Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/872

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KAMON, til; L'BY. .HAT, a par. in the hund. of Dunmow, co. Essex, 3 miles N. of Great Donmow, its post town, and i .lion on the Greut Eastern railway. It is situated on the MM r helmer, and con- tains the hiult. of Ihitton Hill. 'I'll, village, which is Mtu.iteil near the eastern bunk of th. ri-, icient, 4 back to the timo of Edward the < 'onfessor. Tin: land is chiefly arable, and is in a high state of cultiva- There is a stnall proportion of woodland, and some rich meadows al I'he living is a rcct.* in the dioc. 01 bron. of Vi~ count Mavnaril. The church is au ancient structuie. dcdir .Mm, mid built for the most part of Hint, with a square wooden tower containing a clo> five bells. The parochial charities produce about 73 per annum, 61 of which are an endowment for Meadn's school. There are al.v> charity schools for both sexes, supported by Viscount Maynard, and a free school. Here is a meet for the Essex hounds. EASTON GREY, pur. in the hund. of Chippcnham, co. Wilts, 4 miles N. W. of Malmesbury, its post town, and 5 8. of Tetbury. The village, which is small, is situated on the road" from Bristol to Malmesbury. The river Avon flows through the parish, which is flat, and the soil strong. The living is a rcct.* in the dioc. of Gloucester and Bristol, val. 300, in the patron, of the Rev. W. S. Birch. The church, with the exception of the tower, is a modern edifice, built in 1838. Th< . remains of several Roman stations in the neighbourhood. There is an almshouse for six old women, with an in- come from endowment of 50 per annum. 1 ASTON-IN-GORDANO, a par. in the hun.l. of Portbury, co. Somerset, 5 miles N.E. of Clevedon :. and 7 K.V. of Bristol, its jiost town. It is situated at the month of the river Avon, und commands an exten- sive view over the Bristol Channel. There is a pilot station here, but the number of persons employed haa much diminished since the introduction of steam-power. Building-stone is quarried. The living is a vie.* in the iliuo. of Bath and Wells, val. 160, in the patron, of the bishop. The church, dedicated to St. George, is a modern stone edifice. There is also a district church at Pill, the living of which is aperpct. cur., val. 100, in the gift of the Rev. T. H. The register com- mences in 1569. The parochial charities amount to about 13 per annum. There is a National school for both sexes, also infant and Sunday schools. EASTON, LITTLE, a par. in the hund. of Dunmow, co. Essex, 2 mile:. N V. of Great Dunmow, its post town, and A S.I i im station on the Great Eastern railway. It is situated on the S. side of the river Chelmer, over which is A wooden bridge. The manor was granted by Queen Elizabeth to the ancestor of Vi- count Maynard, the present proprietor. The living is a reel.* in the dioc. of Rochester, val. 305, in the ] of Viscount Maynard. The church is an ancient struc- ture, with square tower containing four bells. There are two brasses, one of H. Bourchier, bearing date 148:), the other of a priest. On the S. side of the church is a chapel, with stained-glass windows, formerly belonging i" tlio Bourchier family, but now used its a place of interment for the May nards, to whom there are several monuments. The charities produce 20 per annum. There are National and infant schools. Easton Lodge, the seat of Viscount Maynard, was u mansion of some antiquity in the. Elizabethan style of architecture, and contained some rare fossils from the Bartlow hills ; but a very Urge portion of the edifice was burnt in 1817. It has since been restored. 3TOH MA'. .N A, u tnshp. in the par. of Bring- hurst, hit!. :ec, co. Leicester, 1 mile N.W. of ingham. It is situated near the river Welland, which separate* it from Northamptonshire. I'ntil r. -

  • it formed a separate parish. The living is a cur.

annexed to Bringhurst. The church is dedicate-! Andrew. There are charities amounting ; annum, of which 6 are for education. The | ,.. .tleyans have each a cbapol. EASTON MAUDIT, a par. in the hund. of Highom Ferrers, co. Northampton, 9 miles E. of Nmlluu. its post town, and :, S.K. nf Killing Road station. Bishop Perc . ic, author Poetry," was once minister of this parish. The village is situated near the navigable rier Ni u. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Petei t 1 1, in the patron, of the Dean and Ch lego, > Paul, has a spire v. u'.j thin: buttresses, anil contains monn .ml of the l.on^ueville and Yelvcrton i heM the and resided at Easton Park. The parochial charities produce about 3 ]K r annum. The Marquin of North- ampton is lord of the n l.A-T"N NESS. V Kwi,,N BAMU.T8, I - 1'iiN M>1< iN. ,i i n in the hun.l. o mile N.I.;, of Towccster, its post and 3^ miles N. of the Bli.sworth station, the tnshps. of Hulcote and Showsley, and is si; u the river Tove. The living is a vie. in the il Peterborough, val. l."il, in the patron, o! Pomfrot, who is also lord of the m-in r. ami has a notfl mansion h> n. 'I'hc church. ancient .-:iu, im. . -..!; . hells BB^I clock; and contains inonuim nit of the Fcrmor &^H| The charities, principally derived from ti luce about 150 a year, applied chiefly support of the free school for hoys ami gii Is. Tim dl^l seat is Easton Neston House, huilt hy V moor, in which the col I U { sented by the Countess of IVmh. ; : . the I Oxfor. i I.A.-sTuN PJERCY, n tythg. i ' had. N. div. oi the huml. ol l.l.uuerhai 2J miles N.W. of Chippenham. EASTi iVKl, 1 . a vil. in th. Somerset. The living is a cur. in the dioe. Wells, val. 150, in the patron, ol The church is dedicated to St. .lohn tin EASTREA, a vil. in co. Cambridge, 2 miles ^H Whittlcseu. There is a station here on tin: 1'eterhor . '.,

the Great EasUi

EAS'l'lil IXil-;. a tythf;. in the }ur. nnd Inn. ~ N.W. ot Id EASTREKGTON, a par. und tush]., in Howdenshire, East Riding, Howden, its post town, and 19 W. of Hull. It is way station on the Selby and Hull Hue. 'I tains the tnshps. of Bollasize anil <;ill nlyi. hmlts. of Bennet Land, GrecnoaU, Ni uLm.l. 1'ortn and other small places. The soil is a i the land is arable. i York, val. L-'i'J, in t lord chancellor. The dun. i to s;. .Mi is in the (. of architecture, with three bells. The chin 28 of which are for Hewley M ho,.l. Tin have a chapel, und there is a National school for bott- sexes, aN a Suii'lay-school. EASTKIP, an ext. |ir. place in the hund. of I'.i . !:. of Briiton. Brownlow Lodge is the prim ipal residence. EASTIJnr. :i ,,:,, , i half of ti. Hants, half a mile N. of Busings! . which it IOMIIS a siihurh. [t is situated about ; iith-Wcstem niihv.iy station, ami The living is a reel, in the ilioe. of Winchester, va! in the patron, of W. K Vorkinan, Esq. The church, are. Ix>rd Itolton is lord of Die manor. The tithes have been column liAS n;t >l', a tythg. in the par. and hund. of 11 worth, co Wilts, 1 mile I-:, of Highworth. The village KASTKY, n hund. in the lathe of S div. ( ntains the pars, of Burfrcston, 1' . I hillcndcn, Denton, lOastry, Kythoru, I u'ltoii, Tilnuinstone, Waldcrshure, Wooduesborough, Worth, comprising 14,690 acres.