Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/854

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1'TV DVNTi iX-f TM-I )( tUGHTOX. distshave a chapel. The 1 y and Kijion U i In' manor. lil'N-l'iV -i ]>ar. in the liund. of Hunibleyard, in - nl Nurwirh, its punt town. T i -ituated on tin- river Yare, about half a mile N I ). of the 8wainthorj>e station on the Eastern Union s. nf tlicGreat Eastern lino. The parish is of smull extent, comprising only 0^'4 acres 2 roods 19 poles. The living is a pcrpet. cur. in the, d , wich, val. 30, in the patron, nf K. K . who is lord of the manor. The church, ded Itcmigiiu, is a small struc- ture, with a square tower, and contains a brass and several effigies. There in a small school. DUN8TON, a tnshp. in the par. of Embleton, S. div. of the ward of Bamborough, in the co. of Xorthun land, 6.V miles N.E. of Alnwick. It is situated near the i-. i-' i-; II !!. ;u. ill" ruin- I 1 hin-iani.i . ,;.i:li I ';i-t i'-. standing upon a bold basaltic rock, 30 feet above the sea- If.i'l. In this rock is an immense chasm, called Rumble Cham, into which the sea rushes with much violence. The castle was built by the Lancaster family in 1315, and destroyed by the Yorkiots after the battle of H< x- ham. This is said to be the birthplace of the celebrated Duns Sri it us, the " Subtle Doctor," and belongs to Morton College, of which he was a fellow. DUNSTON, a chplry. in the par. of Penkridge, E. div. of the bund, of Cuttlestone, in the co. of Stutlmil, 2i miles N.T). of Penkridge station, and 34 8. oi ford. Penkridge is its post town. It is situated near the Stafford and Worcester canal, and the London and North-Western railway passes through the parish. There is an extraordinary echo in a field near the chapel. The living is a perpet. cur.* in the dioc. of Lichficld, val. 67, in the patron, of Lord Hathorton. The church, dedicated to St. Leonard, is a small brick structure, with a stone tower. The Earl of Lichfield is lord of the manor. DUNSUP, a hmlt. in the tnshp. of High Bowland Forest, in the West Riding of the co. of York, 10 miles S.V. of Settle. DUNSWELL, a hmlt. in the par. of Cottingham, in the East Riding of the co. of York, 3 miles S.E. of Beverley. It is situated near the river Hull. DUNSYRE, a par. in Upper Ward, in the co. of Lanark, 1 1 miles K. of Lanark, Scotland. It is watered by the river Medwin, which parts at the mill, one branch 5ursuing its course to the Clyde, the other to the Tweed. 'he parish formerly belonged to Kelso Abbey. It is in the presb. of Biggar and synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. The minister's stipend is 157, in the patron, of the crown. The northern border is traversed by the road from Carnwarth to Edinburgh. The village, which is very small, is not far from a station on the Edinburgh branch of the Caledonian railway. Here was a refuge for the Covenanters in the time of the persecution. The land consists of hilly pasture, rising at Dun Soir to the height of 1,250 feet. The road by which Agricola led his army to Cleghorn can In' traced through the pariah. Several cairns have been discovered along the line. DUNTERTON, a par. in the hund. of Lifton, in the co. of Devon, 6 miles S.E. of Launceston, and 7 N.V. of Tavistock. Milton Abbot is its post town. It is situated on the river Tamar, which bounds it on the 8. and W. Green feldspar and freestone ore quarried. The living is a n<t in the dine, of Exeter, in tin' patron, of the Rev. N. T. Royso. The church, dcd to All Saints, is a small stone structure of about tin- time <>f Henry VI. ; it has a handsome pinnacled tower, lining three bells. A chantry formerly stood in the neighbourhood. DUNTlIulU', a hmlt. in tin- i>ar. nl ITevthorp, in the (" nf ( ixfnrd, 3 miles N.E. of Chipping Norton. l>rVrisl;oltXI-: AHHOTTS, a par. m the hund. iiiwthorne, in the co. of Gloucester, 6 miles NAY. irencester, its post town, :md U s n cater. It is situated near the ancient Ermine Street, and ci.n- tythir. of Puntisborne I , I :.. living is a reel.