Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/708

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> (.HTON. 008 CROWLAND. rROl'GHTOX, a par. in the hund. of King's Sutton, in the Co. of Northampton, .'!j mills S.V. .>: llraekh-y, ill pout town, and '1 from the Aynho station i.f the Great Vr-tirn railway. Tho living is a rcct. in the dioc. i.f 1'etorliorough, val. .'i24, in the pan count Ashljrook. Tha chnrcil, dedicated to AU > is an old structure in th" Norman style, consisting (if . side aisles, chancel, and low square tower. It contains a beautiful font. The charities amount to 3 per annum. The Y. ^1, van-, have a . hapel, and school i !:M[ i.HTuX, a tnshji. in tlic par. of St. Oswald, higher div. of the hund. of Wirrall, in the co. of CI 4 miles N.E. of Chester, its ]>ost town. It is si; near tin M- r houses. I'UorUN ISI.KS, a group..! .-mall islands and rocks at the month of ^ V. ji.vt of the co. of Ross, Scotland. ,| >VIE, a vil. in the par. of Gamrie, in the co. of Banff, Scotland, 7 miles N.E. of Banff. It is situated on Moray Frith, and most of the inhabitants are fisher- men. CROW, a tythg. in tho par. of Ringwood, in the co. of Hants, 1 mile from liingwood. It is unite<l with Bistern. '< >W, a vil. in the bar. of Killian, in the co. of Gal- way, Ireland, 4 miles E. of Newtown Bellow. CROWAN, a par. in the hund. of Penwith, in the co. of Cornwall, 5 miles N. of Uelston, and 4 S. of < 'am- borne, its post town. This par. contains tin and copper mines, and comprises several vils. The inhabi- tants are chiefly engaged in mining operations. Tho surrounding country is beautifully diversified, and pre- sents a charming view from the top of Crowan Beacon, an ancient conical neap of stones, which is most probably a caim. The living is a vic. in the dioc. of Exeter, val. '-'1711, with 40 acres of glebe, in the patron, of thu ];. r. H. SI. St. Aubyn, who is lord of the manor. The church, dedicated to Santa Crewena, is an ancient stone building, with a good tower. The interior has lately been rest It contains several monuments of tho St. Aubyn family. The Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists have ch There is a girls' National school, and large boys and infant schools. A now vicarage house has been built by the present vicar in tin: Gothic style. The principal residence is Crowance, the ancient scat of the St. Aubyn family. Near the farm of Boseance are traces of an ancient camjs and at Buinerton arc tho ruins of an ancient chapel. A fair is held at Froze once a year lor The feast is kept on the first Sunday in Fein OROWBOBOUOH. a tnshp. in Hi.- ]>:',>-. of lloiio,,. hund. of Totmonslow, in theco. of Stafford, 2J miles YV. of Leek. It is joined to the tnshp. of Blackwood. CROWBOROUGH BEACON, a lofty hill in the co. of Sussex, about 6 miles S.W. of Tunbridgo "Wells. It rises to the height of 800 feet above tho sea, and com- mands an extensive view over Sussex anil Surrey, taking in Lcith-hill Tower, tho Fail-light Downs, and the ( l:i i W( ( iM HE, a par. in the hund. of Williton and manners, in the co. of Somerset, 5i miles S.K ..f hot, and 8 from Taunton. Th. V. -t Somerset branch of tho Bristol and Exeter lailway has a station lowcombe Heathficld. The par. is dtoatod under the IJiiantoek hills, nn . :he limit, of Kin It was form, ily a market town and incorporated bonmgh, ing various privileges, but is now only a village. A portreeve i . -ti II annually chosen at tho cou i ; lord of the manor. Nar the court-house there is a .