Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/748

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DKAN, KAST. DKAN' Si'Al.l.S. Minuted for .',ns, with ;ii; a. n 1 1 KAN, KAsT, a i I: . the <:o. ni' Hants. ( n, ill .1 N.W. of ml '.) from Salisbury. The Salisbui;. ampton canal passes i ige. The in a | * in the dioc. of Winchesl I., tlio net.* of Mot;' in HIM i>:itn.u. of tin' Rv. 1'auli t St. .l.ilin. The charities amount to ._ annum. The tithes 1 commuted for a charge of 205 ; the glebe contains four DEAN, EAST, a par. in the huml. of Westbourne, rape. eo. of Sussex, 7* miles N.I. of Chichcster, iirnl is S.K. of Midhm.-t. The villngo is beautifully situated in a narrow picturesque vale, living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Chichester, val. 86, in the patron, of the Rev. T. W. Cogan. The church is an ancient cruciform striic ture, with a tower rising from the centre. DEAN, EAST, a par. in the hund. of Williiigdon, rape of Povensey, in the co. of Sussex, 10 miles S. Lewis, and 4 J E. of Seaford. It is situated near Beachey Head, about 3 miles W. from Eastbourne. There is a lighthouse, occupyingthe summit of a lofty cliff, beneath which is an extensive cavern, known as Darby's Cave. The village, which is small, is situated in a secluded valley on the South Downs, and contains an agricul- tural college. The living is a vie. in tin archdcac. of Lewes, and dioc. of Chichester, val. with Friston an- nexed, 270, in the patron, of the Bishop and the and Chapter of Chichcstur alternately. Scatter. 1 tlni neighbouring Downs are numerous barrows and military intrem-ln DEANE BOTTOM, a built, in the par. of Horton- Ivirliy, lathe of Sutton-at-Uone, in the, co. of Kent, 2J miles 8. of Dartfcinl, ami -> S.K. of Kpeedgate. DEANKIlTKN 11 AK< : 1 1, avil. of modern date in the par. of Eoberton, partly in the co. of Roxburgh, and partly in that ft Selkirk, Scotland. DEAN FOREST, an ext. par. place in the hund. of St. Briavel's, in the co. of Gloucester. It is situated be- tween the rivers Severn and Wye, extending 20 miles in length from N. to 8., and 10 miles in breadth from E. to W. It was anciently still more extensive, comprising the towns of Tudenham and Wollaston, and the village of Alvington, situated on the margin of the Severn. It is a rich mining district, containing Coleford ami other places, inhabited chiefly by miners, and is divide* I into the walks of Denbv, Herbert, Little Dean, Speech House, Worcester, ami York. It belongs to the crown, and comprises 23, 015 acres, 11,000 of which are enclosed for timber. The mines produce an abundance of iron and coal. It is governed by a lord warden, who is constable of St. Briavel's Castle, 6 deputies, ! dercrs, a conservator, and chief forester, all which offices are vested by inheritance in tho Wyndham family; there are besides 8 foresters, and a gavell collect the dues; also a steward of tho swain whose duty it is to preside at the swainmote and n courts. There are four chplries. within tli of tho forest, all in the dioc. of Gloucester and !': and each of tho val. of 1.30, three of which are in tin patron, of tho crown, and the other in that of tho hi The churches are Christ Church, Holy Trinii . John's, and St. Paul's. Tho Cinderford Iron, the Park- end and Bilson, and the Coleford Coal and Iron a; principal works; there are also the Futtrill nnd lln- " SI rip-and-at-it" collieries, and theLydbrookand 1! mi- brook tin and rolling mills. To prevent encroach- upon each other in the coal nnd iron works, frc courts are held at the Speed. House, which is situated in the centre of tho forest; at these courts the par- u- laws and customs of the tho steward, assisted by a jury nf miners. t'ntil ri . tho inhabitant* were exempt from all rates anil ' and have still free liberty (if pasturage and fuel, with th.i privilege of Mtildng mines, tho sixth part of the produce being reserved to the crown. Pursuant : I iMnod in the> 86th year of George HI. now roads i imway communicating with the Seven" an liKANIIA.M. a tiishp. in tie- ol llartlmin, N.I div. ul the ward of Timlali , i i Nuiilmiiili land, !i miles S.W. of Morpetli. DI-:AN HKAD, in the Riding of ti York, .1 mil. I V. -I II DKAN 1111,1., a hndt. in the par. ,,t Samll.aeh, 1m.. of Nantwich, in tin: to. e! Sandbach. AN HOUSE, a hmlt. in the rhplry. of llmil. y, in i.'itling nf the co. nf Yurk, Smiles - i -Id. DKAN'I.ANK, :i ih irict in the par. qf llnulLv. in the co. of Dorset, 5 miles N.W. of ( 'ranl.onie, adjoining Newton. DKAN l.AN(;l,M'S, a vil. in the jar. ..f Wilton, in the 1 md. DKAN, Ll'ITLE,apar. in i 1 : hund. oi M. liriav eo. of Gloucester. .V. ..| Newnh The village- is situated on the verge of Dean Forest, < was formerly a market town. The inhabitant* chielly emjiluyed in the iron and coal min making nails. The living Ls a ju-ip-t i ur. > of Gloucester and Bristol, val. 1'Ji', in i Corporation of Gloucester. Tin i-liun-h lia> some stained windows. Tho charities amount to All There is a house of i.-", ; a market cross, latter surmounted by a j itli niches 1^1 statues. Fairs are hold i m Vhit-.Munday and th November. DKAN, LITTLE WALK, an , Forest, hund. of S;. 1' DEAN, MITCHKI,!,. Stc 1 I) cestcr. DEAN, NETHER, a par. in th the co. of Bedford, 9 miles N. of St Bedford. It includes the hmlt. of 1 u. Th living is a perpot. cur. tho patron, of the I Kan and church, dedicated to All i " consisting of chain el, nav has a beautiful carved oak roof. Parker. The charities amount to is a free school, founded by .1 i- Dean there is a Vi l'iv 40 George III . tl" tithes of this parish of ' money payment. Lord St. .! DEAN-PRIOR, a par. in tin 1 hund. oi in tins co. of Devon, 3J miles S.W. of ' I. 1 N.W. of Totnes. Tin- village is small. 'I '-.* in the dine. "I of Lord Churston. Tho church is d. George, the .Martyr. The eharitie-i an,.. nut annum. There is a school for both i meet at Dean Moors.


DKAN l;nV, .. quarUr in the eln.iry. i.t : ]iar. of Vanlen. ir ' Mini., rlainl. N.W. of A! d s W. ..I II. xliam. rd-1. -1'e. 1 Tower, hii-h -, in 13KC, granted to tho Fri II. xham. DEAN ROW. a limit, in the par. of liunil. of Mlleeli field, ill t! N'.N'.W. of Ma,-, lesli.-ld. The Unitarians have a DKAN SAND, on the N.l i'rom Souths, a t'antl*, and is --.;(ilN, a hmlt. in the tn.-hji. Lonsdalo, in the co. of ". i, mar Kirkhy- Lonsdale. DEAN Si'AI.KS. i vil. in the tnsh]. of Dean, in tho co. of Cumberland, 1 miles v Cockermouth. Tim manufacture of linen thread M carried on here. . in ti. in and I'h.-i] ' All Saints, is in th nave, square tow