* in the dioo. of Gloucester and Bristol, val. 300, in tho pnlron. of the Hi v. I;. I:. Suckling. Tin- i-huirh, dedicated to 8t IVtt-r. in of .stun. 'ithtower. Tin' charities are about l"J ].er annum. The 1'iir Methodists have a rhaj,< !, and there is a National school for both sexes. William Daillic, K.-i<|., ia lord of the manor. I>nntisli>iin< II.. u-.- is th' I'linciiml rcsid, DlTXTISIiOlIXK I.KKK, a tyth- in the pu ]>untislii>rnc, huiiil. of Rapsgatc, in the co. of Glom . i'j nitl' - N.V. i.l i Dl'M l-i;i'l;Ni: UOU8K, a par. in the Inn, Crowthorne, in tho co. of ' 1 mile S I Ihmtisborno Abbotts, and 4 N.V. post town. Tho living is a rcct.* in tin: di< Gloucester and Bristol, val. '24;i, in the Corpus Christi College, ( Kt i 1. The church is dedicated t" St. Michael, and contains an ancient font. There is a small charity of 2 per annum. In the neighbour- hood are some Roman remains. Loid Buthurst ia lota III tile II DUNTISH, a tylhi;. in tho par. of Bucklund NewtaM Cerno subdivision of the hund. of Buck land Newt tho co. of Dorset, 3 miles N.K. of < 'i me Abbas. are remains of a Roman camp, where mine antiqnittfl have been found. DUNTOCHER, a quoad taera par. in Old Kilji , in tho co. of Dumbarton, Scotland, 7 mii Dumbarton, and 9 from Glasgow. It stands on a stream, over which is the oldest bridge ii, The buildings are a savings-kink, < hapel-of-casi . church, two United l're-,hyterian churches, a k.nini Catholic church, and a public library. It is a s manufacture in spinning and weaving cotton, and also for agricultural implements. On an adjacent hill are the ruins of a Roman fort, supposed to be a part of tho Autonine wall, 150 feet long by 25 feet high. This place ia assigned by tradition as the birthplace l St. r. who was carried hence into Ireland. DUNTON, a par. in the hund. of Biggleswade, in the co. of Bedford, 3 miles E.S.E. of Biggleswade, its town. It contains the hamlets of Millo and Ni wt,,wn. Nearly the whole of the land is arable. The- 1 been commuted for land and a corn-rent, under :m Kn closure Act, obtained in 1797. Tho living is a the dioc. of Ely, val. 120, in the patron, of Karl Brownlow. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, ii an ancient structure, and has a monumental brass to J. Chishull, bearing date 1643. Tho charities amount to o per annum. DUNTON, a par. in the hund. of Cottesloe, in ti of Bucks, 4 miles S.E. of Winslow, its post town. It is watered by tho river Thame, which has its source in the rectory garden. Tho land is principally im adon and pasture. The living is a reel.* in tho di Oxford, val. '270, in the patron, of A. Smith, Tho church, dedicated to St. Martin, is a in at stru though small, and has a square tower with three : Lord Carrington is lord of the manor. DI'XTON HASSKTT, a par. in the hund. .,f liiith- laxton, in tho co. of Leicester, 1^ mil' S ! Broughton Astlev station, on the .Midland C mintiet railway, and 4 N. of Luttenvorth, its post town large proportion of the inhabitants are employed in stocking knitting. There is a chalybeate Hprin. The parish occupies some of the highest land in t and was selected as one of tho telegnipl during the threatened invasion of tin 1 lirst Xa], The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of j'. tnl, ,mu,rli, vaL n,n. i,l the Kev. ,f. LnnLrliursl. Th* churi i ! t"> All Saints, i-i a lii . with '.' and spire. The Independents h,i- a cl There is an endowed school for both sexes. TltouiM Stokes, Esq., is lord of the manm. DUHTON-CUM-DOUGHTON, a ir. in the liund. How, in the co. of Norfolk, ,'U mil. s ham. its jiost town and nearest railway station, mid 5 S.V. of Walhingham. It is situated near tho river V"iniiin. Tho land is chiefly arable. The living is a vie. in tho dioc. of Norwich, "val. lil, in tie' i lord chancellor. The church is dedicated ; I'et.r.