Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/622

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CLOOXKV. 612 CLOPTOX. CLOONEY, or CLOI'XEY, a lr. in the bar. of , in tin- eo. of ( 'larc, pi-ov. of Minister, Ireland, 1 mils to the S.E. of Enniitymon, ; very liilly, u large proportion is in pasture. In tho soil is good, on a bottom of whinstone rock. Tho k is traversed by tho road from the post town Ennistymori to Corroiin and Knnispass, and by tho river Fursctt, with its tributarii -s. The living is a vie. in tho dioc. of Kilfcnora, val. with Kiltoraght, l'7t, in the patron, of the bishop. The Roman Catholic is also united to that of Kiltoraght, and there are throe hedge schools within the parish. CLOONEY. ri.O.NKY. , i ( I.ONIF., a par. in the bar. of Upper Bunrutty, in the co. <.! .v. of Munster, Ireland, 4 n V of Uuin. Tho sur- lias much bog and hilly ground ; the arable jKirtions consist of soil of a medium quality. Load- i Ballyliskey. The par. contains tho vil. of Spancolhill, and is intersected by the road from Ennis to Killaloo. Tho living is a vie. in the dioc. of Killaloo, val. with IJuin, the post town, 279, in the patron, of the bishop. Tho Roman Catholic chapel is united to those of (Juin and Dowrie. There are two hedge schools. Clooncy House, standing near tho old castle, is a handsome mansion ; other seats are ( .'astleview, Toonagh, Dangan- ville, Wellpark, (.'m-bally, Clossagh, and some others. The old church and castle are in ruins. CLOONEY, a lough in the co. of Donegal, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, about 7 miles to the X. W. of < il. CLOONFAUIIXA, a hmlt. in the bar. of Ballymoe, in the co. of Galway, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, 3 miles S.E. of Ballymoe. CLOONFARIS, a hmlt. in the bar. of Tia.iuin, in the i ... df Cialway, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, 4 miles to thi' K. of N.-wtown Bellow. CLUU N 1 I N LOUGH, a par. in the and co. of Eos- common, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, 1 mile to the S. 'own. Tho surface is diversified with hill and lake ; the principal summit being Slievebawn, which rises 857 feet above the level of the sea. It includes the limits, of, Cloonfinlough, and some others. Tho road from Roscomuion to Strokestown traverses the parish. The living is a suspended vie. in tho dioc. of Elphin, united to the vie. of Clontuskert. There is a Roman Catholic chapel within this parish, and four hedge schools, but no church. The principal residenc, . are Mount Pleasant, Cloonftnlough I<odge and Cottage, ' o House, and Fair Valley Ixxlge. CLOONFU8H, a hmlt. in the bar. of Clare, in the co. of Galway, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, 2 miles from Tuam. <'1,OONISH, a harbour in the bar. of Baliinahinch, in the co. of Galway, prov. of Connaught, Ireland. It lies on the western sea-board of Joyce country. Mr. N in imo erected a pier hero to facilitate the export of turf. CLOONKEEN, there are four limits, of this name in tho co. of Galwav, prov. of Connaught, Ireland. CLOONKEENCLARE, a hmlt. in th I'.ally- iniic, in the co. of Galway, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, 3 miles from Nowtown Bellew. < 'I.OONLARA, a vil. in the lower div. of the bar. of Tulla, in the co. of Clare, prov. of Munstcr, Ireland, 3 s.v. of 1 1' Hi-;, u, i, i ;,. i I.OONLARA, a hmlt. in the bar. of Ballymoc, in 00. of Galway, Ireland, 3 miles N. of Glennamaddy. CLOONLOGflEK, a par. in the bar. of Drumal in the co. of