Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/656

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( . i|. HAY. COOLMFNDKY. which in a racecourse), and the postal village of Km... iivin.i; is :i i. < t. in tin 1 dioc. of Kildare, vol. in tl. I the crown. Tlu j < hurch dates from I;M;. 'I m Catholic i hapcli, a place ( ,f ii mil ti ii -lay-schools within c, destroyed during tin 1 Civil V:n : '.<* of MOM. ii ;ui'l i 'oolhaii.-i 1; is the rcsi of the Earl of Portarlington. muLBAY, or CASTLEBAY, a vil. in the par. of arnew, bar. of Shillelagh, in tho co. of Wicklow, prov. of Leinstor, Ireland, 4 miles N. of Carnew. It stands dii tin little liver Derry and the road between Aughrim and Carnew. 1 th January, 10th March, 2Mh April, null June, 28th July, 2Ji ber, 27th October, and 1.3th December. COOLCARRON, a vil. in the bar. of Fermoy, in the co. of Cork, Ireland, 2 miles from Fermoy, and 20 N.K. of Cork. It is situated near the river ]',',, uk' COOI.CASH1X, a par. in tho bur. of (ialnmy, in the CO. of Kilkenny, prov. of I land, .') miles to the N.E. of Johnstown. Tho living is 11 vie. in tho dioc. of Ossory, val. with Aghour, 704, in the ]>atron. of tho bishop. The Roman Catholic chapel is united to of Lisdowney and Clontubrid. Prnh&rd is its post town. COOLCOR, an ancient par. united to tho par. of Ballyburley, in King's County, Ireland. COOLCORCOHAN, ubog near the lake of Killarney, in the bar. of Magonlhy, in the co. of Kerry, prov. of Munster, Ireland. Its depth is about 10 feet ; and until recently it supplied turf for the town of Killamcy. COOLCI: Alllil N, a par. in tho bars, of Crannagh and Fassadinin, in the co. of Kilkenny, prov. of Lein- i 1, :i miles to the N.E. of Ireshford, its post town, and 5 8.W. of Castle-Comer. Tho surface con- sists of good land with limestone. The river Nore passes through the parish. The living is a roct. in the dioc. of Osnory, val. with Odagh, 337, in the patron, of the bishop. An evening school is held occasionally during the week. Here are ruins of Inchmore Castle and of tin' church. ( ( )( H.DKKUAGA, ft hmlt. in the bar of "West Mus- kerry, in the co. of Cork, Ireland, 8 miles S.W. of KIOTO i i M >I.1>KKKY, two small places of this name, one in Kind's County, the other in .Monaghan, Ireland. M. ! id", a hmlt. in !! Mohill, in tho co. of Lcitrim, Ireland, 2 miles S. of Cloono, and 2.4 R.K. of Mohill. 1 ' IDLE, a par. in tho bar. of 1'arrymore, in the co. of Cork, prov. of Munster, Ireland, 4 miles to tic of Fermoy. Cloyne is its post town. This parish lien nt tho foot of t!i ntains. The surface con- nf good land. '1 he living is a reel, in tho dioc. of < loyne, val. I'll'-', in the patron, of the l.i-liop. Iiiiine i nied at a private house, and ( 'atholic chapel is united to that on*. II' r. v, and remains , (minded by the I'.any family in rj'.iii, liut Mih-i i|iii>ntly transfcrri ii to the Knights '1 em].l us. (in tin ColiI.K, a liar, in the co. of Fermanagh, prov. of Ulster, Inland; bounded by tl phana on the N., by Monaghan on the K., by the co. of Cavan on the S., ami by Upper Lough Erne on the W. It . ntains tin- pai.-. of' 1 Iriiininully, Ciirrin, and ( .a! - It is 11 miles in length, over 10 mill .s in the part, and extends over '-M.<>17 acres, a lai-L-e pro- portion of which is hoi;. The interior is bisected by the road from Cavan to Knniskillen.and the drainage (if tin southern district is effected by the river Finn. I i MI|. F., a vil. in the pai "f Fore, in til.' i ". ot v, , [i, land. I milis to tin- VY. ot i 'a-i!e 1'ollai-d. Hero is a police station. tl in the ieinity, and within a short ' MI, a handsome modern mansion. ' 1 OOLEAGH, a OOLAGH, a , , r . of Hiddlethiid, in the co. of Ti] Muut Ireland, 4 milt-son the road from Killenaule to rYthuvi The soil is good. The living is a nit. in tl. . Mil. with Killcnaule, s!7, i;i lie The ]n,].ulati' a church nor chapel. K i I HMl.KMdKK, or ( i>uI.Mul;F., a vil. inti Mu.skerry, in the ( o. of Cork, Ii from Millstreet. There are l>o thru name : one in Tipperary, near Ft-thard ; an ithei in Ki. kenny, near Thoraastown ; and the third in t' . about 3 miles from U COOLKSTciNVN, or < '< il.I.AST' )YN, a King's | ': of Leinster, Ireland, boug^^BI

.,wnon t:

mi tin K., and by the bar. of 1'hilipstuwi Y. It c .nUiins the pars, of Ballynakill, Monasteroriu, and rtlejordan. lt U^^^H 9J rnili-s, its width at the wid- and its area 47,882 acres. '1 is fl^^HI !">g and waste land. Tin (fleet-! X. and the Feajj i I:Y-HI:AI), a j dalk, in the oo. of Louth, prov. ol l.i!n-t' i i in I . F I N, a hmlt. in tho bar. of Garr;. County, In land, 2 miles from Bannagher, **^^^^l Dublin. There is also a limit, of the sun. co. of Waterford, near Portlaw. OOOLOABRl >Y. a vil. iu the bar. of BaO^^H in the co. of V. i t K^KI corthy. There is also a hnili. o i tin mey. MiDW.NY, alargeboK'in ti King's Count v, prov. of Ix/instii, Inland. "^^Hl and gravel are found beneath i COOLOBANY, a vil. in the par. ol Gorey, in the co. of Wexford, ) i re-land, ! 6 miles N. of Gorcy. HIT.- are a | dispensarj-, within "the Gorey Poor-law i grany House is the principal residence. C001.1M Orrcn- and Kilmore, in the co Bter, Ireland, ;im. town. Th(! soil is of very sni Stone is procurable in places. Tli. reel, in the u Pubh'c worsli i i in a - drum. The ( (iul.|.(i, or CiAVl.l.Nii, a par. in the hand. Shamwell, Aylesford lathe, i from the Higfaun station of th. N G X. o! tile Thames, and a lai. This mily, who - of Kir reign by Sir Thomas YYyatt. 'I ill standi: condition. The living is a re. t. in t. ehui' contains a d"u! braises from 1508. cuol.KF.NNA SI ! t. ot Aghold, of Mull. re held on the Tuber. i iMiI.Kl l;l;> . | u in the bars, of J miles to th iido'wmy. The , by the intrusion of a part ol aii impropriate rect. in the ili. l* at liathdowiiey, that (if this] OOOLMTINDRY, a par. in the bar. of . in the co. of Tipi>crary, prov. of Mun