Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/676

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COTTESBA'K II. Mfl AMI.. i r> (.'I I'J PCH, a par. in III- lmt: iii tii low-it. Tl" scatter. '1 houses. Tin! living i a reel.* in the di".-. "I l'> bi tli" patron, of . who is lord of the manor. The church, di'dint'd t" St. Mary, i< an ;incii-rit structure with COTTKSHKoi )K,a par. in thohmid.of (iuUsborough, in the co. of Noi tlmmpton, 7 miles S.K. of Welford, and '. N". nf Noitliainptoti. I; w-i^ f'.nncrly a cell to .Sulby Abhey, founded in tin- I'Jth century hy William do Wi'h'ilo for monk-sol Hie 1'. r. The living is a reel.* in the dioc. of Peterborough, vnl. 400, in tho patron, of Sir J. Langham, who is lord of the manor. The < Inn -ch is dedicated to All Saints. HI" is a 1. two widowers and six willows, which was founded and endowed with 53 acres of land in 1 ';.".!. There is a pann-hio! school. ruTTLSl-'nUD, a par. in the hund. of rioughlcy, in the co. of Oxford, 6 miles N. of Bicester, its post town, and 4 8.W. of Brackley. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Oxford, val. :ilJ, in the patron, of Klon College. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is an ancient building with a tower. There is a free school. COT'l 'MSI.i )!:, a hnnd. in the co. of Bucks, contains the pars, of Cheddingtoii, < 'ublington, Drayton Beau- ehamp, Dniyton Parslow, Creslow, Dunton, Great and Little Harwood, Wingrave, Linchlade, Hourgeston, Eddlesborough, iSlapton, Grove, Hardwicke, Mureley, Soulbury, AVhaddon, Tattenhoe, Wing, Marsv Mentmore, Stowkley, Whitchurch, Aston Abbotts, Haw-ridge, Winslow, Ivinghoe, Swanbourno, Choulesbury, and part of Shenley, comprising 70,000 i .ut nl' which is hilly. COTTESLOE, NORTH und SOUTH, two hmlU. in the hund. of Cottesloc, in the eo. of Bucks, 4 miles S.V. of Loighton-Buzzard. COTTESMORE, a par. in tho hund. of Alstoe, in the co. of Rutland, 4J milea N.E. of Oakham, and 2 E. of tho Ashwoll station on the Syston mid 1'cterborough branch of tin- Midland railway". It is situated on the turnpike road between Oakham and Greetham. It formerly belonged to the Beauchamp, Durant, and Harrington families, and afterwards to the Noels. It is well wooded, and has a limestone subsoil. The living is a rect.* in tfco dioc. of Peterborough, val. 893, in tho patron, of tho Earl of Gainsborough. The church, dedicated to St. Nicholas, is a fine structure in the Gothic style of architecture, and is in good repair. There arc uities, producing about 51 per annum ; also National and infant schools. COTTFIELI), a vil. in the par. of Alves, in the co. of Elgin, Scotland, 6 miles W. of Elgin. COTTINGHAM, a par. in the hund. of Corhy, in tin co. of Northampton, 2 miles S. of Kockingham, niul s N. of Ki 'tiering. It is situated near the river Welland, and contains the tnshp. of Middleton. This was the

