Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/866

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I'.AKN, JJKMK.i KAS1.V. who, after a long series of skirmishes, were extern of a castle an still standii island. idutant U K.'liiinmpl- chapel in About H mile from St. Fillian's is the tilcnturkin M'nii', a huge mass of rock, curious; i by nature upon j a pedestal, which, in comparison with the, bulk < rock, may bo ca t imposim' are obtained at ciih. T . ml of th. i > li. ami IT. m tin- S. road. The river Earn commcm < > at the fotoi iheloch, ami empties itself into the Tay, near Abcnictlr. uce of 40 miles from its source. In its ... pusses through Stmthenrn (which sec) and Dunbarncy ; on its banks stand Monit . where it : the tributary of the Turret ; at Comrie of the Kuchil and Lednach; at Uask the Pefiray and Mnchany : at Aberruthven the Kuthvcn; at Dunning the Dunning Water; and at Forteviot the .May. Other places on its banks are Aberdalgic, Khyi.'l, Strowan, Muthill, Black- ford, Forgandenny, and Aucterarder. Near the source of the river is the s<-. t-j's " Kilmeny." The Earn abounds with EAHN, Uli 1 1 )(;!:< IF, a post vil. in the par. of Dun- barney, co. Perth, Scotland, G miles S.K. of 1'erth. It is situated on the river Earn, and on the rond 1" Perth and Edinburgh. It is a watering-place and a sta- tion on the Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee railway. In the neighbourhood is Pitcaithli y Sj>a. and an old pass. The old part ol ; l.uilt in 176'.), and the, modern part in 1832. The ancient bridi;. removed, and is replaced by one of three arches. Id -re are good hotels, ball-room, library EARNLKY, n par. in the hund. of Manhood, rape of Chichcster, co. Sussex, 6 mil s post town. It is situated near the coast, and contains the t y thg. of Almodington. The soil is gen the greater part of the land arable. The living is with that of Almodingtoji annexed, in the dioc. of Chichester, val. 440, in the patron, of the bishop for mis, and the Duke of Norfolk for one. The church is an ancient stone structure, with a tower. The ln<le- ] Ti.l- T.'-. 1 V< :i el..i| I. '. a lib. in the par. of Binley, bund, of Knightlow, ro. Warwick, I) i KAIIXSHII.U a jiar. in the hund. of Abdick, co. Somerset, 4 miles S.V. of I.-ingport, its post town and nearest railway station on the Bristol and Exeter line. It is situated on tin- i. a short distance from the Parrel navigation. Tho parish is of small ix'.enl, nnd there is no village. The living is a of Bath and Wells, val. 30, in the j itr..n. ! 1;. T. Combe, Esq., who is lord of the manor and owmr >.f the whole of the soil. There is no church. EA: in the pnr. of niiMle- hury, oo. Salop, <l mil. I'.ridgnorth. It i ated at the f ( ,t of Brown Cloe Hill. >:NVOOD, a tnshp. in the par. of Kinl. Salop, 8 milns S. of Bridgnorth. EAl;>A ..:!i H;< . ,,,. in ih- Jsle of Amin, par. of Kilmoi 1 milp long, nnd li. s 2 miles almve the embouch. liich rises i Glon, and falls into Jlami; mile*. There is good trout ami lake. In the K. div. of Castle Ward, co. I N.V. o( N'..;th MM h.r.ljth.liiirniil. hill. 'J'l.e inhaliitant-. i w.-ll living is a ic. in th-

rehs: Blvlh, a d..n.
>ir M.

It H rhich th"ilisis h;. several l)i- .1.11.1 is l-lil ..1 KAliSlMiN a: I', II.M.;.-.. in the Hi M. llll. V. div. i.f the wai V'lthllal- I.'SII AM. a ]>ar. ill the hund. of K. 1 mile V. nt lliingay, its post town and rai! . iv .stern line. It is situate.! ... liver Viiveney, which s. paraies it from the co. It is the Hcrtam of Domesday 1'. . k. :md was ami. in the i,osses>ion of the Bigods, carls of Norfolk. Th parish, which is pleasantly undulating, i.-i nearlv . divided l.itwi.n arable and pasture. The- living reel." in the dioc ~>, in the ) V. Dallin.,'. The chinch,!..: i!it., is an ancient htructinv, it!i s.|uu. 01 '"til surmounti'd with a t-pin-. It h:is .s. "^1 stained-glass windows, and contains brasses t tons, Uonches, and others, ami font of Caen stone, about 57 per annum. Th the 11! i- th" | li Ailjoiiiini; the church u "nt fortifier and earthworks. KAKsiiA.M iirM>i;r.i). in i tains the pars, of Alburgh, 1 '. .rshain, Xeedham, l'i. St. Man the" Virgin, Hcdenhall, li Thorpe-Abbots, tainii. res. EAKSNVH'K, atnhhp. in-.i iluntingt/.n. of Buhner, North 1; of York. It is situated on t; is lord of the manor. The t the Knclosuro Act of 1770. KAKTH AM, a ]r. in the hund. of Box, n r, co. Snssi to tin- X.K. C't'i". of Anmdel. It coi It.. i. Tho soil is a mixture of cl and saml. Tin- living is :i vie. in th. -din. . nf ' val. i'lMi. i taining three bells. Tin . Khtxiuan. t.. tli" iiKmnry of tin n William -sun, who was killed mi ti r railway in IS'!'.'. Kaitham Hall is t'n 3BUKN, a tnshp. united with St. -. t ..n, in il of Kilihuek. West Ki.lint; "I '". Vmk, 1 in. tin livi r Aim. EA8BY, W. iliv. of the lib. of Langbaurgh, Nmth I, its post town and railway station. On the ; in this neighbourhood is a nnniunient to ( ';, i. The chinch is a 1. The Vi ^1. yniis h i I AM'V. ;i | iv. in the waji. ol West liil Hiding of co. Vm-k, 1 miie !'.. ..t Kn'.nn.: .ml railway .station, ami I V. '.lie river ,Svale, ami cuntailis tl, . of l;i|.". witht: r The chili, li. v. at a i tha. It iii - "t th" n workinunshiii. i are cliapeU-of-ra.- "tie.