Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/898

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l.'.c.lNTOX. 88S Kii LINGUA il. . and '.I;- ins of ancient stained glass. St. Williiil. There is a school endowed with ;i In- 1 -. : !i ri. Sir Henry Every, 1' lord of the mail minuted fur land under the Kndosine Act of 17U1. On tin- n< ighbourillg heath a skirmish took place in the reign of Charles I. alists ami parliamentarians, in which

-nmer wi i

l-:<;<:iNTON,i-i- KI.I.INU r<>N,a chplry. in the par. uf Leigj.toii liii/xard, liuiid. of .Man.-ln -ad, BO. Bedford, 'i miles E. of Leighton Bu/.y u,l. and -H X.W. of Dun- stable. The M, .ill. The King is a perpct. fur. in the dine, of Kly. v:il. 111, in th" patron, uf the The church is a plain brick edifice. .L'lon Hi. use is (hi- principal resi.i EGGLE8TONK, a chplry. in the pur. of Middle!. ,n- in-Tc.-silale, S.V. div. of UMrUnoton ward, m. |.alatine riiai,;, I miles S.V. uf Middleton, and .") N.W. uf Hainan! Cast!,-, its pu.,l town. A Slllldl str. -am rail, d Egglestonc Burn posses through the village, and flows inlo the, river Tecs, which is here crossed by a bridge. Lend ore has for a lung period been obtained, and there ore extensive smclting-works, and a mill belonging to the London Lead Company. There is a meoauuof 1 institute, having a good library. The living is a porpct. riir. in the dioc. of Durham, val. 100, in the patron, of the Hector of Middlcton. Tin- V< -!, vans have a chapel, and there are two schools. In the neighbourhood may be seen the remains of a cromlech. Egglestone Hall i"s the principal rend DCO. About a mile N. of the village Ua circle of rough stones, with an inner trench enclosing a cairn. From the ancient excavations and tools found in the vicinity, the lead mines are believed to have been

liy the l.'oiiians.

KJLE8TONB ABBKY, a tnshp. in the par. of

th, wap. of West Gilling, North Hiding CO.

Vurk, 1 mile S.K. of Barnard Cimtle. It is situated on the river Tees, and has remains of the abbey for Premun- stratensi m ( anuns, founded by lialph do Multon in the 12th century. At the Dissolution, its revenue was ,t 30 Si. 3d. The abbey church, a cru, it Tin structure, is almost entire. There is a bridge crossing the river, built by the owner of Rokoby Hall, a hand- some seat in the township. 1. 1 ;< ; 1.1 -;TI IN, a tnshp. in the par. of Bishop's Frome, Imnd. of Itndlow, co. Hereford, 7 miles N.W. of Led- luiry. It is situated near the river Frome. The tithos eiimmuted iimler an Enclosure Act in 1813. There lor girls. Ml 111 AM, a par. and small town in the second div. of the hum!. --o. Surrey, 1J mile r . of Staincs, I Virginia tcr, and 19 from London, being a station on the London and Heading section of the Lon- don and South-Western railway. It is situated on the Great V' -: in Road, on the hanks of the river Thames, and comprises the north-western portion of the county, including a considerable portion of the Windsor Great Park. This ] arish is divided by the Thames from unties of Bucks and Middlesex. It includes liunr.yme.le, Virginia Water, Knglelield Green, Kgham Hill, Cooper 1 ! Hill, and Shiubh's Hill. On the l.Mh of June, 1J1 . .. e was held by King John with it Kmmymcde, on the banks of the T|. b.ilh jiartii's encamping like o]-n enemies, but on the tilth day the kin:.', with unexpe, ti ,1 willingness, signed .Magna Charta. Kgham comprises five manors, of which tin- IJm en is ldy paramount; il., is lord of "the manor of Purnish : th.- .Mast, r, Follows, nnd Schulais-

