Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/868

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R58 I UKIDGE. brick kilns K> VI% employment to many of the inhabitants, is in bacon and butter, which m tu l,ondon. Petty sessions . >wn, and the Board of Guai Kisinioviild Poor-law Union, which living is a vie.* in thodioc. i >rk, val. 211.5, in tip The parish clmr. i 9t .Mm, or, '.i-i-rf say, to All > with : - ' ontainiiuj- '-In clock. H is tituaicd on an ' Hiding nn extonsivo view to the forest > of the Vale of Mowbruy. There is nlso a district dm liaskelf, the living of which is a p< TJM t. < ur., val. '2l<<, in the gift of the bishop. The charities produce about 103 per annum, of which i to the free school led in 17H1 by M k Tin Indepen- dents, Wesleyans, Primitive M -mil Human .lies have each a chapel, with Sunday schools attached. A tosselated pavement and other Komnn antiquities have been found here. In the 711 i^hbour- hood are several chalybeate springs, and coal and iron- stone abound. Sir George O. Wombwell, Bart., is lord of the manor. Friday is market day. Fairs ar> on the 2nd April, 6th July, and 2fith September, i'or horses and cattle. EASKY, a par. and post town in the bar. of Tir. co. Sligo, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, I mil. s V. of Dromore, and 147 from Dublin. It is situated on tin; Easky river, and is intersected by the rivers Awinbeg and Finned. The old coast road from Sligo to Ballinu passes through the village. The living is a vie. in the. dioc. r.t Kill:il:i, val. j;i:;. in th atron. of the bishop. The church was built in 1821, by means of a loan iioin .rat Fruits. It is a neat edifice. The lioinan Catholics and Baptists have each a chapel. There are National schools, and two other day schools, assisted by the Baptist and London Jliberni: Easky is the seat of a chief police station, and petty sessions ore held in tho village. The salmon fishery i- very considerable, and gives employment to many of the inhabitants. The ruins of the old parish church stand in the village, and at a short distance is a cromlech. At Altcrnan is a well, dedicated to St. Krnanii-. much resorted to by pilgrims. Fairs arc held on tho

irj June and ISth November.

KASKY, nr KSK. a lake lying between tho bars, ot I/ency and Tyrem^h, co. Sligo, prov nl. Its area is about 340 acres. It H .screened on the '. by the hills, and from i Easky. which is a fine salmon stream. -ol, K. *Esrw Kent KASSIK AN It NKVAY, n par. in the district and . Scotland, 7 mil.- S.V. of Forfur. I- ii on the Scottish Midland railway. Tli bounded by Perthshire and the par*, of Airlie Glammis and Ni-wtylc, and extends over 5,100 acres. ; is situated along the bauk of the river Dearie, foot of the Sidlaw hills. Glammis is i tho Eassio division, and Meiglo for tin N surface consists generally of good amlile land, traversed by the road fr..m I'.rih t 1 by three small rivulets, abounding in trout. This pai tho presb. of Mei^le and syn'.d of Aliens and M in the pati ! Vhamoli; a stipend of 161. Tho new church, an . } . was erect' of the t -sic and N is 8 new mam- . I, nny is I 'I. of the M was u (), middli of the 17i tury. Go itate is obtained here. A vi in of the various nanieI Thorn div. contains the ].:ti l-'leiuing, > Bt. .lohn. drak-, v.i;i . I., itani. , She. St. Stephen's, and ].n . . topether l-'l.dld acn-s. It i;ives nai archdoae. of Coniw.ill and di '.-r. EAST, a htiii'l. in the NM'!. div. co. Kutlatid, con- t.-tin-- tho pars, of < I real and 1 Essendine, Ketton, Pickworth, Hyliall, Tick, Tinwcll. i-oiiipii-in.i; :!n.:;ii.i : the HAST, a ward in the eo. AVestmor-'land, contains irs. of Applohy, Ashby, Br. : rrtt, liufton, Kirkhy-Stephcn, Kirkby-Thore, Long M..- -i. ' i cle, and YV.iir.ip, cmiipri-iini; Is-j.oso acres. It. name ].. ii l'....i-1-iw I 'nii.n and a sii]..'rintend*^l registry district, l.ut belongs to the Apjilehy i Court district. K AST, a limit, in lh> 2 mi!., .V. oi l.,idl,,w. .--it par. in the par. oi Orkn. : . length is about li miles, its L: i;A>ri:.KNS. :i vil. in f !!,.!- dington, Scotland, 3 miles S KASTP.nfKNK, a in the hiiri.i. of 11,.. samp name, ra]-e of I' to the !:. oflic-achy II. and o~i fr.nn I/mdon. It is a post town a; 'j.l South t'oast line. Th. the eastern sidi; of tin- S mill !>.. hmlt.s. of Southhorne and M Eastbourne, which last was . n. a n appears, from di.-r. .verii ..: mail, in th. hnvebeen a ion. The to bo called the s : - now mu last fifteen years, has increased fr. fashioned houses, i.-.v. thriving town, 1. , in a few y. ings. It is liLihted with ir:is and Wi 'is a coastguard station, military d .ire, Kill-room, hank, and lil.: spriinr. T and / . It H the hi ' i ! ,i l'..or-l;iw 1'nifii an. I "I a sap registry, bnl to the I.< . district. The livini; is a i, . in ll val. I'll 11 *, in tin. patron. ,,! dial. The church is an ai n-1'itectiire. wilh taininf? a ]! of eiuht 1" IN. It is ,1,> >1 t" St. M and contains a |tr. lliodie, toil! . and in the chin .tn antiiju. the district chin Trinil i.* in the yift of the vicar), A M building of >:..n. an.l sh 'milt l.y MI l>y tli>- l>uU of Iti'voiishiie and ' >illicrt. Th.- I'.ai ' and ( tin n :1 and infant schools for 1 Antii]i ment, an>l various i oins, ancient llritish, I:

IVe In . II found ill tin :

ruins of an aie held on tin- l.'th March and Inch < letoln-r, the '. for cat KASTillMIX.r.. ., par. in the lil,. of ],Yn,- f Shepway. .... Kent, N. of |;,.i,