Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/84

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' KV. 71 IXGUAM. residence. Tho chplry. comprises 1,400 aero*, a largo

wl.ieh was formerly waste, but has 1

AN .r. iii tho CO. of the city of Coventry, in V iitry. The iial pass through thoji. ' liviugisa vie. in tin <'. D. ut Hit- lad i h.-inoellor. .11 171H, !>>' til" lli'V. John Million. 'I ull t!. . Hue U tho chief residence. i , a par. ii. : the It is MIH- Ilill. Tin- .1 tli" I, ml Arum! was founded in this ; in tin- i.i^-n i>f Kiiiir J.-!:n. 1 . ",ii:. i il. T>.i!. part of whioh i , btili . .ml in used as a barn. Tho n-vi n,n- 1,1' tin'). Dissolution, wa 81. Anitoy was tin: birthplace (1690) of Dr. Itichard X tho groat lawyer, who was judge of the Admiralty in til" ri'iirti i.r ( 'hark-s L

MI. in the huiiil. i if Suutli Molton,

in tlio co. nf Devon, In mili-s t" tin' K. nf South -M Dulvorton is the post town. It i.- pleasantly situiit tho burden of SomoneUhiro, near the source of th< Veo, and at the foot ut : ill, a lofty eminence on i a reel. * in tho i.l T. S.Jessopp, Esq. '1'h.. i-liurcli is il. di, at, '1 t" St. Michael. S 1'ASITKKS. .,M ,-xt. j>ar. lih. ill tho luiml. mti', in tlii- !'. nf I.rii"-tiT, clone to Anstey. It hy of Lancaster. AN'siLV, KST, a jar. in the hund. of South Mol- t'ni, in tin littli' to tho N.'NV. <'. Anstcy. The living is a vie. * in tho d : ,, val. 132,in tho Citron, of tho Dean and Cha],! Tln> church in dedicated t in an itlnuhouM for poor pcr8ons,and charities ninoimtinnto7. A NS'l'i >, a par. in tho southern div. of tho wap. of l-rth ami Tickhill, in tho West I ik, 12 miles t,, tho K. ni Sin Hi. llie ]><>st town. It comprises the tnshpx. .uaton, Smtli Aii!.ti.n, and WoodsetU. A rivul ' i Anstnn, which btuud on opposite hills,

and tho Chesterfield canal passe* at a short

  • cith.
    is now govcrni .1 hy tin, o 1..,: , one of these accoriliM'-- t-i tin r,-ii-.,u , into lion ^ , '!'(. liii. . in tho I ' " . I'l ;- ' i I !..- h. I ill ,-! '.!.. j , ; i long, "Maggie Laudor," lived in this town. A: was the > (Treat preuelnr. In. ' and of 1'rofcasor '1 clever il whieh was once of not- town. Th iiu-d. i TIIK1; V. i par. joined with An- Hlrntl .ml. It i- i !';imoiitary Looses, inhabited I
    ii7. It was made a royal burgh M
    VI .in 1-V;7. . - the M^H , Andrew's in c;i In 1N.VJ tho |ii lti<3'2 it has been govcn.. d l- ti lias suffered much on several ocean mcuts of tho sea. It had once a sail . of SOSIB iiii]>urtunce, which, after it had very much ! 'y revived. Tho living is in t!42, in 11. liureh, a Gothic building of great spiro and largo choir, has been so 1- altind that scarcely a trace of .r. was anciently a vie Land has rs so i improved in value in this parish, i .-. 'nil h 3 1UJ. t " ii which is a lightli"' AN'1'1I<).N, -I. IN ' hund. ot K< nil r, in t, E. of Heist on. It is : ii,iat<-d on the c.iasl is hi(?h, and i is a ic.* in the dine. > I. .I'HU. in of the lord r. Tin; ehiin-h, wh:<-h age, has a granite tower. A in . which was a cell to tie A as probably founded i 1. In this parish arc two tn m him nt.s, now named Gnat ami I
    . During tin- eiil war i
    17th century, a small fort wasoon-i ;lieroy mi the site of Little Dinas, for tl harbour ; it was taken in HJKi, 1 , - ,,f this )urish have tho ben found, d 1.;. :i, in 17 I'!, taining and , : In-in. AN I BO1 :.AX1>, a ; WMtcnidiv. of th, I, HI id. of I 'o wdi r, in th It is hall'our. ' 1124, i estate was ^ivi n at ii Mv j tassed in div "!' Spry, "I I it. 'I ii' liv ing is a pen I ur. in the di -'-. in the i hureli, which partly in th 1" St. A y. Slat, vailii ! at 1'ortli there is n t.ln-11 -- has been croc-ted on Anthony roint, si- . :i n volving lii;ht. win in at i tin old jiriory. I. 7 mill - t" mouth 'I ithom lake. ]i;:r. in tho northern div. 1:1, in tho oo. of Norfolk, 3 miles to N '