Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/650

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CON DOVER. 640 CONGBE8BTTOY. divs. ; the former containing the pars, of Oond Church I'lilvri 1 . Leebotwood, Long- Stapli-ton. Sutton, Woolstoston, and 8t Chad, St. Julian, and Moole-Brace ; tin- latter div. containing the pars, of A' ton-Humell, liei- . K. [,]. v I'itohl'.id, inn! Church- i Tin- two divs. comprise about 42,840 acree, ! which i- hilly. ( oMKiVKK. ;i par, in the hund. of Condovcr, in the CO. "of Salop, 1 mile- S.V. of Shiew-lniiy. its post town. It I OOn HP- Shrewsbury and llcre- foril railway. It is situated on a branch of tin Severn, ntaiiu the tnshps. and hmlta. of Bayston, K"! ( h:itford, High and Low Conduvt r. Dnrrington, Lyth, Kyton, Ysticy, and Vheatliall. Tlie living is a vic. in" the dioe. of Liclilidd, val. 2-5S, in the patron, of J-:. V. Owen, Esq., who is also lord of tin in nun. Tin- church, dedicated to St. Andrew, is an ancient stone structure, chiefly in the Norman style. In addition to the parish church there is a district c-hnrch atDorring- ton, the living of which is a perpet. cur., val. 127, in thr patron, of T. II. Edwards, Esq. There is an en- dowed school. The parochial chanties produce '25 per annum, and the church lands, which are also applied to parochial purposes, 31. Condover Hall was built by Chief Justice Owen about 1 CONK ISLAM >, a small island in Broad Haven harbour, in the co. of ' ind. cuNKY, or < r.M.Y, a small island in the bar. of Carbery, in the co. of Sligo, prov. of Connaught, Ire- land, 4' miles N.W. of Sligo. It is about 3* miles in ,-.t, ami forms a breakwater to the bay. There are five other small islands of this name in Ireland ; one in Lough Neagh, co. of Armagh ; another at the mouth of tin- river Fergus, co. of Clare ; a third in C'rookhaven, co. of Cork ; a fourth in Lough Swilly, co. of Donegal ; and a fifth in I'pl'd 1 l.on-1, Kin.-, CO. f Fermanagh. cuNKYBOROUGH, a vil. in the bar. of Coolcstown, in the co. of Kildare, Ireland, 1 mile from Edcndcrry, and 37 irom Dublin. ( ( iXKYSTIK iKPE, a tnshp. in the par. of Barton- 1< -Street, in the wap. of Bulmer, in the North Riding of the co. of York, 4 miles W. of New Malton. Hero is a chapel of case, built at the expense of the Earl of ( arlislo in 1835, and there is a school supported by the less of Carlisle. OONEYTHORPE, a tnshp. in the jiar. of <;,. Ids- borough, in the upper div. of the wap. of ( 'Ian-, in the West Riding of tin co. of York, 2 miles N.E. of Golds- borough, and 3 E. of Knaresborough, ita port town. ( '( iNKEY, a par. in the bar. of North Salt, in tin- CO. of Kildare, prov. of Lcinster, Ireland, 4 mile- N Cclhridge. Luron is its post town. The road from liuhlin to Maynooth and the Royal canal pass tin the parish. The living is a reel, in the dioc. of Dublin, val. with Leixlip, 527, in the patron, of tin- bishop of Dublin. There are remains of a castle, of which Camdcn makes mention. i i INK, a par. and post town, in the bars, of Ross and Kilmaine, in the cos. of Galway and .May. of Connaught, Ireland. The surface is rocky and wild in the extreme, abounding in hill, ra and chasm ; parts are boggy. ;nnl my i-M-i-lli-n! lime- stonc is quarried. The western portion lii's at t! of the Joyce Country hills, near the Benlevy and Maamdarg mountains. It commands a fine view of loughs Mask and Corrib. The living is a roct. in the dioc. of Tuam, val. :>.), in the patron, of tin- h The church stands on a trilling elevation at a distance from tin- vill 't in I'-'i-i.atan use of 1,00(1, by tin- I i->ners. wer and spii e been add 900. There is a Roman Catholic place of worship. Cong was formerly a town of much eoiisei|in-nee, and the reputed capit il l ' -nnaught. It is now only .-i village, where petty sessions arc hold, and contains ;i pi'lii To tin i.M -il.hi-y ot Consr, it is said, OUT, lli, 1 i~! native kini,' of In-lalnl, retired from the eares of stair, and dn d in tin- 1198. li ; in the abbey founded In i. lian in tin- Tlh i riod. Tin-re i- yet a gate and<>! tlio abbey, whieh an- in tin; Norman central pass l.,-twi ,-n tin- Imighs JIask ai 'intry ai:d C,,nin ni.ira. Th"' wa" -M.-ink aix' :)('> li-i-t liigher than thoseoi 'iib,nd pass underground through tl . i-hiil"," tin- latter. Tin n- are eveo Druidical circles in and ailjoini' lieudoi

nt , rone*, one "t 1>

tin- liuhlin Iri.^h Acadi-niy. Tie- ni'iirl - : ' are Ash ford, liallymagibbon, and Stramlhill. CUV , a par. in the bund, ol in the co. of Leicester, miles X. of t railway station, and N.NV.of Mar situated on the river Anker and the A.-hl-. canal. The living is a reel.* in tin- ii borough, val. '21N, in the patr,,n is lord of the manor. The ehun-h, d' i Mar}', is an aneiejit structure, with ;i 1 are some small charities and - have a place of worship, ami tin i and infant schools. cuN(i II AM, a par. in tin bund. - in the co. of Norfolk, 6J miles N.K. ol , i situated in the north-western portion of tin- not far from the (treat Eastern railway. a rect.* in the dioc. of Norwich, val. ' patron, of John Roper, Esq. Tin church St. Andrew, is an old Hint and s!"in huiMing.cMisi^^H of chancel, nave, and tower. Tin I'riiniti- have a chapel. T ' and an school, supported by Miss Sarah I la- who is laoy of the manor. Tin ;ii|uaiy, Sir II, nry S]iclinan, was bom In-re in tin CONUI.I-. I'uN, a I'hplry., muuii-ipal market town, in the par. of Asthiiry, in Northwich, in theco. of Cln ster, 'J <. It- is situated on the Nort is also a short branch line to tin lies in a hollow on the river Dane, m canal, and is a place of considerable con: portancc. It is mentioned in Domesday 1'i.ok under the name of Coglrtone, an incor- poration in 1625 from .lanns I. It is at present 1 by a mayor. (> aldermen, and i and contained, according to the census ol houses, inhabited by a population , r ) 10,520 in 1851, showing an i decennial period. The town, whic; lighted with gas, contains a guildhall, hank, a- rooms, tin-' and sever many factories for the manufacture of i!'-. the inhabitants ;u tin- m. i 1 . ves and leather Inn - known n Ion 1'oints." Th, curs, in th r: thiit 1 chinch, val. tl P,, is in t!i, Thaouu RnwIi- . I In'-, of St. .Ian which --lion, val. l-5n ! the crown and : ire grammar. National, and ol dent Bradahaw, who sat on tin trial ol ch.nli-

I'arnells' It is the head of a 1'oor-law ' County Court and I l .et day, U tide, tin- 12th May, l'2th .Inly, HI. ih<-r. CUNliUr.Sr.l ; iii the hi,: s'-'kc, in ti: in- Ilii.-tol and I-'.M-II r line, and i !. it- post town. It i- sitii-itcd on tin A singular c:. tributing annual!; land- by lot in sir main.r. Tin- li il

itb and V.-lls, val. wii

. I :. isoil, in tin