. Tin: livi; ;.ainl ir. in the ili'ii.-. nf ( -s val. l,IH(j, in tho -i. nl Sir 'I'. 11. I. ' it. The church stands in tin tnwii und is of i . built by aid of a loan from the lato Board of First Fruita. I; mly much enlarged and beautilhdliy tin exertions of the Uev. Thomas Hand, the rector, and is now, with its < chancel window and handsome organ, wm-thy of such a pariah. 'I it' ease, one at Clough and iiiintlii r t Aghadrumscc, the curates of which are liy tin; rector of the ]irit-h; also meeting-houses lor DM and Smiths! I :oman iiaiM-ls ut < .'ossloa, and MaL'ln ravecly, ami numerous schools. The town I to tho M' Millions, and is within thr Daitry section of the parish. It is situated ids from Monoghan to Bclturbet. and from KnnUkillen to Cort.hiil, 1 mil-s X.V. - 'lie census of 1861 it conipii-id lls In. ii. os, inhabited by a population of 2,388; of whom 1,311 were returned saBQmaa Catholics, 937 Kstal Church, 108 Presbyterians, and 32 Methodists. Tin- town is composed of five streets, and notwithstanding that many of tho houses are still thatched, it has a -lily thriving appearance, but from its position is capable of further improvement. The principal building! stand in the market-place, which is in tho form of a triangle, with a stone cross in th" centre, of i Mianship. Jt is tin' chief seat of a constabulary unl quarter anil petty sessions arc regularly held in tho town, which has a handsomo court-house and bridewell. Hero are also a bank, dispensary. Ml, und workhouse. Tho principal industry is connected with the manufacture of crochet lace, so v introduced in 1850 by Mrs. Hand, and which, though deelining in value, still supports nume- rous families. The market for agricultural produce is , and there are several extensive corn-mills, also an Mimdry at Stone Bridge. The Poor-law Union of Clones has in Monughan and Fermanagh 8 el. < divisions with 18 guardians. Its ancient name was C'/iian- Innii ("Island of Retrvat " ). Near tho town an tin ruins of an abbey, alleged to have boon founded in the dth century by St. Tieiny, tho second bishop aft- .1 k. According to tradition, ho died of tho plague and was buried in Cluanois church ; (lie manor still bean his name, and is tho property of Sir Thomas Barrett nil. Mart. Tin TO are also the walls of a chapel, and an enclosed ci nn o iv, with a round tower, and i- curious monuments. ] u the vicinity arc some earth- works of supposed antiquity ; the ]>riiieipal one is a steep mound surround. iirco market days in tin- week- V. .lne*day and

i, ami Thursday for ;

purposcs. Fairs are IK Id on the last Thnnd 'Xl'Ali, orCI.i iNKAI)Ku):.,,i jir. in the bar. Uiillagh, in the e... ot . , ., i,, ],,-, lV . of Ix-in- - to the V. o| I;,., l town. 'I

  • nor '" nd marble quarrii I he living

is a rcct. in tho dioc. of Jf. .ith, val. 1.51), in the patron. of tho bishop. Tho Unman Catholic chapel is that of Milltown. 'I are three day schools. denoes ore n, Newcastle, T Guild: ( l.i iN'l-'KAi I ,rtly inthoco. of Armagh, but chiefly in ; T;,, i .V. of Armagh. The surface fa pic turesr|uely dr very i At. r the viK of lilackwatcrtown, llcnbiirb, Clou: I), rry.-eoll'.p, tho three first being j.o par. was the scene of three I the great rebel, the 1 killed .il ol Kildaie.who commanded li tori,'- ..1, win n 'I ; was defeated by tin- Loi d-I >. putv ,M n: in llill, during tin ' .Monroe was completely routed by the < ' occasion the castle of Bcnburb was dismai. liviin Trinity College, Dublin. Tho incom, , is 770, and from glebe land -V_'ii. Th. Clonfeacle is situated in the il. of I'., n : th* co. of Tyrone. Besides tho parish chin eh ti district churches, one in >l Ionian Catholic rhupels are both co. of Tyrone, one in t in the town of Moy Tin - a met^^H l.iirh. There arc 1m;. Church Kducati' :inl one under ti Board. The glebe-house is situated in tin: tnwnlx^^l Tobermesson, but in tho par. of Cloni. ' -d^H man first abbot, whi. h nn-hed the n. / .'. "The Church of tho Tooth;" it h . that a tooth of St. Patrick from this i C|."NKKUT,apar. in tin 1 of Galway, ; nnaught, In I md, 1 ; of Eyrecourt. The parish i :<ang nearly :>o,000 acres on the banks of the river 8hu: tho Grand canal. Its population , I and a largo portion of tin surface is co- In 688, St. Brendan is r hero, which was aft . ' an ^^^^H .pricing ,'ts paii.-ln .. or 17 I are unions. . which is in i Armagh, is now united to the sees and Kilmacduagh, but retains il cstabli I dean, an i The cathodi by lii-hop Paw serres for the parish church. Th 341, separate from the revenue of the see,' mi 7,794 acres of 1 in i ( 'atholic diocese, sufl'rngan to Tuam the 12th May, the 12th August, and tin J-. CLOU - TIMMTV ( UltlSTl HI par. in t Huhallow, in tin of .Minuter, Inland. It issituat.-d at tin the rivers Allua and liallua.tii! o post tov 'iiurk nki-t. The surf.n-e i.. .i hi' imlifl, i through tho Bogra mountan iC. ill tin- li: n. of the lii.-hep. 'I ,rol " ( !. rioil and Pal of Co: i in- built in 1830 by a tin Lite I". .Mei-lin. ai d l;..i -kliill, which an- mutually united, Kanturk. 1. a Sunday an within the i ably worked Qn About two miles i ruins of C'arrigacushin C***>,'