Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/828

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1 ir KLIN- r.AY. SIS JH'ULESTOXE. them 0110 of Strongbow, one of Thomas Prior, m.'ollor Bowes, and several succc* -i nl' Kildarc. In tin 1 eathedral of Si. 1'atriek are m'nm- menti to arohbUhopi Smith and Marsh; and tablets to Swift :nul Stella. Tho oldest minium' nt is to Archbishop Trcgury, who died in 1471. Dublin is famous for having been the birthplace of James U&shcr, the Duke of Onnond, Jonathan Swift, Robertson (the divine), Thomas Leland (the antiquary'), Isaac Bick- erstaff, Sir Philip Francis, Edmund Slalone, Henry Grattan, John Cunningham, and numerous ntln ' brities. The markets are under the superintendence of a jury. The chief wholesale market for cattle and is held on Monday and Thursday; that for hay, straw, butter, and fowls, on Tuesday and Saturday ; the great market for potatoes is in Petticoat-lane ; that for fish in Boot-lane. There is also a fruit market at Little Green. DUBLIN BAY, on the E. coast of Ireland, is one of the most spacious and secure harbours in the kingdom. It is 6 miles across from Dalkey Island to Howth Point, and about 6 deep, with from 2 to 10 fathoms water, and is bounded by a coast-line of 12 miles, from s points of which, as at Killiney Hill, -172 feet high, and at Hill of Howth, SOS feet, are obtained magnificent views of the bay with the city in the distance. On its shores are situated several pleasant watering-places, as Blackrock, Clontarf, Kingston, with its harbour and light, Poolbeg light, Dublin pier, &c. The tide rises from 6 to 12 feet. DDBMILL, a hmlt. in the par. of Bromfield, in tin? co. of Cumberland, 1 mili; N. of Allonby. It is sit opposite the light-ship and Dubinin Swamp, a bank 1 mile long, in y Channel. DUCHRAY, a river rising in the par. of Buchanan, in the co. of Stirling, Scotland. It rises near Ben Lomond, ami joins the Forth at Aberfoylo. DUCKINGTON, a tnshp. in the par. of Malpas, higher div. of the hund. of Broxton, in the co. palatine of Chester, 3 miles N.E. of Malpas. Thomas Tyrwhitt Drake, Esq., is lord of the manor. DUCK ISLAND, in the Upper Lake of Killarney, in the co. of Kerry, prov. of Munster, Ireland. DUCKLINGTON, a par. in the hund. of BamjiUm, in the co. of Oxford, 13 miles E. of Oxford, and 2 S. V . of Whitney, its railway station and post town. It is situated on the western bank of the river Windrush, and contains the chplry. of Hardwick. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Oxford, val. 535, in the patron, of Magdalen College, Oxford. Tho church, dedicated to St. Bartholomew, is an ancient structure, with a square embattled tower. It contains a Norman font. The charities amount to 18 per annum. There is a chapel - of-eose in the park of Walter Strickland, Esq., who is lord of the manor. DUCKM ANTON, a hmlt, in the par. of Sutton, hund. of Scarsdale, in the co. of Derby, 3 miles E. of Chester- field. The Adclphi Iron and Coal Works are nil in this hamlet, which was formerly a separate parish, but now united with Sutton. The living is a % '. to the rect. of Sutton, in the dioc. of Lichticld. There is no church. DUDCOTT, or DUDCOTE. S DIDCOT, Berks. DUIHiESTnVi V.M-NECHELLS, a hmlt. in the par. of Aston, in the eastern part of the borough of Bir- mingham, in the co. of Warwick. It is situated mar the London and North-Western railway, and contains ex- tensive workshops for construction of railway carriages, and a lunatic asylum. The living is a perpet. in the dioc. of Worcester, and in the patron, of trustees. The church is dedicated to St. Matthew. DUDDINGSTON, a par. in tho ro. of Kdinburgh, Scotland. It contains the town of Portobello, an vils. of Joppa, Easter Duddingston, ami Vc<ler Dud- dinirston, anil tin 1 limits, uf lluddingston Mill and Dudilingston S.ilt-l'ans. It is bounded mi Ihr X. by tho Firth of Forth, and mi tin- uUnr sides by tin- pars, of Invcresk, Liberton, Canongate, St. Ciitli and South Leith. It is very irregular in outlin nearly tho whole of the surface is fertile, well cultiy nnd inclosed. Powburn and Braidburn here unitin:! add greatly to the 1,< iund <| a. ( in tin - :,,l undol lieath the bold pi. i I .. .I'M. L mile in o, a I Hi the bank Duddingston ll<>::-'.. v.nh i;- suiroundii.:; gardeniaa! nineii. -i> near tin parish ihurtl S. of Arthur's Seat a magnificent view is obto < oal abounds, and limestone stone ile lor the nianu stoneware and of i luciblcs. is fom marl, of great i i< hiiess and in pi found in Duddingston Loch. The we- parish is traversea by tho old Ediubur railway, and also near the shore by the I.i ii'h that railway, and by tho main line of 1 1 railway. The roaa from Ivlinburgh to Bei passes through it. The village ol Kaster Du stands at the eastern angle of the parish, nea and consists of a few cottages, inhabited by Ve-,ter Duddingston is situated on the dingston Loch. Prim night before the battle of 1 'restonpans. ThU the preeb. of Edinburgh and synod of Lot Tweeddale, and in tin patron, of the J' corn. The minister has a stipend of 31 1. '1 church is of great antiquity, being aj There are also in Portobello a chapel-of-eat church, an United Pi church, a Congregational and a Roman DUIM'l ' o the hund. of YV in the co. of N S". oi its railway station and post-town. It i rher Wetland, which separates it inn Rutland. The county is hilly and well woodi oak and ash. The living is a pevpet. cur." in of Peterborough, val. 115. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is structure, and has a square tower with harities amount to 18 per annum, 1 goes to Jackson's free-school. The In a chapel hero, and there is a free sch< endowment. George Monckton, I manor. DUDDLE, a hmlt. in the par. it CO. of Dorset. DUDDLESTU.NK, a tyth-. in t; in the co. of Somerset, 3 miles S. of Tai.i DUDDO, a tnshp. in the Norhamshire, in the co. of North- in Durham), -. K. of Berwick, railway station at Norham. Ii Rigg, v. and tile making and a colliery gh largo number of the ii. 1 to the vie. of X'orham, in 1 liapel-of-ease is a proprietor, Thonri >|., who i - tin village are some Iruidieal st- DUDDO, a tnshp. in tin i i.intl I irthumberland, DUDDON, or DUDDEN, Tarvin, second div. of the bund. ' co. palatine of Chester, 3 mill s X.V. of ~ The living is a cur. annex' ii:. of ' ipel-ol-ea h.'dists in primi; le Duddon Hall, Dud Hall, and l)ildd"ii I .' i III 'HI ION, or Dl'lillF.N.iiver, risi s neai the Count; 1 Stones, on the borders of Cumberland and buici through some Ii. ad mouth near I DUDLE8TONE, a ehplry. in the p. hund. of Pimhill, in the co. of Salop, 3 mill