i Vatinyliam, ami had in the reign of Henry III i

house for lepers. Tho living is a rect.* in the dioc. of borough, val. l'2(>, in the patron, of Brasenose je, Oxford. The church is dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene. The charities amount to 36 per annum. the Independents and Wesleyan MrthiKlisU have a chapel. The manorial righU are vested in tho hand* of tin- copyholders. ITINi.llAM. a par. in 1 the Hunsley Beacon div. of the wap. of Hartliill, in the K it Killing of tin- co. of . 4 miles N.W. .f Hull. It is a station on the orough and Hull sccti. .11 of tin- N,.i!h-K railway. It was anciently a market town and place of considerable importance, having an Austin canonry, founded in i:23, und a strong moated castle, , '1 Castle, once the seat of the lords Wake. The oft-told story of the burning of this castle in l'ill appear* to be a pure fiction, fur win n I i I 'ottingliam, in lo.'IS, he found it a complete ruin at that tin >ins tin- tn-hp-i. ol Dun-well and md, which now furms the consolidated chplry. of lie site i,riory. N- .gham several handsome residences .<: v ii , There are huge market gatd. -us for t . the Hull market. The I'.i and patron of C'ottingham, and the ow tithed, though the par. ij in tin- ,i of the vicarage i about 260, having proved whic was Bishop <; There is also a district church at N'. wlml.n. which is a perpet. cur. The parish ehur, h. d. St. Mary, is an I] and has a fine tower. It co: lie Burton . family, and a very perfect brass elliu-y . t N Luda, lor t present, d to the living by the I Slack Pi 1 (ith June, 1383. In the vicinity is an intermitting spring, which flows onco only every two or three years. Aafl annual fair is held on the llth November. rn.<;|.|-:V. a inull. in tin-par, of Hinglcy, upped div. of Hie wa]i. of Skyr.iek, in the West Hiding of the I CO. of York, 31 mile>."v W. of York, and '_' ti-.o. its post town and railway station. It is situated nfl^M the river Airo and the Midland railway. The inhat^H tants arc employed in the wonted manufacture. COTTINGWITH, EAST, a tnshp. and chplry. iaH the par. of Aughton, wap. of llarthill, ii. ling of the co. of York, 8 mil, ', ,,rk. It i- on the river Derwent, and near the Po, -kliiigtm! i uml. The living is a cur., val. 90, annexed to tin- vie. Aughton. The charities prod i . parochial school with a small endow i iTTINUWITH, V in tho par. Thorganhy, wap. of Ouse and Derwent, in the Ei Riding of the co. of York. 1 mil. S.W. ,,f ]-; :l .- with, and 8 miles S.E. of York. COTTLI . the luind. of B: ford, hi the co. of Wilts, 2 miles N.E. of ISradl Mclksham is its post town. Cottles House is the of C. Conolly, Esq. COTTON, a par. in the hund. of Hi, : co. of Suffolk, 4J miles N.E. of Stow: town, and 2} N.W. of Mendlesham. Ti. railway passes within a few mi rect.* in the dioc. of Norwich, val. ' of M. Turner, Esq. The church, ,1 drew, has a richly ornamented porch. Th. amount to 12 per annum, llcre are two chapels. C. Tyrell, Esq., is lord of tie i. rOST, a Insli]). in the par. of Yin, hund. North Bradford, in tho co. of Sal,,],. 1 m Wem. Tho land chiefly belongs to Viscoun G. Bowen, Esq. COTTON, a tnrhp. in the par. of Sandbach, hund. oil Northwich, in tin- en. of Chester, 3 miles E. wich, iU post town. It is situated on the i The Hall, an ancient structure, once tho sea: family-, is now a farmhouse. Law is lord of the manor. ( i i II ON, a chplry. in the par. of Alton, i div. of Totmonslow, in tin co. ,,l Station!, 1 m of Cheadlc, its post town, and 3 N. of the Ail .-,1-th Stall, .idshin- line. It ineliM of Upper and Lower Cotton. Tho inhabit engaged in agriculture and in the lime-, | In ing is a perpet. cur. annexed to the vie.* , ;

I,i. litield, val. ill, in th, ;

Earl of s . The chun-h, d tho Baptist, was i i I-ctod in 1"95 by 'i I The Roman Catholics have a chapel, d' Villi COTTON, a tnshp. in tho par. of Kuvton l-'.leven Town-, in the 00. of Salop, s mil. - N'.W. of iiiirv. I M IIO'N A P.p. . tnslip. in the (,'hristloton, lower div. of the hund. of l!roM..n, in tho

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The* i ' :ih- Western rail-- within u few i