Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/82

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ANNA! ill. 72 ANNAN. is situated on the river Erne, and contains tho town of ii. of Lord The pcrpet. cur. (>t Annagh, val. (>'.!, i.-i in tho patron, of the rector. There arc several scats. ANN Ad 1 1, a vil. in tho Uir. of Orrery nnd Kilmore, in the i-o. of CVrlc. ami '"'I, f> miles S.V. of C'harlcville. The manufacture of limn iried on in tlii- on tho site of a bo;;, reclaimed by tho Karl of Kginunt. The river Awl.i-f,' flows by it. ANNAGH, or si'. ANNA, :i Mr. in tho bars, of iguiny and Trughanaony, in tho oo. of Kerry, of Jl i to the W. of T] ast of tlir bay of Train 1 , extemli.

.il miles between the b..

tains, and contains tho village of Blcimervillc. Tin 1 living is a rect., forming part of tho union of Ballyna- hnglish, in tho dice, of Limerick, Ardfcrt, nnd Ag!. hurch ia at I'.lcnnervillo. Tho greater part of tho pari.-Ii : mountain [.i.-tme, :m.l tin 1 rest of arable land. ANNACII, a i>ar. in tho bar. of Costcllu, in tho co. of Mayo, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, -"'I miles to the S.K. i.l :<Vtl. ! .!. It is situated near tho rn contains t! -. Hero was t.'innily a m". 'nether of tin 1 r'ranci- Aug., I is doubtful, which was a i->-ll to tin 1 union of Kiltull.i : Tiiaiu, Killala, a; ANNACIIIxAVN, a par. in tin- bur. of Clan-, in Un- co. ; i auuht, Ireland. , i. shore of Lough < which form-) its western boundarv. It is a ]>lacoof gicat antii|iiity, anil was the seat of a bishopric and of :- ious establishments. A nuiim-i v was founded hero by St. r.rendan, which was granted by Celestino III. to nuns of tho Arroasian order. It passed at tho suppres- sion to tho Karl of Clanricardo. A Prcmonstrat abbey al.- TO at a remote period, nnd a Fran- , :i friary, whirh was head of tho monasteries ol . luirht .and 1'1-lcr. There was also a college, nann 1 r four priests. Tho old bisln i>n has loni; bi in incoqiorated with Tuam. Tho li a vie. in tin- dioc. of Tuam, Killala, and Achonrv with those of Lnckngh and Killasciibe,';!i;, in tin i 'i 1 tho bishop. Annaghdown House, Cregg Castle, and n-ipal reside! AWMiH 1SI.'NH, in the par. of Kilrommon. rris, in the co. of Mayo, prov. of Connaiu It is situated near tho entrance of Achill Sound, am consists chiefly of mountain, with excellent pasture, f. salmon and lierring fishery it established 1 ANNAHIl.'l', a j>ar. in tho bars, of Lower Iveagh ninl Kiii'-lariy, in tho co. of Down, prov. of Ulster of Ilillsborough. Tho living is a r.-i t. in tho dioc. of Down, Connor, and Dromore val. 113, in the patron, of the bishop. There are alms houses for ten old men and tin women, erected in 1835, and endowed by 1: .land. Each < ! tin inmates receives a a year. Shite, of good quality, i obtained at Chmt< i and cotton weaving' an carried on, and mar arc engaged in spinning There are two places of i m. The principal x-nts arc I.-u. hti.-M and Ix>ugh Aghen-. At tho sito i ; l^t m ar it. limit, in tho bar. of Moun. CO. ot Iii.wn, ],M 1, ."i miles to tho N of Ki!! nk. AN K ALORE, a -il. in the 1 -i tin- , , U> the N.V. ..t Viekl-W. ll in n charming valli y i-y tin- Annainoe rivulet whie 1 own from Lough 1 ' tic village are the remains i


ranglc. All that is left ore i ' ami ditch, omoofthofoundatim <e-in, on a fine wood, d hill, will )romeenand I.u . A MULT, or A< 1 1 .1 NAM t'LT, an ex! bar. of Shillclogln r, in the co. of Kilkenny, , . Ireland, 6 miles to the, S. of Kii ! s situated at Uio jun< King's river and the ivcr Nore. Tho living is Cells, in tho dioc. of Ossory, Ferns, and Lci^b'in. An was established here, but di .! lave remained unoccupied. Anuauiult House is tin, 1 principal ANNAN, a par., M a port, market town, and royal anil i. in tho co. of DIM miles to the K. ot Dumfries, nnd 7'J to tin mrgh. Iti on the Gklgow and South Western .y. The town stands on tin if th. ii r n', which cntci-s tho Solway Frith n mile below ti.u It includes part of tho quoad tar (irk. Annan is a placeof great antiquity. AcustlovM milt hero bv tho Itrin ru lords of Annandalfl Tho first charter of incorporation was pranv.l by 1 Bruco in 1306: and tho pii more peril etly delined by a charter of James V. in 153 The chai v.-i d by James VI. in 1612. 1 i . by 857 separate uimilios, consists of sc Iii incipal one being in the lino of road himtries. Tho streets nro pavi.I.and built. There is a town-house at tho v town, a: irons aro studded with main villas, giving tho place an appearance of cl prosperity. A handsome bridge of tin i over tho Annan in ISM, tho old biil loviously removed. Vesselsof 300 tons can mi" in tin- river, and small vessels can disclia: at the town. The port is subordinate to Dum to it, about thin- aggregate of 2,600 tons burden, an- or three tra'le to Aim i and tli [way tli .1. Th. re i- a quay. Tho chief e porU aro corn, bacon, tii the chief imports coal, slate, herrings, A:c. 'I manufaeture. gingham-weaving, ship-building, and tho fisheries gi 'ion to many of the inhabr Vessels of upwards of 1,000 tons burden have been b '

to Dumfries, in returning one repi to par ment. . ipal and parliamentary coniitituei: -.-as 191. It is governed by a prov eouncillon, and has a nven i i> the M*t of a presbytery. Tin- livinir.val is in the patronage of J.ihn-tone of Annai. Ii, which was built in 1790, is a h with an elegant spin-. A new church has been er tin 1 livinir of which i-. in tin 1 pft of the manai! hip belonging t. d ~ h, I'liitnl and Iml 1 | iid> -lit-. Then ill nn < -hrniii -s' iiiMitut> . a pood library,

in l.S'Jll. .

il by two in, -I, i - I of tlr illy level, but tin i -. hills ruin. h it in the same 'lii ur-e of tl., 1 i !. , n r through very ]ii' .W.IV ( loS-' Tlti.ll iii!,' li-oiu bie!i il il ;

li. I'.iit

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