Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/830

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DUFFIKl.I' 820 JNPIELD. of the bishop. Tin: ]iariah church is a handsome struc-

,. It is ii Saints,

and contains i-i-vrral monuments to tin Mymird and Bradshaw families, some of them in three

ilso the following district

churches: Helper, a ' ">S in the i. of tho viciir; Jlrnl^e Hill, a perpet, cur.,* val. 150, in the patron, of the crown and bishop alter;,. Ha/lev, .1, a perpet. cur.,* val. 100, in the patron, of tho bishop; Hcai'.', a ],erpet. cur.,* val. 150, in the patron, of the vicar ; Holbrooke, :i perpet. cur., va! in tho patron, of T. V. Kv.ins, Esq. ; Mill'ord, a ] cur.,* val. .tl'ji), in the patron, ol' th- OTOWB ami alternately ; and Tnrnditch, a perpct. cur., val. 1 the patron, of tho vicar. The parochial charities produce about 383, of which I i Jilbert's free schools, and 104 to Webster's Charity. The YMi-yan.s and Baptists have each a chapel, and there arc day, Sunday, and infant schools. Then 1 an- several handsoni. dences in the parish. Sir Edward Repps Jodrcll, ' is lord of the manor. Fairs are held on the Thursday after the 1st January and 1st .March for cattle. DU1' 1 IKI.I', NlikTH.a tnshp. in the par. of Skip- with, in the East Riding of tho CO. of York, 6 miles N. K. Iby. It is s ir the river Derwent. DUFFIELD, SOUTH, a tnshp. in tho par. of Heming- brough, in the East Riding of the co. of York, 6 miles N.E. of Kelby. The Wesleyans hare a chapel hero. DUFFRYN, a parcel in the par. of l.i hund. of Crickhowell, in the co. of Brecon, 7 miles S. W. of Crickhowell, and 16 from LJandebio by the Llanelly railway, which has a station here. It is situated nt the source of the river Romney. There are some col and ironworks. DUFFRYN, a hmlt. in tho par. of Bassaleg, upper div. of the hund. of Wentllooge, in tho co. of Monmouth, 3 miles S.W. of Newport. DUFFfOWN, a vU. in the par. of Mortlach, in the co. of Banff, Scotland. It stands near Mortlach church, 10J miles S.W. of Keith by the Keith and Dufitown railway. DUFFUS, a par. in tho co. of Elgin, Scotland. It con- tains the towns of Burgh-Head, Hopeman, and New Duf- f us, tho vils. of Cummingstou , Roeeisle, College of Itoscisle, and Kaim, and tho hnilta. of Kirktown, ButhUl, Starwood, Old Roseislc, Inskicl, imd Unthank. It extends eastward along tho Moray Firth for 6 miles, with a breadth of 3 miles. It is bounded on the N. by tho Moray Firth, and on tho other sides by the pars, of Drainie, Spynio, and Alves. Tho surface is flat and richly ciilti and the soil fertile. Tho climate is remarkably mild, and there is little rain. The loch of Spynio, previous to being drained, extended a mile into this parish, and washed the mound on which Dufl'us Castle stood, on its north-western shore. There are free the coaat line, which towards the E. is bold. Lin; also occurs, and is burned for manure and other pur- poses. There are six principal landowners, three of v viz. Sir Archibald Dunbar, Bart., of North! of Inverugie, and Brander of Roscisluhauirh, ar. dent. Tho vil. of New Duffus stands 5 miles N.V. of Elgin. This par. is in tho prcsb. of Elgin and BYIM.! of Moray, and in the patron, of Sir Archibald Dunbar, Bart. The minister has a stipend of 232. There is a royal bounty chapel of the establishment at lturgh-1 1 > ad, where there are also a Freo church and an i bvterian church. There is an Episcopalian cliapcl near