the manor

I Broomhall; and the Master, Fellows, and Scholars of . I Word, of the manor of Milton. From Ku'ham Hill is;, r .ad through Wi- I Park . which i~ Hi miles .list. nit. K^hani is a very ing undulating, and tl ravel, with a r.'ayev subsoil. The town, long street, is lighted with gs, well paved and amply Mipplii-d with w iti i 1: contains* ! :,tili, institution, and many respectable houses. A handsome stone bridge here crossM the river to Staines, forming a more direct line with the I .on. Ion road than the old bridge, which has been taken down. Kgham is in the ( '..unty ( 'ourt district of < In ; and 1'niuii of Vind.sor. Peace-officers are every Whit-Tue.-day at tin- ooort-leetof Uardwich, wliidi is held at the Swan Inn, < hertscy. The liin^' is a vie.' in the dioc. uf Winchester, val. with the cur. "1 Kngli field Green, annexed, 400, in the patron, ut tho (iostling family, who are the lay impropriators. This vie was the dowry of Catlniine uf Itiagan/a, con> Charles II.; the annual value of the lay iinpiopriatimi being 1,130. The church, dedicated to St. John the iilice, built of brick, with a and live bells. It contains an altar-piece, by Ystail, of Klijah raising the Widow's Sin ; a mural monuui. Sir John Deiiham, the poet's lather, and two, by 1 and Flaxman, to the < Jostling*. The old chuni; induwiil by John de Kutlnv. ] . . Abbot of Clielttu-y. I luist Church is a district chun h at Virginia Water. It was erected in 1838, by subscription, and was endow Miss Irvine. The living is a ]"er].ct. cur.* in the patron, of trustees. The Wesleyans ami Independents each a chapel. There is a National school at I field Green, likewise a free-school with 12 almsli having together an income of 610 per annum from thu Coopers' Company of London, wb trustees by the will of Henry Strode, Esq. Tho Independents have schools for tho education of I'M children. 'I addition to the almshouses before named, ti founded by Sir John Deiiham, for live widows, b. various charities amounting to 100 per annum. Den- ham Court was the scat of the poet's father, Sir Deiiham. The prinoiptl scats are Hunnymede I'mk, Cooper's Hill, Port mill Park, and Milton Place Sii ,1. A Cathcart, Hart., and Colonels Challonor and S- the chief landowners. A fair is held on tin at 1'nglefield Green, and races take place in Aug< Hunnvmedo. EOIL8HAY, or KAiil.HSHAY, om Islands, in tho par. of Huusay, S. -otlaiid, 10 ' Kirkwall. It is over 3 miles in length, and is 1 n breadth. At tho W. end of the island a MI, all church stands on the reputed scene of the murder of St. Ma to whom it is dedi. IM.I.KTOX, a ir. in tho hund. of Oakham Sol, Kutlanil, 1 mile S.K. of < hikham, its post town, situated on the river liwasli, near the I'ppin: The living is a cur.* in the dioc. uf 1' h, an- nexed to tho vie. of i )akham. The church, ib St. Kdmund, is very ancient, and is only II '^'inal one, annexed to which was a chantry. Tho charities produce about 4 per annum. There is a free . is lord of the manor. EtJUNUHAM, a par. in the X. div. of Coqu Wani. oo. NorUmmberland, miles N.W. of Alnwick, ill post town. The par. .which is very extensive, is sit mar the river Aim, and includes the tnshps. ton, lleanli v. New and Old Bewick. I'.iamlon, BI-..I Ciawley, liitchhuni, Kglingham, Hap i .ilbiini, Shijiley, Titlin. small places. The river I'.remish rises in the ( '! bills, ami, with numeroiiK other streamlets, in; Along its banks the soil is a rich gravelly '. llllt towards the centre of the parish clay predolnii and in the S. and !'.. jmrts the land is unenclosed !. land, forming cxti nsiv. sb. i pwalks. Tlnre is a sin it of water, called Kimni'T I.ocli, ro vi i in, ('onl, limestone, and c abumlant. and are oxtcnsivi ly wruuglit in the western poi : parish, vhcie the lam! gradually rises to the ( "!i hills. In the township ut Shipley is a clialyl The living is a vie.* in the dioc. uf Durham, val. ' The church is a stone .structure, dedicated to St. Ma-: It was rebuilt after tin l;.-s|,, ration, having bcci. struyed, together with the cba|H-ls of ( II, 1 Id-wick, ' perton. Wist I.ilburn.and Brandon, by the Scuts during the 1.' .ml was enlarged by the addition of The chapel of Old P., ni k a also