Leitrim, prov. of Connaught, Ireland. It is situated within a short distance of Manor-Hamilton, at the embouchure of the rivers Shannon and Fergus. Tho surface consists of good soil, with limestone and much upland. The living is a vie. in the ilioe. of . val. with Killiiughty, 'J77, in the patron, of the bi partly i, as titular " Abbots of Cloon- 1.1 is the seat nf the O'Donnclls. "UNI.OMSKArX, there are two vils. of this name in the co. of ('lure, prov. of .Munstcr, In ithin 3 miles of Tulla, and the other 3 miles N. of Kilrush. CI.uoXI.unJH, a small hike 12 mil. s t of K.nmarc, in the southern part of th' prov. i mil. ( I.I H INM ON, a hmlt. in 1' c.i. of <ialway, prov. of Connau<_'h1, lului'l. X.'W. of Tuam. ( I.UU.N.MIIKK, theiv arc tin., hmlts. of this name in the cos. of (ialway, .Mayo, and Rosconiinon. I l.ui INNAQEO, a vil.'in tlie bar. .-1 I'pper the co. of Claro, prov. of Minister, In land, mflc .i: CLOOXoiJlllI.I., a ,, :lr . !lll( l vil. iii the bar. of Cor ran, in t milcstotheS.VA'. of] consists of good arable land, with a proportion of boj some limestone. It is bounded on ; Awinmorc, and is traversed by the nil I to Tobercurry. It contains Lnuirh Clo, , tho hmlt. of Bunnanaddnn. The living is a vie. 1 dioe. of Achonry, and forms part of the 1 bishop. Thci the castle of the 1C 1 oghs, who founded a monastery in 1 I'," 1 , < .f which aain. CLOOXPROHUS. a hmlt. in tho bar. of In, connor, in the co. of Kerry, Ireland, 4 miles If, Listowel. CLOONTEEN, two hmlts. of this nun bar. of Dunmorc, in tho co. of Galway, Ireland, a miles to the N.W. of Tuam; tho othi Roscommon, prov. of . In land, 4J nfl - K. of Carrick-on-Sli:um ,M. .| t 1 of tho Marquis of Y--imc, iili. 1 -l.ui IVITSKKKT. at CIA 'I >N l'VIS( Alt, the bar. of Ballintober South, in the eo. of I prov. of Connaught, Ireland, 7 miles i.. ih. > common. The parish, which is partly bonl. river Shannon and Lough i ' luM portion of bog, with a poor soil. It is ti r. i -, : I; great road between Lanesborough contains the vils. of ( 'lontu>l living is a suspended vie. in the dioc of Kl to Clonfinlough. There are thn ing to Archdall a monastery was i Faithlec, which passed into th< ' Kamlli and entirelv disappeared after the 1 ' CLOONTY8HAXE, a hmlt. in the bar. of Bo* clogher, in the co. of Leitrim, Ireland, 11 mi N. of Manor- Hamilton. CLOONYCARNEY, n hmlt. in th< ragh.ii . i miles to tie s.V. of Eukr. Cl.uuXV(,ul;Mlc.N. ,,, A l;l)( 'l.AHK, a par. n the bar. of Ballymoe, in the co. of I. Connaught, Ireland, (i miles to the N W. Strokestown is its post town. 'I principally of pasture, with a lit!!- ^:nrton Is. The living is a vie. in tie others, liil', in t!ic patnn: nli .(; built in 17'J(t. n.^ : ease, bj Charles Hawkes, Esq., of Itriarlield. II Catholic chapel, united to tho>e ol (Jlinsk mid liallymoi' and thi school," in t CIiOPIIII.L, a j.rir.'in the bun . of Bedford, K mile, S ,.| Bedford, and 3 I its post town and railway stati.'ii. It i- Ivel, a tributary to the river ( li, rect.* in the dioc. of Ely, val. 111!-', in th. patron, o: Enrl de (ircy. Th rebuilt in 1S48. It is a handsel: There is a Xational school. Earl manor. II- n n priory, a i remains of the old cast!, i, i tin All'ini at Ci^^^l The tower and nave of the old chin standing tin 'purpose of performing burial Id per annum, applied to the npun of the church. The poor's land produces about 34 annum, and the common rights about 18, which i tributed to the poor. CLOPTON, a par. in the himd. of Carlford, co. of Suffolk, 3J miles X.W. of Woodbridgc,