Kaim. DUFTON, a par. in East ward, in tho co. of West- moreland, 3 miles N. of Appleby, its post town, where is a station on the Kd> n Valley line, and 13 ' Penrith. It is situated on a branch of the river between Walling Street and Dufton Fells, and contain, tho tnshps. of Dufton and Keisley, with tho hmlt. of Birkdale. Tho parish is of wide extent, comprising above 20,000 acres, and is very hilly. Tho lead-mines i.t to a largo number of the inhabitants. In this neighbourhood is situated tho fine wa known by the name of Caldron Snout. Tho living is a reel.* in the dioc. of Carlisle, val. 172, in the patron. of Sir 1!. Tultoii, Hart., who is lord church is a well-built structure, with tower ana windows. It i i to St. Cuthbeii it 30 per itnnum. The Primitive and Wesleyan Methodists have each a dup. -1, and ther,- air National schools for both SOXM. Dufton Hall is an ancient building, now used as a farm- house. At Dufton 1'ike there is a barrow. lirtiDALK, a hmlt. i of Bramshall, in the co. of Statin, 4, i! mil. a W. .it 1'tioxotor. DUGUl.lil'.Y, ;: i',,hp. in the ].;ir. of Kii i dalyth, wap. of York, Wharian. n, its post town. The Wes! Primitive Methodists ha is a handsome structure in the ( L.thi. M There is also a school with a DUGHKD, a tn-hp. in the pur. of Mallwvd, of Merioneth, 2 miles S. of Dinas Mowddwy. DUGOUTl I, a vil. in the liar, of Bun co. of Mayo, prov. of Coniiaught, h. lan.l, N.W. of Newport. It is situated under Si iho Achill settl. 11 DUHALLOW, a bar. in the co. ot Munster, Ireland. It lies on the northern bfl^^^l tho co., and is bounded by iln co. ol the N., by the bar. of Orrery and Kilnio;. the bar. of Muskerry on the S., and by the co mi the W. It contains the pars, ot Cullen, Kilcorcoran, Kilmecn, Clout tariff, Clonmeen, Kilbrin, Kill..., Kilsh and Knocktomple, part of the pars, ol Churchtown, Mallow, Noughaal-l> ily. Tullylcaso, comprising 232,329 aci I'lincijial vils. are Newmarket, Kantiirk, Gi CecUstown, Freemount, liohcrboy, Dcrnagree, Dn._ and Lallyscrose. The rivi i 1 the . (of Spenser) traverse the nortln-m di.-: hilly and wild, abounding in coal and Tho Boggra mountains are tho principal HI IU1MS1I, or I'UMMSIl. a pal Skye, in the co. of Inverness, S.otlan.l. on tho N.W. by tho sea, and on side, by tho pars, of Snizort in length, with a breadth of 16 mi lino is so intersected with arms of the aea measures 80 miles, irrespective of isle' many high headlands. The peninsula of Vati the N. of the parish, constiti Ilalen. The greater and lesser Halh. considerable mountains. The soil of the arable '. although stony is for the most ]> of ,M aelood divides tho parish with s ol The mansions arc Dun and I ' h. This par. is in the pres and synod of Glenclg, and in the Macleod. The minister has u stij is a p. church at Vaternish, ai for iMiirinish. An annual lair ; miles fi. .in DTKKUS ilAdi;, a tush),, in tin . Tilnlale v.-al.l, in til. land, 2i miles S.K. of tin l'i I Carlisle railway. 'I 'liumber- land is lord .1 the manor and solo pi lll'KKSWKLL, a hmlt. in in the co. of Kilkenny, prov. of Lein- Mull ina vat. DI'KINI' 1 ! l.IJi, a tnshp. and ehplry. in the ; Stockport, luin.l. of .M I , M -;. r, and 6j J.alt of (he (..Wllship Il'iW to borough of Stal. yhii church of St. .loiin and the district church of ( are both within the boi..<n_'ln Ir river Tame, near the P. nd is ai on the Man. In Li- and Staleybridge line. Will !f ci ntury the place luis greatly risen in i