Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/900

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K'. I. VYS-KlloS. 890 -IT; M-M-.W LAND. !. VYS-KHOS, a par. in the hund, "I <',,uddyn, .riiarvon, 2 mil. s X.E. of Coiiway. 1" tins ncigh- eopperand lead in It was anciently a British station "t the (MMMtaadon an adjoining hill are the m-inty n mains of liiganwy, or (ian- , erected llV Hugh Lllpll-. ' . -ti r, in wliii-h Ilt-iiry III. w-a- Tho living is a p. r|>et. cur. in tin; dim-, of St. Asaph, val. ilt;7, in the patron, i !' tin; bishop. The church, dpdi-

t.i St. Jlilury, is an am-iciit cruciform building,

with oak roof and" stained-glass windows. It contains m..mimfittg of tho Mostyn and Gloddatth familic,. Tin' parochial charities produce about U'l per annum. The principal residences are Bodyscallcn and (lloddaeth ; this last is situated on the slope of a well-wooded hill, and contains some line timber-work ami carving. EGLWYSVKV, a par. in the hund. of Kcmoss, co. Pembroke, 5 miles 8. of Cardigan. It is situated at the foot of a hill called Precelly Top, on the old highway Sarn Ildcn. Tho living is n vie.* in tho dioc. of St. David's, val. 105, in the patron, of the lord chancellor. The diureh is dedicated to St. Kirw. EGLYNOD-EAGLE, a tnshp. in the par. of Llan- gollen, co. Denbigh, in the vicinity of tho town of Llan- gollen. EGSIANTON, a par. in the South Clay div. of the wap. of Bassctlaw, co. Nottingham, 1 mile S. of Tuxford, its post town. The soil is adapted for brick ami tile making, which is extensively carried on. Tho village, which is small, is situated about a mile V. of the great N. road. The land is chiefly arable, with some pas- ture and several extensive orchards. The surface is undulating, and from an eminence N. of tho village is a pleasant view of the rich vale of the Trent, with Lincoln

. r in the distance. Tho living is a vie.* in the

dioc. of Lincoln, val. 148. The church is an ancient structure dedicated to St. Mary. The charitable endow- ments produce about 14 per annum. The V. and Primitive Methodists have each a chapel. Tin ie is a Sunday-school, but no day school. Tho Earl of Scar- borough is lord of the manor. The tithes were cnmmiued for land and a money payment under an Enclose: in 1821. Egmanton Hall is a fine old mansion, erected liy Nicholas Poutrcll, a justice of assize, in the reign of Eliza' l.'iMKKK, a par. in the hund. of North Groenhoo, co. Norfolk, 3 miles W. of Little Walsingham. Fakon- ham is its post town. The parish, which is of small extent, occupies comparatively elevated ground. There is no village, only a few farmhouses. The living is a reel, in the dioc. of Norwich, vol. with the rect.* of Waterdon annexed, 180. There is no church, it having for many years been in ruins. EGMO&T, a ruined castle in tho par. of Chun-Mown, bar. of Orrery ami Kilmore, co. Cork, jirov. of Minister, Ireland, :i mi!e< N.V. of Buttevunt. It is the prop' ity of the Percivals of Lohort, to whom tho place gives the title o! 1 :i . l; KM( (NT, a par. in the. hund. of IVrllys, co. Car- marthen, 1 miles N.W. of Narhcrth. It is situated on the liver ( 'It ill in. Stone quarries are worked in this neighbourhood. The living is a don. cur. in the dioc. 61. 1 .liKEMONT, a par. and ancient maiket town in the ward of Allenlale, above I)crwcnt, co. Climb, rl.uid, ."> miles S .!:. ot U'hitehavcn, its post town, and 'Jn S.W. of V. The Nethertowil Btatioll oil the Vhitell.lVi 11 and Furness .Tunction railway i<t about > miles S.W. of the town. There is also a branch line from Vtiitehavi n to the X. hide of the town. This place is of great anti- quity, and the MJfUMOlbood is asserted by tiaditii'ii to have been the s- ene oi .Mgcinents between the -. At the I -ph lie Meschines. to win HI Villiam had graiiteil the whole county nf Cuni-

h" barony nt, then called
I -1 Illl lie M.S< hill.,, who 

hicli still occupy a hill t" the N.V. ,n. A new hi,,; ., huilt !iieh it !-; within 3 milos of the Irish Sea, was anciently n borough, and returned members to parliament in tun l!:i; Edward 1.. but was on its own petition disfmic hised in the L'ltli of the same reign. It is governed by a borough ut, '2 bailiff*. 4 ' ippninte<l al