-| ebbing and Mowing with the tide ; and at tli.. sides '. Qamtoek hills some .].., ),ave I.e. n found. The living is a r. < I.* in i ! and in the pat, .,. ,.| I; I i. Th,. ehmeh. de.lieated to the Holy Trinity, i; an old building in the adieiilar style of archil. . 1 11; .isles, 1 was struck down by lightning in 17'.'... tains some handsome moir irew family. The charities amount to 66 per annum, chiefly the endowment of ( 'arew's free school. There Lath- is a meet lor the Dc..n and S 1 l;..i,..i-t i are lords of the manor. 1'airsare h. Id on t), day in May, on tie- .Monday after the Irt Align i l;i i V1)KX, a hmlt. in H ,-nss, in the i. of Y o,k. It is a stati. .n on !!,. H, .-Id, and l.i, ln,"l, ire railw ' > M ' OTE, a hmlt. in the ,.( AllM,.,,. Held, in the co. It is situated in an open country on the bor. I near tho river Dove. CROWELL, a par. in the hund. of Lewkn. : , in tha co. of Oxford, 7 miles 8. of Thamc, and I from ilS pOSt tOWn. It is Situated at I hills, near the ancient leknield Street. The vil! small. Lace and beechwood chairs aro made here. "Sf living is a rect.* in tho dioc. of l>|,.,.|. %al. 10.^H the patron, of Miss AVyk. ham. The i hurch, a T^H smalt building, is dedicated to St. .Mai . '1 amount to 2 per annum. T! tithes were coan^^H in 1839. Tlio Baroness V, nman i~ lady ..i CROWFERA(iH, a hmlt. in the Kar.'of I tho co. of Sligo, Ireland d;y. CR(_)VriKI.]i, a i.aio.laal .-iq.'hy . tho par. of Coddenham, in the hund. of Uosmero, in tljl CO. of Suffolk, 5J milis N .):. ..I Ne.dham .Maiket.^H 3i S.W. of Debenham. The living U a cur. in the dioa, of Norwich, annexed to the vie.* of Codd.nliam, in^B M. of the liev. Koi.ert I.Onge. Tie ~*^l dedicated to All Saints, i -trmiiiie. JH I'.aptists have a chapel. Sir W. 1'. I'. Middl is lord of tho manor. CUHW IIA1.I,, ( KdV llll.l,, ( l;nV I'AIJK, are names given to various seats u , Scotland, and Ireland. i I;MV HOLME AM) I'AKK. In the , berland, 1 mile W. of Keswi.k. It i- went.. -uimands tine views ot t)i, lake. CROWHURST, a par. in tl of Tandridge, in the oo. -of Surrey, 8J mile- Reigate, its port town, and 3 S.E. of Oodstmi. station. It is situated to the W. of thcliro.. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dio,.. ,.f ',, val. 65, in the patron, of George Rusi church, dedicated to St. George, is in th style of arehiteeture, and contains tin. Tii. i. is 8 -. hool i l;n lin;sr. a par. in the hund. of Ual.Ulow, rap* of Hastings, in the co. of Sussex, 4J mi! N.". ..i Hastings, and 2 S. of Battle, its post town '1 is a rect* in the dioc. of Chichoti r, val. 1177. in the ]>atron. of T. Pajiillon, '.-'.- The ihni. h ndsome building in tie style of . "nt ,j.,- three brass. (laynosford family. There are National sell' rowhurst Park. CROW ISLAND, in the lower 1 the CO. of K. n y, prov. ol .ln mine. ( KOWl.AMi. orCIIOYI.AMi, a ]r. in tl: .rt.s of Holland, in the Co. t ion, r. i u N.I.;. , d in the }'{ ns, on the , The parish, whieh n .1 13,01 f'oniierl;. 'ait is now well 'it.d into iieh meadows and 'I'i,.- inhnlii- ly eiigasred in fi farming. esc, and in the si wlii.h lre.|ii. nt the Kens in n luaiket town, chiefly i M'S. v ill, willows . n their margin, and . on,. ..led liy a triangular bri ! a circle sjiringini; Ironi tin in a, across the YV.-lland, ' and a lai The v. .jklnallship of this bridge, which i.c.-u|.ii s the sit.' of a still more