Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/876

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i:uVY. S60 IKLI). Campden, its post town, and 1 niilo from the Can >vford, Worcester, ami - f Charingworth and I: sumo - pnrpi.:-.-s. Tin.' living is :i vie. * annexed to tin : . in tin: di< . ':< .licatcd t Kdburgh, has a fino K. window of stained-glass. H ro are nome MIL ill . ; nlFortewueiilardoftheiii from which ttM title of viscount. Tin- tithes were commuted for land and a m< : at under an t in 1813. V V, ;t river risi: | iders of Brecon, in two heads, which unite at i iving the waters of tl. us the Uk, and lulls into the sea about 2 miles to the S. of Newport. Along its banks are numerous iron-works, including the Ebw y Vale, Jiiaufnrt, nnd other furnaces, which have com- lilillliealion i.y l.iil and l.i CHIN8WELL, ..r lTflllN>'HLL, a chplry. in the par. of Kn.:;-eleie, hund. of Kviugar (Lower half), co. Hants, 6 miles S.E. of Ncwbury. The village is considerable. The chapel- of-easo is dedicated to St. ECCLES, a pur. in co. Berwick, Scotland, '> milc-i N.W. of Coldstroani. It C" j st vils. of Lcitliolm nnd Birnham, and is situated along the. X. bank of the riv. r ; is liouudod by Fogo on the N., by Swinton and Coldatream on the K., and by llum>>. Groenlaw, and the river Lcct on the W. The roads from Carlisle and fiom Kelso to Berwick pass through the in iles long, and about wide. The surface is flat, the soil very productive, and in a high state of cultivation. This par. is in the presb. of Dunse, and synod of Morse and Tevioldale, in thr patron, of the crown. The minister has a stipend of '-'10. The church stands in tin > s; it is a neat edifice, built in 1774, and dedicated to St. Andrew. It stands on the site of the ancient church, dedicated Cuthbcrt. There are also a Free church, United Pres- byterian church, and four schools in the parish. A Cistercian nunnery was founded hero In ; i ick in 1151 ; two years later it became united to Kccles church, with other religious houses that existed here. Remains of this nunnery are teen at Eccles House, the seat of J. Greig, Esq. At Deadrigga stands an aiu lent tone pillar, said to in v. hero one of the Percys fell. A brief distance (Yum the river Loet are seen the remains of an old border fortification. I was the birthplace of Lord Kames, to whoso family the nunnery was granted by (limn tlaiy, The Ihiko of Albany madu the convent his halting place time, when retiring lioni Warwick in 1523. In 1 was destroyed l>y the Karl of Hertford. ECCLES, a par. and extensive suburb of .">! in the hund. nf Sulfurd, co. palatine of I miles W. of Manchester. It is a station on the London and North- Western railway. The par., which is vci .if. situated near the i tnshrw. of llarton-upou-Irwell, Clifton. . y, and Voi -ley, besides a largo number of limits.

ly in this paii>h. Coal is obtai:

and silk and e..;ton v. sively can .ing is a vie ,>c. of Manchester, val. .JOO, in tho patron, ol teller. '1! : .-.tone stru( lure, in tin,- early English style of architecture. It is il. 1 to Wh:i but at the Dissolution was made parochi teins a brass, ami i! Bootli ITio regie L. i i.. .iy old. Th. i The pHrochinl i uliiiiit iSO p,-r annum. ..t . I- 1.1 ' ,::... li -. .:. i . . i in i n M, Hi,, lj . . ; I ' . . . nil: 11 ]| ..1 . Ill : ibto National and in. besides Sunday-scliools attached to each

lexicographer. Sir Hi. 1'tlw manor, and owner of i. here in August. EC 1 . I miles N.I .Ishain. It is situ:i liy tls' tit-liing town of ii. ureat ilium:.. hea t'.uk ])lare in Idii.i, when Mty-.-i. houses lal hundred acres of I ..nrc h was ahto .. ; the only j .rounded by sand. A , simiU.: :,s I., but further encroachment has been stayed by the sanflB hillii subsequently thrown up by the wind and n^^H .in.n is 11 rect. in th. i, val. iTo. ..> united, 1. ! leal pm-pones, with the . * which church tho inhubitaiiti resort. ECCLK.S, a ]ir. in the hnnd. ot Shi. folk, ^ miles N.E. of East li .n. Tho Eccles lt< d station is about half a mile >f U^l village. The parish is situated on tl ' "fl 1'het. The surface is varied, and tho greater p^H of the laud arable or heath, with 80 acre, < i un^ plantations. Here was am . of tho bishops of Norwich. The livin. '"1^1 dioc. of Norwich, val. l".IU. '! an anoi^H edifice, with a small . Mary. Eceles Hall i.i thi! principal residence. Tkfl common was enclosed in KM:', 1... walks in the parish. Sir T. Bcevor is lord < . manor. - i.i, i;ii:i;i.o lii'Id, S. div. of the waji. of Mrai;- York. It issituatedou theS.W. < . oi wliirli it is a suburb, and is ii n-eutary borough, but is a scpanit' aud contains between twenty and thin; inhabitants are mostly n tin nmu ware and cutlery establishments and i It ii tho head of a 1'oor-law Union and t a biij registry, but belongs district. The living is a ] York, in the pa le icar o 1 in: (lunch, a stone whiel: aiiehiof Abbey, i 'vs, about 3 mil. .-. IV"m Shellield. National school for both sexes, and -hall Colkv years bail.. '1 n -i are several ha iwood and Banner Cross House ui cipal. i is lord ot ; III . I A N, a quondam par., post ;. vil. ii aid, 13 miles K. of Dumfries, and ~ burgh. It Tha Mein Val ll< re "i 1 ! 1 a ln e and an I i , niaiket-1, l.l' a ] iir. il . n, and Id ( tin 1 Leeds road, and iiu ludes se'. I'.rad- 6 is calli n allllcM il t" >t. Anne, II ' .nd brick clay, which ai ilnii tmindry, ' "I'li-mill, ai