Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/684

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A I . i.N, I A- I . l par. in the wap. of K in t)i" N. .rth Hiding . York, G miles X.K. of a station en tin) North-Kastem railway. The living i <-. val. 202, in ti h is dedica . Tho cli .1 produce 30, the i : < ( Pakvn's free school. i nWl'iiN, NOBTH. a tnihp. in the above par. cn ION, MM'TII, a . hj.lry. in jiar. Adjoining this chapclry is Standard Hill, where the battle of the Standard was fought in 1138. The living is a perpct. < Mir., val. le patron, of the vicar. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. The charities produce about 7 per annum. COXALL, a tnghp. in the par. of Bucknell, hund. of Wigmore, in the co. of Hereford, 7 milea N.E. ol ' teign. It is situated on tli e. It was here that Caractacus made his last stand against the Romitn general Ostorius, who occupied Urariniiim, or Krai. COXFORD, a hmlt. in the par. of East Rudham, in the co. of Norfolk, 5 miles S.V. .in. There are ruins of a priory founded by William ( 'hone. COXHEAD FORD, a hmlt in the. par. of Cl. Margaret, in the co. of Salop, 7 miles N. of Ludlow. COXHOE, a tnshp. in the par. of Kelloe, ward of Basin gt on, in the co. of Durham, 6i miles S.K. "1 Jhu- ham. It is the terminus of the West Hartlepool hour and Railway line ; Coxhoe Bridge is also a station on the Hartlepool and FcrryhiU branch of the North- Eastern railway. It is situated ! Icefield and Durham, and includes the hmlt. of East Helton. Tho inhabitants are chiefly employed in the extensive col- lieries and limestone quarries, and in the manut of pottery. The V. -1. .rna and Primitive Methodists have chapels, to which are attached week-day and Sun- da Mtooja, COXLEY, a tythg. and chplry. in the city of Wells, in the co. of Somerset. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Bath and Wells, val. 100, in the patron, of the Vicnr of Wells. COXLODGE, a tnshp. in the par. of Gosforth, in the W. div. of Castle ward, in the co. of Northumberland, 2| miles N. of Newcastle-on-Tyne. It is situated near the Newcastle race-course. It includes the limits, of Causeway End and Bulman's Village. The JVesleynns have a chapel. Coxlodge colliery is owned by Matthew Bell, Esq., who is the chief landed propri COX WELL, GREAT, a par. in the hund. of FarinR- don, in the co. of Berks, 2 miles from Faringd. post town, and 5 from the Faringdon Road station of the Great Western railway. The manor wag granted by King John, in 1204, to tho abbots of Bcaulieu, and a portion still remaining of tho conventual buildings have been converted into a farmhouse. The livi- a vie. in the dioc. of Oxford, val 211, in the pa of the bishop. There is a school with a small ment. This parish, conjointly with Coleshill, has a charge of 73 6., bequeathed by the Earl of Radnor and

ev. John Pinsant, for apprenticing children of tho

two parishes. On Badbury Hill is a Danish circular VKLL, LITTLE, n tnshp. and ohplry. i par. of Great I" the co. of Berks, adj.. is a cnr. annexe.. I'aringdon. tithe- muted in 1801. In the vicinity ai remains of an ancient camp, uurrounded by a <1 ditch, and numerous pita excavated in the sand, sup- posed to be the hiding-places of the Ancient Britons. COXWOLD, a par. in the wap. of Birdforth, in the North Riding of the co. of York, 4 miles N. of Easing- woM, its post town. It is a railway station on the Think and Malton branch of the North-Eastern line. -hps., including the tnghp. of Coxwold. Tho living is a ] ,000 poor I " cur. in the i i annexed, i'.'!'>l, in the j i bridge. living of which is a perp. of the Archbishop of ork. 1 catcd to St. J Btuasyw and other families. II . grammar school, "3, w! Kilburn, near this village, and altcrwar ,. is also .- hy Thomas I in 1(596. The . amount to " ^ parish was for some t no, who wrots and iron arc found ; the working of the former, however, has been discon- tinued for nearly half a century. Sir George Wombwcll 13 lord of the manor. i OYCHUBCH, COED-DHU-CHTJRCH, or LLA1W '.i.'Al.I.O, a par. in the hund. of Newca of Glamorgan, South V, post town and railway station. It is Ogmore, and contains the hmlts. of High (.'oychnrch and Pcncoed, also the chplry. of PC! on-thc-Hill. The living is are <. of IJandafl val. with tho cur. of Petei 446, in tho patron, of the Iviil . l li.n.i.. church is dedicated to St. Grallo, and possesses an cient cross. There are N The other charities consist of the interest of 1; tho Funds, which is w, 1 amongstthe j tho three hamlets. There are coal and lime works the neighbourhood. COYCHURCH, HIGHER and LOWER, two in the par. of Coychnrch, in tho hund. of Newcastle, co. of Glamorgan, as above. COYDIOG, a tnshp. in the par. of Llangwx co. of Denbigh, 4 miles iirh. COYl . ntly a ]iar. in tho CO. of Ross, land, but now annexed to Loohbroom. COYLTON, a par. in in lm of Ayr, Scotland. It contains a vil. of iu owi and also tho vils. of Craighall, Gm! Joppa, and'Knockshogirlehohn. It oxi a north-westerly .! ith a breac: miles. Tlio northern districts are flat iddlo rise into elevations called the Crai| with an elevation of "">() feet above the s.-a upper or southern district is pastoral, and has an n of 1,100 feet. Sevi n-tcnths of tho s under tillage, two-tenths are in pasture, and tl main dor in wood. Coal is largely mined, and limt^^H sandstone, and whinstono are Sundrum, Gadgirth, and Hank in aeipal seats. This parish, and tho river Coyle which flows thron. rior, are supposed to take from kiinr called ( 'oilus, who is (.; been slain at Coylesfield, 6 miles S. of Coy 1 1 > lage of Coylton is an insignificant pla the town of Ayr. This par. is in in the patron, of the crown. The stipend of l i- em i i >YTY, or COIT, a par. in the hund. of ' in the co. of Glamorgan, 1J mil. N.K. of Brid^end, iU - situated on th. tier and I.- town . Oldca ny of the :i living is a r -.dafli -al. wilh tl inniven. The church has , ill. . which now 1 th- VyndhaniH, is a nohle niin. The manor or loi'i .'. n. iT>.llliiill-:i; and l.u VF.R, hmlts. in the above i l;Al!Tl;KI', a vil. in the tnshp. of Brightside-' low, in the West Riding of the co. of York, 3J milei tho