Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/692

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( KAY. BT. PA' III, I.. of AVithen's school, for this and the adjoining parish of Orpington. Than i" three almshouses. Fairs are . . and 10th September. V, ST. I'AU.'S, a par. as above, adjoinii, Mary's Cray. The parish is small, but contains some pleasant ifla residences. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Canterbury, val. 1S3, in the pa: -count Sidney, of Penshiirst. The church is dedi. is a bequest of 4 per annum for i'.u. CRAZY CORNER, a vil. in the bar. of Fakbill, in Uie co. ..t V, miles E. of Mullingar. ..'. in the hund. of WUheridge, in

South Molton, its post

town, and 'J N.W. of Tiverton. It is on the river Sturconibu, and contains only a few sea! houses. The living is a reel, in the uioc. of Exeter, val. 153, in the patron, of tin K. v. V. Kar.slake, the rector. The church, dedicated to St. Michael, is a small structure. CUKAIiDN DAY and CUEADoN HEAD, situated in AVatorford Harbour, in the co. of Waterford, Ireland, 1 mile N.E. of Dunmore. CREAGH, a par. in the bar. of Moycarn, in the co. of Roscommon, prov. of Connaught, Ireland. The parish extends along both banks of the river Suck, near Creagh bog. It is somewhat hilly and boggy, with an abundance of limestone, and is traversed by the road from Athlone to Galway. The railway from Dublin to Galway passes through the village. The living ij a rect. in the dioc. of Clonfert, val. with Kilclooncy and Taghmaconnel, 216, in the patron, of the bishop. Ballinaaloe, in the par. of Kilcloony, is the post town, and contains a court house and agricultural hall. Here stands the church, a neat, cruciform building. It was erected by means of a loan from the late Board of First Fruits. There are five schools, a college, four free Scripture schools, and three National schools. There is a Roman Catholic chapel united to that of Kilclooney, two Methodist meeting-houses, and a Scotch church. The old church of Creagh is in ruins, and adjoining it is the burial-ground. Fortwilliam is the residence of AY'illiain Lankester, Esq., in whose grounds is a medicinal spring. Other seats are Garbally, the residence of the i ( lam arty, whoso beautiful park is thrown open to the public on every day except Sunday ; .M.i Mount Catherine, AVooduiuunt, Ijmcaster Pork, Castlo Park, and Ardcarn. ! .Ai 1H, a par. in the bar. of AVest Carbcry, in the co. of Cork, prov. of .MiuiMor, Ireland. The extends along the right shore of the mouth of the 11. n, and includes part of Skibberoen, and some minor islands. It is mountainous, with bog and slate. Th rect. in the dioc. of Ross, val. 450, in the patron bishop. The church adjoins the ruins ot the ( one. It is neatly built, and has a square ornan tower. The expense of its erection was met by means of loan and gift from the late Board of First I There are private and parochial schools. Lough llyne runs up into the interior for a considerable <1 it are beds of very fine oysters. On an i*lot within this gulf stand the ruins of Cloghan Castle, the m seat of the O'Driscolls. EAGH, a bog in the bar. of Moycarn, in the co. ht, Ireland, near linasl.K'. It extends .,. CT68, and is drain. the Suck and the Creagh millsti re are also several seats of this name: one in the co. of May.., liullinrobe; and another in the co. of ' ! iilo. CREAGH I )i H ills, a vil. in the bar. of the co. of Done: S E. of Raphoc. ri;E.<;ni;EVAi;ii.N<ii:|.- p a hmlt. in i . in the co. of Lei trim, Ireland, 4 miles N.W. of Ballinan. fK, NORTH, 8 par. in the 1 ot .Norfolk, ,'i miles .:d I! Iron, Wells. At the ry, a monastery v by Sir Robert do Hereford, which was ait.-rwa nto the An i st. .M.,] ., hmond to Christ's College, ' . to wli its site still belongs. 'I i.-h, val. 11.077, i and the bishop alternately. 'The church St. Mary, an-i a church. Tin . Jlr. Herod with 10 per annum, and Mansaur's al ri.-EAKi - K. sulTM, a par. in of Hi . in the co. of Norfolk, 1 North Creakc. The village is con The living is a vie.* in tin in the patron, of .is Townsh 'laro^^H inity is a S . and several tumuli, where a battle w.i the Saxons and Danes. The Indcp< -mi pla^l of worship. Tin: cliarities produce about 100 a ye^H chiefly divided among the poor in coals, bread, >^B .1 hmlt. in the par. and hund. of AV^H in the co. of Salop, 1 i Vcrn. It is sita^H near the river Roden. i kKANMKLL, a small cluster of islands Western Islands, Scotland, near Barra. CREATON, GREAT, a par. in the hund. of OJ^" borough, in the co. of ' N. V. i Northampton, its i way stati. ar the remains of Holmby House, in which Charles] was confined. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. ta Peterborough, val. 1270. in the p;: : T. Beynon. The church is dedicated to St. Mi. had. The charities produce 60 per annum. T commuted in 1782. '1 worship. CREATON, LITTLE, a hmlt. m in the co. of Northampton, adjoin! contains about twenty houses. The tithes v. muted in 1 . HILLY, a demev Lower ' in the co. of Antrim, Ireland, - mi and 12 N.W. of Antrim. It anciently 1 O'Haras, but is now the property of a bra: Hamilton family, hohave r< built ! . laing are the i i l;i:i uKA, a par. in the bar. of I'u! CO. of Limerick, prov. of JIu- of St. Patrick's AVdl, and :> S V town. The road from St. I'atiieK'.-, v;; the interior, which consists of n. ,, itli a ])n. p. nt ion of Ii vie. in tin di.,c. of l.inn Tii k, val. C7-, in th the Vicar--! h'.ral of 1 The Roman Cathoh that . . which, togt tin T with K; and a .aeon, form the Rom . cora. Tin The old i bin rh was destroyed during ; now of 1641, and has remained a li.'d- groun Iy vaults of the MIIT The (eats of t ' ( l;Vrl;|, a par. il Kathvilly and Shillelagh, in tin Wi. klow, jn'ov. of I.. The living is a i--. in th. .1 .'. in tin- pair.. n. of th I Impels liool. I KK1>AN, a b. :land in tl . in the co. '.t '.prov. of md. It is situated to tin- W. ot Waterford Hail bay i ih.- headland, and has depth ' ( 'IJEl'ENH 1 1. 1., a i ,u. in th.' bund, of t;rinis in the W. .1 II.