Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/874

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.'I ;IT1J, V, I'.ATnX haul, Wamiinghurst, and parti of West Chiltington and ,000 acres. hund. in tin- rapo of Arun- >. Sussex, contains the pan. of Aml>orlcy, llil. .thain, l'ar)i:un, Pulborough, irrington, and Wiggonboli, coiu- K.V1 HKiM'i;, a hmlt. in Uiy, iam div. of the hund. of Knightluw, co. Warwick, 1 mile S.E. of Wapp. : .i N.V. "I S .uthum. .Is have a chapi 1. Eatlmrp" II riTKII and LOYVKI;. I jar. in the Kindlon div. of the hund. of Kington, co. Varwick, 6 mile* 6.E. of Stratford-on ; -j.-t town, and N. 't Shipston-on-Stour. It is situated on tho river Stour, and contains the limits, of Fulroddy, Lambcote, and Thornton. There are several quarries of blue lime- stone. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Worcester, val. 154, in the patron of K. J. Shirley, Ksi). The ihurch, dedicated to S: Th. mus-ii-Becket, stands in Lower Eatinpton, and was erected in 1802. There are lies producing about 30 per annum, and > i:d-r the auspices of tho vicar, l.-i the ' of die labouring classes. The Indcjx 'iidrnls and Wes- leyons have each a chapel, and the Friends a meeting- . Fox, tho founder of that society, first pn in this place. There is a free school, and Sunday-schools belonging to the various places of worship. Eatington 1'ark is tho seat of E. J. Shirley, Esq., M.I'., whose family have rci'. Norman Conquest. EATON, a tiishp. in the ]>ar. of Davenham, hund. of Xorthwich, co. palatine Chester, 2 miles S. W. of North- vie.h. It is situated on the Grand Junction railway. Lord Delamere is lord of tho manor. EATON, a tnshp. in the par. of Kccleston, lower div. nl' tin' hund. of liiiixton, co. jmlatine Chester, 4 miles 8. i . It is situated on the river Doe. I Hall, the seat of the Marquis of Westminster, ia a fine building in the early English style of architecture. It has been recently considerably enlarged, and contains a most valuable collection of paintings and other works of art. K.VTOX, a tnshp. in the par. of Prestbury, hund. of Mat del-field, co. palatine Chester, 2 miles N.K. of Congleton. It is situated on tho river Dane. Hero is u corn mill and a silk-throwing mill. The manufacture I cigars is carried on in the neighbourhood. The living is . r. in tho dioc. of Chester, in tin patron, of Qibbs Crawford Antrobus, Esq. Christ Church, a handsome stone structure, was consecrated in 1857. There is a parochial school for boys and girls. D Hall, the seat of O. C. Antrobus, Esq., is tho principal residence. . a tnshp. in the pur. of Tarporley, in the first div. of the hund. of Eddisburv, co. palatine Chester, U mile. N.K. of Tarporley. There is a free school, with an < H'ii'V. i;i"nt of 42 per annum. Near tho village are several good resiliences, tho principal of v,;,i ' :> House and Eaton Bank House. EATON, or IDLETON, a ]r. in ( 'lay div. ot the wap. of BassetUw, co. Nottingham, _' mil< d, its post town and railway station, anil 1'J S.V. nt t; linslxirough. It is (tainted on the imr Idle, over which is a bridge. Tho On it Nmlli pmo thi :ilagt whieli was a plac-- of Home importance prior to the Norman (.Vmqin -t . 'I'he soil is generally a strong clay, and tin *> is sum. Mne oak tim- i' in tin- ilii.e. nl l.iueoln, val. 80, in tie tin- l!i!.lu.p of ManchcctiT. The rhiirch is n plain an .1 :.. All Siim- II I: i.l of the m:ini>r. The were eoounutid I ! land mid a money payment undi r an Knclosure Act in 1809.

i par. in the hund. nt' l-'taiul.ind, I

I i:. ml h nil is itt post ton tin" V,.ld hilis on tin- . living is a


the lord chancellor. The churcli is a plain strui-t uro, with

IWIT and ]iirc. It is dedicated to X I

'j; ubiiiit -'!0 per annum The Wesleyall M in -s were commuted for Ian i I.ATOX, a . lij.lry. in th. il.Mne, Inn i miles N.W. of A-hi KATUN, a tnshp. in th. n. hund. of 60. Berks, 4 mill - - .' and '. X W Abingdoe. I'UX", a tnshp. in the par. ol' Si Hiaytim div. nl'the hund. ot X"ith I',iMil!..i

..n-Teni, and s S.V. .! .M

Dreyton. I d on the river Ti ni. I'.i :> 1< aafl tiles are mud.- in thi*nei!/hlinurhi>od. COK, or EATON-UNDEH-HAYWOOD, a ir. in the upjMT div. of the' .Munslnw, i ... Sal^l > mil :ion. ii.s po,t town and rail- way station. This ]rish formed ]>art of the d.. mains of YVi i.! . a ta Tin the hill'. is hilly, and pfll vllirll ' llattoii, Hiin^ertord, Lushoott and TickliTtmi. tially covered with hea! i.- a vie. in the di..e. patron, of H. Sandford, Esq. dedicated to St. Editl r ient : the chancel is of oak, ri< I. been comm < . about 150 acres. 1-1ATOX. a limit, in J mil ml includes tho small hmlt. of LodealL I 1 . I'l IN. I tnshp. in tin- ] ' e passes through tho plai < . 'lie residence of ]^^H luyt, who collected and published the voyages of - of tho early navigators, is near th" vili KATOX, a tnshp. in the ()ar. Salop, 3 miles of Bishop's Castle, passes throuRh the township. EAToN HISHul'.apar. in the hund. ,{

mill . V. ni Hereford, ita po . i ,ii-

'atioii, and 10 S. nf Weoliley. ! . i., ar tho river Wye, which runs ihr.-ii^h tin- ) 06 is undulating, and highly picturesqi moient episcopal i.-i- of the liishops of Hereford, is sitimi village. The living is a rect. in th d Hci MP!, val. 111. in the p:,tr..n. of the bishop. I isdc'i .Miehacl, and h.. charities areGoff's, for education, 450, and dneing to- ! 4SD per annum. for both sexes. William ( is lord of the manor, whose seat with Katon Itislmp Mouse ari' the p rim I. ATI IN r.ll.U . i ].ar. in tliu hund. of Manshea i .-.. r><<lloid. " miles V of Dunstable, its post : >.l . ol I., ii/iit.i; li' fi.nnerly stood t^H have been built about thn 1,'ith eentiii y. The Dt of the people is in the manufacture aw-plait. The village living is a vie.* in the dim-, of Kly,val. CIS!), in 11. Tin.: The church i t.i St. Mary the Virgin. Th. ! i cha]u-l. and there is a X Mrs Ann is lady of the liA'l UN I 1H'I;( II. ( 111 ... n KM ON. ON HtXSTAXTIXI-:. a par. m div. of tlic hund. of South liiadl.nd, i X.V. of Much Wenloel,, and .'. S.W. of Wellington, n and railway station on the S' Birmingham line. It is situated on tie whidi li..u.. i, it on tin S.W. Coal is uni,'ht tuamxl nu. mild fi ir building purji.)8es. XW cur.* in tho dioc. of I.ii-ln