Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/710

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X 1 1 1 : N V IT H I i I! KAT YATK. 700 CROYDON. and ' Mm ham. Tin; church is dedicated to 'l:il"' Hall, the seat of the Salvins, i ted on nn eminence. a neighbouring cliff, is a fine prospect i In vales of Croxdale :; y, surrounded by tin: wai'T, of tin- W. CROXDKN" llll OEEAT YATK, .1 par. in the southern div. of the huii'l of Stafford, 5 miles N.W. r, its post town. It is situated on a small stream called the Teak, and contains Musden Grange ami <.'alton. The living is a perpct. cur. in the dioc. of Ijehtield, val. 'J2, in the patron, of the Karl <>t of the manor. The church, dedicated to St. i iile.s, is a small edifice nearly as old as the abbey. In it the heart of King John was buried. The charities amount to o

<mum. There is an enduwi -d National school. The

ruins of Croxdon Abbey, founded in the year 1176 by Berham de Verdon for Cistercian monks, are very im- posing. They consist of the W. front, the S. transept, a cross, and part of the cloisters. The steel key is still preserved at Alton Towers. CROXIIALL. See CBOXALL, Staffordshire. CROXTKTH PARK, an ext. par. place in the hand, of West Derby, in the co. of Lancaster, 3 miles N.W of Prescot, and 6 from Liverpool. There is a small hamlet. Croxteth House is the seat of the Earl of Softon, a descendant of William de Mollines, a Norman noble, who came to England with the Conqueror, and whose name is the eighteenth on the roll of Battle Abhey. Here are preserved two standards taken by Kir William Molvneux, an ancestor of the present earl, at the battle of iWden. CROXTt IX, ii par. in the hund. of Longstow, in the . co. of Cambridge, 3 miles N.W. of Caxton, its post town, and 12 W. of Cambridge. Tho living is a rect. in the dioc. of Ely, val. 185, in the patron, of G. O. Newton, Esq. The tithes were commuted in 1811. The church, dedicated to St. James, contains monuments of the Leeds family, and on the N. door a carving of the " Virgin and Child" in bold relief. The charities amount to 35 per annum. Or. O. Newton, Esq., is lord of the manor, and resides at C'roxton Park. CROXTOX, a tnshp. in the par. of Eccleshall, northern div. of the hund. of Pirehill, in the co. of Staff ml, :t miles N.W. of Eccleshall, its post town, and 6J W. of Stone. The village is large. The living is a perpct. cm.* in the dioc. of Lichficld, val. 50, in the patron, of the bishop. The church, dedicated to St. Paul, is a stone building in the decorated style. CROXTON, a par. in the hund. of Grimshoe, in the co. of Norfolk, 2 miles N. of Thctford, its post town and railway station. It was the site of an ancient hospital called Domus Dei. Tho living is a vie. in the di Norwich, val. 98, in the patron, of Christ's College, Cambridge. Tho church, dedicated to All Saints, old building, with round tower built of flint stone. Tho charities amount t<. 1-1 |>< r annum. There is chapel and a National school. Tho Hon. !'. I'.-i. lord of the manor. CROXTOX, a par. in the wap. of Yarborough, parts of Lindscy, in the co. of Lincoln, C miles N.K. of ( ; land- ford Brigg, its post town, and 8 from Barton. It is situated on tho Wolds, under Yarborough ( '.imp, and near the Tleeby junction of the Manchester, SI, and Lincolnshire railway. The living is a rert. in the dioc. of Lincoln, vul. 392, in tho patron, of the lord chancellor. Tl.< dedicated to St. .lolm the -. Roman coins liav, found here. Tho Karl of Yarborough is lord of tho < l;i>Vr<)N, a ehplry. in llie par. '. ston, hund. of Callow, in the co. of Norfolk, 6 i .ham. There is no village, only a few scattered houses. The living i^ that of Fulmod- d t'. S John the Ita- in the par. ot'Middlewieh. liuiid. <>. of I'll, -'., i. 1 ],,Ji,. N . W. of Middlewich, iU font tewn, and 5 miles from Northwich. It is situated on the Grand Trunk canal and the rivi Dane, whirl. l v. CROXTOX KI.VKIAI., a par. in tho hund. of Fnal land, in tin- co. of Leicester, 7 miles E its post town, and 8 N.K. of ii It U situated on the river Doves cmrci A 1'n- monstratentian Abbey wu - here in 11 William, I. mi.- of li the Dissolution amounted to 385. '!').. liing is a vie.* in the dioc. of Peterborough, val. 265, in th patron, of the Duke of Rutland. The clam -h, deili ,[ . John, is a handsome structure, in th> English style of architecture, <-ousistiiii,">i ...,-... ( haMM aisles, S. porch, and square c-ml i with five bells. There are several charities, amounting ii about 80 per annum. There is a W' sl< an rlnpel and a Xatin. il .- . I iN. SOUTH, a par. in tho hund. of ^H Goscote, in t!i.- 1 -i. ! I.' iei-st-r, 7 mil i N. II. its post town, and 5 from the Syston station of the London and North- Western railway. It is situated a branch <'! Vi-ak. The village is small, ( some of tho inhabitants are engaged in stocking wcavinM The living is a reel.* in the dioc. of Peterborough, TH 130, in the patron, of the Duke of Kuthmd. 7M tithes were commuted in 1794. Tie- church is e dioalfl to St. John the 1' produce a! 35 per annum. There are four cottages left as houses. Races take place annually in the month March at Croxton Park. ( UOY, a par. in tho district of East Inverness, in cos. of Inverness and Nairn, S-otland. It KM ancient pars, of Croy and Dalcross, which in the end of the loth century. It is 21 miles in len, with a breadth in some parU of 9 miles. That part of parish included in Strath Nairn, and tlirough Nairn flows, is of groat beauty: tie Culloden Moor, is comparatively bleak M principal seats are tho.- and Ix-ys Castle. Dalcross ' built in 1621 by Lord Lovat, ami Kiumandi a extensive view. Crom the liill of JIi vounie to the Ord of Caithness. In a wild d called Clava, S. of the parish church, there a cairns and druidicol circles, ol v. .- * is a varS perfect example near Leys Ca-tle. 'Die jmr. i.- in the presb. of Nairn and synod of Moray : jutror of Cawdor, and Rose of Kilravock. Tho sti) minister is 239. There is also a Free Chu: i l;i>Y, a small vil. in tho par. of Cunil mile. s.W. of Castle Car)-, in the co. of I Scotland. It is a station on the Edinburgh and ( railw >YI'K r.AV. in tho co. of Devon, 7 miles N.W.fll Kited on tho S. ( ( KO V 1 K IN", a |>ar. and market town in tie of the hnnd. of ' . in the co Itil - d in tlie easlem pait of the en., line Downs, 10 miles to large and populous, containing 30,22U inh . comprises a large part of Norwood, as also the ] of P.. iiscombo, Croham. I! Cooni il.ury, W'- It is on the N. l.y I^imlntli and ' on th Addington, on the S. ! ad and Coulsdon ; an ! by M ; 11. The little i-i-. vhieh discharge. : he Thames at takes its rise in : and ih- }[ le-iniin . which passed 1: 1. There are t)i riut Itclongs jointly ; and'the Iirii;htoii aiei to Viml.!' Palae- plai-es; aiv from which trains run direct both to I. ml n llridg* =