Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/636

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COLD WELL. 626 COLKIUIM: - rape of Arundel, in the co. of Sussex, 4 miles 8.E. of l'i -(worth, iiml 2 S.V. of the Pulborough elation of the Mid-Sussex line. It is situated on the river Arun, ;iinl contains the tythg. of Watersfield. The livin g is a cur. * in the dioc. of Chiohestcr, val. 56, in the patron, ol tin ]>. The register commences with tip year 15GO. i 1 1 1 , 1 ) WELL, a tnshp. in the par. of Kirkwhelping- ton, in the co. of Northumberland, 9 milea 8.W. of Kothbury, and 1 J N.E. of Kirkwhclpington. The Duke of Northumberland is the owner of the soil. COLD WKSK IN, a par. and tnshp. in the hund. of Lower Munslow, in the co. of Salop, 6 miles N. of Lud- low, its post town. There is no village and the parish contains only 670 acres. The living is a reel, in the dioc. of Hereford, val. 100, in the patron, of F. H. Corne- wall, Esq. The church is an ancient stone structure. COLE, a hmlt. in the par. of Pitcombo, in the co. of Somerset, 2 miles S.W. of Uruton. COLE, a tythg. in the par. of St. Paul, Malmesbury, in the co. of Wilts, 1 mile S. of Malmesbury. COLE, a tributary of the river Tame, rising on the N.W. border of Warwick. COLEBATCH, a tnshp. in the par. of Bishop's Castle, in the co. of Salop, 1 mile 8. of Bishop's Castle. COLEBROOK, a par. in the hund. of Crediton, in the co. of Devon, 4 miles W. of Crediton, its post town and railway station. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Exeter, val. 200, in the patron, of the dean and chapter. The church, dedicated to St. Mar)', is an old building. In this parish are ruins of the five chapels of Coplestone, Land's Head, Hoi-well, Hooko, and Wolm- stone. There are parochial schools for both sexes. The charities produce 8. COLEBROOK, or DIH'MANY.a river rising on the borders of Monaghan, Ireland, which, after a course of 2o miles, falls into Lough Eme. On its banks are Brooke- borough, Maguiresbridge, and Lisnaski COLEBROOKDALE, a hmlt. in the par. of Brpseley, in the co. of Salop, 1 mile N. of Brosclev. It is situ- ated on tho river Severn, under the Wrekin, and is rich in iron, coal, limestone, and other minerals. The glen is crossed by a handsome cast-iron bridge, erected in 1779. It has a span of 100 feet, with a rise of 40 feet, and -weighs 380 tons. COLEBURY, a tythg. in the par. of Eling, in the co. of Hants, 4 miles W. of Southampton. COLEBY, a par. in the higher dir. of tho wap. of Boothby Graffo, parts of Kesteven, in tho co. of Lin- coln, 6J miles 8. of Lincoln. It is situated upon the Roman road Ermine Street, and to the E. of the rivor Brant. Tho living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Lincoln, val. 126, in tho patron, of Oriel College, Oxford. The church, dedicated to All Saints, i* partly in tho Norman and jjartly in tho early English stylos of architecture, with several additions of later date, and is in good repair. It possesses a beautiful spire ami font. The charities amount to 6 per annum. The Wealeyans have a chapel, and there are free scho< both sexes. Coleby Hall, the residence of G. Bland . is tho property of Sir Charles Tempest, Bart., who is lord of the manor. It is a handsome mansion in tho Elizabethan style, and possesses a temple, by Sir W. Chambers, in imitation of that of Romulus and Remus, at Rome, and also one in tho Doric style to the Earl of Chatham's memory. Roman remains have been found here. COLEBY, a hmlt. in tho par. of AY. M I [alt. m, in tin- northern div. of