Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/690

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680 TuRDJOHN the co. ot ' mile* V. of Hitnlingham i Btation, and 3J N.". "I I-' the river Blackwali T, Tin- livii ., val. with I.ettoii, .007, i" tin' ] Ourdun, I the Virgin Mar ;ure with square tower and Hjiir taining ni. 1. The ch amou r annum, besides >ns of coals and a joint interest in 14 JUT anim ;>oor of the 1 CRASSWELL, a tnshp. and chplry. in the par. of Clodock, hund. of Ev it-ford, 6J miles S.E. of Hay, and 7 1'i.ntrilas station. It is situated on the river Muiuiow, near its source at the foot of the Black mountains. In the 12th centurv an alien priory was founded here, sub" . rancl- mont. It is separated into two divisions, culled ' and Lower Crasswell. TI: a perpct. cur. in the dioc. of Hereford, val. 47, in ti. Vicar of Clodock. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, Li a plain old structure. The charities amount to i' 1 p. r annum. CHASTER, a tnshp. in the par. of Emhleton, Bftm- brough ward, in the co. of Northumberland, fij miles N.E. of Alnwick, its post town. The village, situated near the coast of the North Sea, is called Crast. Houses. Crastcr Tower, the seat of Thomas Wood Craster, Esq., is a fine structure of basalt, and commands a view of the German Ocean through the chasms of a bold chain of rocks running between it and the sea. CRA8TOCK, a tythg. in the par. and hund. of Wo- king, in the co. of Surrey, 3J miles N.W. of Guildford, near the South- Western railway. CRATFIELD, a par. in the huud. of Blything, in the co. of Suffolk, 5 miles 8.W. of Hulesworth station on the Great Eastern line, and 9 from Framlingham. It is situated on the river Hlyth, and contains a considerable portion of common. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 116, in the patron, of theRnv. E. Holland. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is an ancient structure in the perpendicular style of architecture, with square tower. It contains an organ and a carved font. The charities amount to 180 per annum, the produce of the town lands. The Independents have a chapel and a Sunday-school. There is a free school for both sexes. Lord Huntingticld is lord of the manor. CRATHIE. See BKABMAB, Aberdcenshire. CEATHIE POINT, a promontory in Moray Frith, in the co. of Banff, Scotland, 2 miles E. of Culien. CBATHOBNE, a par. in the W. div. of the lib. of Langbaurgh, in the North Riding of the co. of York, 5J miles V >i Siokesley, and 2 from Picton i tion. It is situated on the river Leaven, a branch of the river Tecs. Linen is manufactured hi r, . Near the village, which consists of a small duster of houses, is a mineral spring. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of York, val. -"'">, in the patron, of H. Dngdale, Esq. The church, dedicated to All Saints, is a .-i structure in the Gothic stylo, and contains an emr. crusader, supposed to bo Sir William Orathorne, Kat., who fell lit Neville's Cross in Iii47. There is a 1: Catholic chapeLabo a day mid Sunday school. CRATLOK, or CRATLOi i vil. in the bar. of Bnnratty, in the co. ot ( 'laie. jimv. ut' M land, 6 miles S.K. of Newmurkct-on-Frrgiu, on the road to Limerick, its post town. Hero is a dispensary within the Limerick Poor-law 1'nion. Cratloo is a 1; r. in the dioc. of LimeiieK. ( i In the vieinity are i towers of the O'Briens, called Cratloi .. and A I'D, u limit, in the bar. of Tjijicr Slane, in the CO. <.i :i miles E. of Slmie. CRAUOHWB] il vil. in the par. bar. of Dunkcllin, in ttir .... of <;;ihv.;, pi K ilnwcduaKh and Kilienora. iibouring Mat. i I;A'|:N, a hilly district in the West Hiding of 1 York. I ' at the he . Wluirfe and Aire, and gives the title of earl to us. It is the seat of an an luleao. and d. :m. i v in the dioc. of l;ip..n. Vi;. Mil. I., a limit, in the jr. of Pafl.lin in the eo. of Middlesex, 3 miles from .St. Paul's. situated betwe, n V, ^tbourne and i property < I Cl; uishp. in tie par. of Ityton, W. div. of the ward of ( 'luster, in the co. of Durham, 6| miles W. of Gateehead. It is situu; .< the riven Tyne and Derwent, near the Carlisle railway. Coal ami limestone are quarried. There u a school endowed with iJ-i p"l an: CRAWFORD, a par. in the district ' ward, in 1 1 uiark, Scotland. It contains the vil. of Crawford, and the post town of Lcadhills, and forms the south-eastern portion of the co., being bounded on the S. by Dumfriesshire, on the 10. by the co. of Peebles, on the N. by the pars, of T inniiiiglij and Culler, and on the W. by the par. ol Cniwiordj3^B Its length from N. to S. is 18 miles, with a bna^H of 14 miles. It comprises the principal portion of t^l Lowther hills, some of which attain the height of 2,450 feet. The river Clyde takes its rise in Clydeslaw, on the border of the co. of Peebles, from whence flow also 1 " Tweed and Annan. The hill pastures, chiefly occup by sheep, are more than 70,000 acres in extent, while i more than 1,200 acres are arable. Lead-mines of value are worked, and gold and silver are found in sn quantities. The Earl o. i, and Sir T. Kdv. Colcbrooke, Bart., are the principal landowners, remains of two Roman roads and of three camps ltd by Robert Heron to have existed in 1792. The ruins of Crawford Castle stand on the opposite side ifl the river from Crawford. The same site was occuBJM in the days of Wallace by Lindsay Tower, t garrison of which, on one occasion', h put to the sv. The farmhouses on Crawford Moor were anciently built in the form of stone vaults for greater security aguiiut the Douglases, from Clydesdale, and the Janlines and Johnstoneo, from Annandale. The north- welt of the ancient parish was called Cr.r having been held during the reign of Ml< John, the stepson of Baldwin do Biggar, an.! a distinct parish. The larger portion of the ai pariah, forming the modern parish, w;. ailed Crawford Lindsay, from having been i > .:iaia de Lindsay and his successors for M That family wa: in l.'OS, ai of earls of Crawford. Alter, i! grant. . Earl of, Iron was called Crawford Douglas. The ro, li-le, ami the Caledonian < parish by i. an and tie railway In m at Al.i M.|S on the l.-lt bank . J I. ot Abinuion. The houses i^^B some distance from eai h oilier, biing built o: fens of 6 acres e, i by the n. jirii toi>. I >i..n brid^ de. '^hi- pir. i> in tie in the patron, of ih" crown. ThoMipeii 1 1 l-of-easc at Ix;a CHA.WFOBDJOHN, a par. in :

ward, in ti

the vil rdjuhn ami Abie boun on the S.W. by i . the pai ton, A hilly :.':'! pastoral, "li'i-s of tin lirntable, on the 1 i..l Ayi,-!iii". is the h, bavin; nil not mo] re WO mansion, ; aid freestone are found, and a is worked at Snar. The Glasgow ' ' ind