Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/800

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DORSETSHIRE. 790 DOBSTONE. >rt. Tho county lunatic asylum is at Char- niiiisUT, about 1 inilo from Dorchester. It will accom- modate ICO patients. The number of inliabited houses in tli. c..inity in 1 Mil. was :'.7,709, occupied by 188,789 persons. In 1851 the population was 184,207, showing mi increase of 4,682 persons in the d> i iod. Dorsetshire con 1. ac./nry i" the diocese .ry and archbisl: inlet-bury. It is subdivided into 6 d. iitaining 62 livings, 1 > li Canonicorum 68. During the Saxon 1 Dorset belonged successively to the sees of Dor- chester in Oxfordshire, Wim -hesti T, and Shcrborne, whence the bishopric was removed to Salisbury in the llth century. In 1542 it was transferred to the new diocese of Bristol, but was re-transferred to Salisbury by the late Act. The chief manufacture in the county is that of flax. At Bridport, canvas, sailcloth, -1, mid twine, are manufactured. There are also ilax-mills at Beaminster, Burton Bradstock, Netherbury, and other places. Woollen goods are manufactured at Sturminster, Shaftesbury, and Lyme Regis, and worsted stockings at Wareham and Wimborne. The silk manu- facture has also been introduced, and is carried on principally at Sherborne. Ships and yachts are built at Poole and Bridport. Shirt buttons are made largely at Shat'tesbury and Blandford, and gloves at Cerne Abbas. Good ale is brewed in the county. The chief trade is from Poolo, in coal, timber, and wine. The exports are Portland and Purbeck stone, clay for pottery, sheep, wool, butter, cheese, ale, cider, and mackerel. The anti- quities in the county are very numerous, both of the British and Roman periods. "Of the former the most interesting are Agglestone barrows, near Studland; 1 1 oilstone cromlech, a circle of stones near Winter- bourne St. Martin; Celtic earthworks at Button Val- rond ; cromlechs at Little Breedy and Poxwell ; Bad- bury and Manmbury rings, and numerous barrows. As many as twenty-five Roman camps have been discovered in Dorset. The remains of a Roman amphitheatre near Dorchester are still visible. Four Roman roads traversed the county one on each bank of the Frome, from Dor- chester to Stratton , where they unite, and beyond which they cannot be traced ; another from Dorchester to Mel- combo Regis, and the celebrated Via leenia. This road enters Dorset from Wilts, near Woodyates Inn, passes between Qussage All Saints and Ousaage St. Michael's, und proceeds to Long Critchill, Badbury camp and down, Shapwick Marsh, Sturminster Marshall, and Stinford Lane, entering Dorchester on the N. of St. Peter's church. It issues from the town on the N.W. side, and, passing Eggerton and Poorstock, leaves the county, and proceeds to Exeter. In many parts the road has been destroyed tor the materials. It is called by various names Ickening or Icknield Road being the general name for the road in all the counties through which it passes. Between Woodyatos and the Gussages it is known as Ackling Dike, and to the W. of Dorchester as the liidiroway. In this county are the remains of ' ; also castle ruins at Brownsea and Port Tlic religious houses in Dorset were twenty-no number at the Reformation. There were I and Cistercian abbeys at Bindon, Come, Sh s, borne, Abbotsbury, Oranborne, Ilortim.aml.M and priories at Dorchester, Bridport, Wareham, 1 . Frampton, and ry, besides others of less importance. Sherbomp Abbey possessed a vineyard at the time of the compilation of Domesday i hospital and cathedral church still remain. Wimborno, which, as well as Sherborne, was the seat of a bish possesses a very fine old minster. Stalbridi; a very ancient building, with an embattled i which has recently been repaired. In the market- place there is an old cross, on a base of three .- it measures 30 feet in height. Affpuddlo chnrcl ginal ' i.ickerell there is an lish church, wh". which contains a Norman stone font, :u two large bells suspended under stone arches. Other town* and villaf:i-.i ]K.ssessing interesting churches an D' iltravers, Maiden New- Piddlehintonj containing several curious brasMa, Shapwick, SjieUisbury, Swanage, and Vykc , , Tie seata of the nobility and ',orne Castle, i.l' Karl Oiirl.y, where Sir '<ury Park, of D'uke nf Ituckimjham ; Stali.ridge I 'ark, Marquis <.i .lid I .11 ; ,Mo|hur i more Lodge, Lord Rivers ; Down of Smith, Bart. ; ' LoderV i

Sans Souci, Scott, Bart. ; l.'.i-i. Hil . irth, Pickhard ; Brideheed, Park, Drax ; Critchell House, Stint ; I >< Kdmondesham, Monro; Frampton ll.,n-e, Sherii^l Stowborough Grange, Bond ; Handford liou Henbury, Parsten ; Ueningstone Lodge, Kingston House, Pitt ; Langton, Farquhar

, Weld ; Mansion, Yeatman ; Moor

Okedon ; Nottington House, Steward ; Strode II. Gollop; Studland, Bankes ; Thornhillll Turuworth, Davis ; Upton, Doughty ; West Stoj^l Floyer; Wha and many others. The count of Marquis of Dorset to the Beaufort ami K;irl of Dorset to the Sackvilles. The Lom South- Western railway passes through Dorset, < the county near Ringwood in Hants. Tl are Wimborno Minster, Wareham, and Doi whence it proceeds in 'a north- wi -~t< i-ly direct! u and Frampton to Yeovil. There are b from Wimborne through Blandford, Sturminstt ton, and Stalbridgo ; a short branch to Pool. Dorchot r in Vc nioiith, and from Bridport. The Exeter line also passes ti of Dorsetshire, and the stations of Gillingham borne, and Chardstock, are in that eon roads from Dorchester are as follows: 7 miles, and Portland, 11. To Owre M 12; Wareham, l.s; Oorfe Castle, 22; and 8 Bay, 27. To Piddletown, .', Here Regis, 11; 22 ; to Bournemouth and Christchurch, I borough, 16 ; Wimborne Minster, 21 ; and Kingw To Cranborne, 30; and Fording! ford, 10; Eastbury Park, 22; ami Blandford to Shattesbury, 31. '1 Mintern Magna, 9; Sherborne, 1"; and Yco By M intern Magna to Lydlim-h, 17 ; Stalbridge Sturminster Newton, 20. To Longbridg< . 15 ; Lyme Regis, 21 ; and Axminstcr, 27. minster, 17; and Chard, 28. To' There are no canals in the county. IMIKSIM.TON, apar. in the u ol Kilt."L;ate, in tin- en. of Gloucester, i mi:- the lloneyliourno station 01 liamjiton railway, ami I S.W. of S; i ng ' its post town. I i near '.'.on, an. i at l' e Dom iiiiillt, iron. I 'arwick. Tl, is a st d the land < !.:;' is a reel.* in the dioc. of Glouc-i 199, in the patron, oi .1. i; . St. I'eti r, is a middlo of tin M 17-">l. 'I elririty of II. DOR8INGTON, LITTLE, a limit, in the AVelford, Stratford div. of the hunil. of 1 the co. of Warwick, i miles V. . ; Stratford- Bickmersh. DORSTOKE, a i,.n. in the bund, of " I ay, its post town.