tho hund. of Manlcy, parts i in the co. of Lincoln, 8 miles W. of Barton-on-Huml . V. It is situated near tho creek at tho mouth of the river Trent. COLKIiAU', or PORTINGSCALE, a tnshp. in tin par. of Crosthwaite, in tho wnrd of Alln-dale- 1 Derwent, in tho co. of Cumberland, I. 1 , mile X.W. of Keswick, ita post town. The heights "command good vii-wM o( tho Bassenthwaite and IK-rwent lakes. i .l-'.KN", a hmlt. in the bar. of Leyny, in the co. of Bligo, Ireland, 2 miles from Aclare. COLEFORD, a market town and district par. in the par. of Xewland, hund. of St. liriavol's, in 11 Gloucester, 4 miles I, ,.( Monmoiith. It is situated a Dean Forest, near Offa's Dvke, and .. lf>43, of a skirmish between Lord II. Roundheads, in which the latter wen; dispel town is small, but well built, with a market-! schools. It is one of the polling-places for the onnntr and a petty sessions town. The inhabit:. employed in tho collieries and iron-mines. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Gloucester and l!i : 160, in the patron, of tho bishop. The old ch destroyed in the ( ivil War, and not rebuilt till of Queen Anne. The present church is a stoi with tower, dedicated to St. John. The In-i- Baptists, and Wesleyans have places of woi ^^^^ schools. The market day is r'riday. Fairs for cattle and wool are held on tin L'Oth the last Friday in August. i i >I,EFORD, a limit, in tho par. of Kilnv tho co. of Somerset, (i miles X. W. of Fron is a cur. in the dioc. of Hath and Wells, val. 1 the patron, of the . ( nl.KHAM, a tnshp. and chplry. in the boj Shrewsbury, in the co. of Salop, 1 mile from Tho living is a cur. in tho dioc. of Lii -hlield, in patron, of tho Earl of Tankerville. COLEHILL ; there are two limits, of this name in the co. of Longford, Ireland, 4 n mahon ; the other in the co. of Meath, 3 miles 8. Innfield. < < iLEMAN'S LEAP, a ravine near the of Killarney, in the co. of K" t M land; so called from the tradition that a n Coleman leaped th mar out in the solid stone which bear the impressions of hum COLEMERE, a tnshp. in Rllpsmore, the co. of Salop, 2 mil- COLK.MdKi:, or mi. MKI;, a ; East Meon (upper haltl, in th- < I Hi: N.W. of Pctersfield, and 6 S. of Alton. It is pleasantly situated n.,u v ad pw 868868 some I- ni ry. Th the dioc. of Winchester, val. with Dean annexed, 650, in the pad The church is a small building, wit ' National school. Sir Janv greater part of tho land, which is pi OOLE-ORTON, apar. in th.- hu- ilowofc, in tho co. of Leicester, 9 miles W. of I and 2 E. of Ashby-do-la-Zouch, it situated near the Leicester railw .mwool The living is a reel.* in borough, val. 207, in the patron II. Bean- mont, Bart. The church, dedicati d t a stone edifice, with a fine spin', and contains tool* of the Beaumont family. It has been re< stored, and possesses a handsome stained-gla from Rouen ; also one by Han i man of t 1 tion. The floor of tho chancel is laid stone screen, . i. -t. d t-' t; William Sherwin, Esq., separate- the 1 it of th. widow of Archbishop I font given by the parishioners. II- n- 'h sexes, with a hospital for founded by Thomas Viscount lloaum -<nt in IT are several small charities. Cole-Oi' -n Hall, Sir(!. lieaumont, is a : and has bei much improved by tin- addition of an the seats in tho grounds are c ntrraved worth's productions, and lines t-. --nt. < ul.i; I'AKK. a iythg.intl bury, in tin co. ol Wii: '-ury. ERAINE, a bar. in the co.ol of Ulster, IP land. Tho Ail i of Antrim and the libs, of Col. -rain- on the r the bar. of Loughinsholin on the S., and that of Ke- tiy