Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/788

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DONAt;ir 778 Di >N CASTER. DONAGHMORE, a pur. in the bare, of Ballaghkeen and (iorev, in the CO. of Wrxford, jimv. of I.i . post town. It is ted near Cahore Point, on the coast of St. George's iii-l. The living is an impropriato cur. in the dioc. In tin 1 alternate ]i.itrun. nf ilir Treasurer of I'Vrii -iiJi'. Tim church, alleged to have been a ci-11 to (Jlascarrig Abbey, is very old, and fast decaying. The I holio chapel is united to that of Ardamino. Here is a Sunday and two or three day schools. Donaghmore is noted as being the landing- place of Dermod MacMurrough, the last King oi ster, on his return from England. It is recorded that a cell to the Benedictine monastery of Glascarrig existed here under St. Dogmael, afterwards granted to Richard Jioylc, first Earl of Cork. The chief seats are Donagh- moro House, Peppard's Castle, and Johnstown Castle. DONAGHMOKE, a par. in the bar. of Upper Talbots- town, in the co. of Wicklow, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 3 miles N.E. of Baltinglass. Donard is its post town. It is situated on the banks ot the river Slaney, and at the base of Brussclstown Hill. The surface is moun- tainous and broken, having some considerable summits and a large tract of bog. The soil is good. The living is a rect. and vie. in the dioe. of Dublin, val. 38o, in the patron, of the archbishop. The church was rebuilt in 1711, and had the addition of a tower in 1821. The Roman Catholic chapel is united to those of Donard and Dunlavin. Here is a school assisted by the Erasmus charity, another connected with the Society for Discoun- tenancing Vice, and five or six other daily schools. The principal seats are BaUwclea and Coolmonoy. At cruddery are Druidical remains and a largo Danish rath. Spear-heads and other relics have been ploughed up here. DONAGHMOYNE, or DONAMINE, a par. in the bar. of Furney-with-Donaghmoyno, .in the co. ofllona- ghan, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, 2 miles N.E. of Carrick- macross, its post town. It is situated on the road from Dublin to llonaghan. The living is a vie. in tin dioc. of Clogher, val. 776, in the patron, of the bishop. The church was built in 1K27 from funds lent Ijy the late Board of First Fruits. There are Roman Catholic chapels at Lisdowncm, Taplagh, and Tullymaclinartin. which are united. There are National and other schools. Several lakes are within the limits of the parish. The principal scats are Donaghmoync House, Longfield, Vicars-dale, and Kalians. Here are ruins of a fort, and some mo- nasti' DON Ai; 11 PATRICK, a par. in the bar. of Clare, in the co. of Galway, prov. of Connatight, Ireland, 2 miles N.E. of Headford, its post town. It is situated near Lough Comb. The surface is flat, with largo tracts of bog and many lakes. The road from Headford to Tuam traverses the interior. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Tuam, vol. with Headford, 834, in the patron, of the bishop. The Roman Catholic chapel is united to that of Headford. The principal seats arc Garrowlmore House, Mirehill House, Oldtore Lodge, and Abbcytown. DONAGHPATRICK, a par. in the bars, of Lower Kavan and Upper Kelts, in the co. of Month, prov. of ^ter, Ireland, 3 miles N.W. of Navnn, its post town. It is situated on tho river Blackwater, and is traversed by the road from Enniskillin to Droghoda. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Meath, val. 380, in the patron, of the Rev. G. Everard. The rhurch is a neat building with ancient tower. In tho Roman C'atholic arrange- ment tho parish is united to Kilberry and Oristown. There are several schools. The hamlet of DonaghpatriYk was anciently a prosperous town, but has fallen into decay. The seats of the neighbourhood are Uandlestown and Oilbstown, where is a Danish I'oit. An abbey is said to have been founded by St. Patrick, but was destroyed by the Dam s in ii'.i I. A castle formerly stood le DON'A(iHY,a vil. in the par. of Donaghmore, in the Kir. of DM n Tallin in, in the co. of Tyrone, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, '2 miles N.W. of Stewartstown. Tt stands on (lie road from Dungannon to Doneittile. Fairs are held on the 10th July and 26th August. DONA II A, a vil. in tin- bar. oi . pr. >v. of .Minister, Ireland. :: mil' - N.I!. risfholt. DONALD'S MiiTNTAIN, in the bar. of Kcnougfct, ir the co. of Londonderry, prov. of Ulster, I torm^ 1-iit of the skrecn of the Roc valley, and i of 1 .:;K> DiiNAMOA III!AD, in the co. of Mayo, prov. of ic.: tit, Ireland, near Binghamstown. Hero is remarkable stone nionument. DONAMONA, .in.-d to Killaloo, co. Clftfl In laud. DOXAMl >I;K. X-c DOXAOHMORE. DOXAX, a small island at the head of Lo, h A. the S.W. corner of the co. of Ross, Scotland. It if i at the junction of lochs Long and Duiich. I" i.NAXAUHTA, a par. in tho bar. of I the co. of Galway, prov. of Connanght, Ireland. It it situated on the river Shannon, and contains its port town, Eyreeourt. The living is a vie. in the d Clonfert, val. with several others, 300, in the p*^^l of the bishop. Eyreeourt is the principal residence, j DONANK, a vil. in tho bar. of Sliev. i s County, prov. of Leinster. 1 1 , !>*^l of Carlow. It is noted for its extensive coal-ti< DONAfiD, a par. in the bar. of Lower Tall in tho co. of Wicklow, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 6 n N.E. of Baltinglass, its post town. It is situated on Little Slaney river, and 1 from HollywooJ llacketstown. The surface is mountainous, but ;h. good. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Dublin, with Cryhelp, 1011, in the patron, of the a; The church was built in ls3.i by the late Board First Fruits. The Roman Catholic chapel is unit that of Dunlavin. Here are parochial, infant, and day schools. Tho town stands at the foot of Di Mountain, -which rises 1,753 feet above sea-level, was formerly a market town, and was burnt in by the insurgents. Hero is a police at < . ^ : vester is said to have been buried in Donard < ! subsequently removed to Timghboyne V DON ASS, a cascade in the i .-.-. of i Munster, Ireland. This magnific< ; non, at a point wher Its length is about J a mile, and it is eau-i d masses of rock which lie in the river's course Connell is the neighbouring s DON AT S. ST., a par. in th.- hund. of Ogmore, in the co. of Glamorgan, 6 miles S.W. of Cowbridp situated on tho sea-coast near the lighthouse Point. A castle was built here by the EsterlingS^^^H lings shortly after the Norman Com; are some remains. The living is a ie. in tli Llandali; val. 131, in the patron, of T. T. Dr;. who is lord of tho manor. Tho church -t:n beautiful glen, and contains HI vial r> n. menta of tin StiadliiiL"*, whose ancestors inhai castle for seven centuries. In the in'igh; be seen part of the ruins of Castle Man i- been discovered, and large ca icinity, supposed t" ha I i a inha- bited b v St. Donat. in 'NAT S ST.), WELSH, a par. in the hun . in the co. .if ( tlamoi ::an, '2 mi!. ited at the source ,.j the r IT. annexed to Llanhlethian. IMINCASTK!;. a par., nialket tov. n, 'and n borough in the lower div. of the wap. ol the West Riding of the oo. of York, S.W. of York, and Hi2 X.X.W. of I/mdmi hy mad, or 156^ by tho Great Northern railway, mi v. station. The Midland, South i l<ancashire and Yorkshire railways also have sttt^H in the town, which is situated en t n, hero crossed by two ban ! This river rises near IVni.tone, and at; .MI. Doncii-:. Ouse at r its c, influence with the l ; ishof Doncaster includes, bi -id- - tic