'it of the lord of tho manor, held in April. It

consists mainly of one long street, lighted with ga- housesarefor the most ]>art ancient. It is n polling i for the western division of the < ounty. The iM-oplo are chiefly employed in the flax and paper mills, lain. brewery, quarries, and in the manutaetiire of check and sailcloth. Soapstono is found here, ::u 1 a . quantity of lime is burnt. The business of the , has greatly improved of lato years, there having u greatly increased demand for the mineral pr< of the district. Above 100 tons of iron ore are i per day, and shipped at Vhit. h:i.n for the supply of the iron foundries of South Vales. The living is a red.* in the dioe. of Carlisle, val. 249. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is an ancient structuie with low tower. It contains a handsomely-carved oak pulpit and ancient stone font of an net iu"ii form, parochial charities pro i . I n per annum. 'I arc chapela belonging to tie Methodist - U'e-I. -van Association. There is u parochial school lor hoys and girls, also an in; L The remains of tho old Norman castle consist chiefly of the gate- way, tower, and vaulted entrance, of circular Norman arches, with the western and three narrow gati v There are several good residences in the neighbourhood. General Wyndham is lord of the manor. The market is held around the cross on Saturday, and is well su: with corn. Fairs for horses, cattle, e , take place on the l"th February, third Friday in May, and INth tember ; also on the 6th of every month for live M Statute fairs for hiring servants are IP Id at VhitMintido and Martinmas. EGKEMOXT, in the co. jialatino of Chester, 2 mile* N.W. of Uirkenhead. It is situated on tin ': river Mersey, from whence thei. Liverpool. The living is a cur. in the dioc. EGTON, a par. in tho E. div. of the h baurgh, North Hiding co. York, C miles s Whitby, and 1J W. of the Grosmont railway stall the Whitby branch of the Great Ivi stern situated on the river Esk, and includes the limit, of Egton Bridge. This place received a cl market and four annual fairs from William III had a priory, founded in tin' early part of the l::tl tury. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of York, val. 1'JO, in the jatron. of the archbi-i hurch is an ancient stone structure in the early English of architecture. It is dedicated to St. Hilda. Tl, also the district church of (irosiimnt, with an endov of i'10. The charities produce about il JKT annum. 1 nde[M-ndeiit.. and le'lnim ("atle L The trust, M of the late K. ( '. Elw. lords of tho manor. Fairs are held on Tuesdays the nth February, 1.. f. :iv I'alm Sunday, helore th. May, I'niin then eviiy Tin-day till July l.jth, :u same day of the wi ek betoi,- I'.'th August, 1th lltii October, and --id Novemlier, for catt. i the ::rd November l"i' hn EUTON-CTJM-NEWI.AND, a tnshp. ami chp'ry. in r. of riMlst.'lle, blind, of I -, CO. palatine of 1, am a-ti r, .'! miles N.ol I .> n, and includus the >ii- of Arrad Foot, Green l idd, 1'. nny I'.ridr Spark Hlidg' . II. i, are nun-works and foiindi 1 'ii mill, bobbin tuinirv. steam saw-mills, and timber yards. Coals are brought by wati r to i Odd, between which plan and Liver]Hil goods UP , . . d by small sailing vessels. The living is a | cur. in t'lie dioc. of Carlisle, val. i'Jl'. The cburch in plain structure of rui;h stone, built in the li tb" last century. It i I to ."!. Mary. Tl, a National '!'lnw- ment ; also a Sunday--, hool. Tho Duke of Hui inor.