Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/910

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KI.MSTKKK. 900 ELSFIELD. Tcwkcsbury. Chelti jost town and railway

u which it is distant about 4 miles 1

N.V. Tin- ji ir., which i 11 the high tn Worcester, contains tin- hini: :: and Hardwkke. Tin 1 tilhrs 1. -minuted in two living i- a vie.* in the' dioe. ul' i !. val.

hc lrd chancellor. Tli church

U dedicated to St. Magdalene. It has a battle- mi'ir. . ior ol iln with some curious figures in bas-relief. Tin - gome small charities. The Dean and Chapter of ' min-tcr arc tho lords of the manor. Springs .similar to those at Cheltenham arc met with in this pa: ELilSTUKK, a tythg. in the par. of Tetbury, co. Glouccst, r. > mill's S.W. of Tetbury. ELMSVKI,1,, a par. in the hund. of Klackhui: SuH'olk, 5 miles N.W. of Stowmarket, and 1 mil. Woolpit, its post town It inline. The abbot* of Bin aid's at one time had a scat here, which was given by Janus I. to Sir irmhousc. Tin- living isarcct. in the dioc. of Ely, val. 104. The churrh is on ancient stone edifice, dedicated to St. John. Its walls are strengthened by buttresses, and the tower is lofty. It contains a curious antique font and carved screen, also a marble monument to Sir Robert Gardiner, and several tablets. The charities are Gardiner's alnishouscs for six poor women, with an endowment producing about 10 per annum. Tho Wesleyans hav. a parochial school lor both sexes, also one belonging to the V. ir u held on thi l>cr. BLHTON, a par. in the bund, ol Scarsdale, co. ~. of Worksop, and 9 N.E. of Ch field, its post town anil railway station. It includes tin limit, of Cresswell, from which it is separated by a wide common on the N.E. Limestone is plentiful in the neighbourhood. The soil is a thin marl. The living is a vie. in tho dioc. of Liehliold, val. 120. Tho church is a small plain edifice, dedicated to St. Peter. There are a few small charities for the poor. W. H. Do Rodes, Esq., is lord of the manor. Jedediah Buxton, the calculating boy, was bom here. Kl.l'lHN, a par., post and market town, in the bar. and co. Koscommon, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, 5 miles N.W. of Strokestown, and 94 from Dublin. Tho is chiefly pasture. It has an excellent soil, with some limestone and bog. The living is a reel, in the I I'.lphin, val. with Ogulla, 354, in the patron, of the crown. The cathedral serves as the parish ehurch ; it is a plain edifice, dedicated to St. Mary. Tho interior contains st . menta to the bishops of the diocese. The Konian Catholic chapel is united to those of Shan- kill and Kilmaeumsey. There arc twelve schools in the pariah. Oliver Goldsmith was born in the i bourhood, and educated at the diocesan school. The so-called city stands on a considerable eminence, and when viewed at a distance creates a much more favour- able impression than upon a close inspection ; the majo- rity of the habitations are of one story and that' lu-d. It is a head police station and petty sessions town. 1 1 i are a loan-fund, market-house (lately erected), and dis- pensary within the Currick-on-Shannon Poor-law I'nion. The bishop's pal ted on the road to l'.., is a neat old building. The Deanery stands to tho W. of the town. I tie "i l!l]ihin is supposed to have In i n loundi'il by St. 1'atri' k, who built a monastery but no traces remain . i the supposed house; it is said to have 1 ted into a Franciscan abbey in 1 1.10. Tho diocese in 1833 was annexed to Kilmoro and . rdagh. I- ver a large part of Koscom- mon. way, and a small part of Mayo. It conti ; churches, 33; meeting-houses, >, 80 ; and 386 day schools. i Catholic contains 43 parishes; the . Mime. There are several hand- some 1:1 ih'- in i^hli. .itihood, lien- are two raths, with caves and ancient bnrial-gioundf, and i of a cromlech. Wednesday is market day. Fairs arc held on tho 3rd May, 27th June, 26th September, and inth i- ELI'IIIN vil. in the par. of T, II .ddington, Scotland, '1 mil.- S. ..| Tr.m. n:. situated on the road from ]>alkeith to Haddin^ton. The estate belonged to tho Johnstoncs in the l/J!i There is a ::h century mansion to which it is attached was built mine two centuries later. Jlost of the inhabitants are imp in tli KMiICK, a vil. in the jiar. of Deer, co. Aberi Scotland, U miles fiom I ELSDON, a par. in the S. div. of Coquetdalc ward, CO. Northumberland, !l miles S.V. ot Kotbluiry, a;. N.W. of Morpi th. Newcastle is its post town. It is situated near the river Keed, on the high rond between Jedburgh and Morpeth, and contains tin f wards of Elsdon, Uyrness, Monkridge, Otti-rlmrii, Ro- nd, Woodside, Kamshopc, and several limits. Coal, iron, and limestone are abundant, and afford employment to the inhabitant*. This is a jxill- ing-place for the northern division of the county. ily consists of dreary moors ; the eastern part resting upon beds of limestone, and tho western upon porphyry" and basalt, with some mountain limi - In the iciifn of Kli/abi tli the men of Redcsdale lived a nomadic life, pasturing their lattli on tin moorlands, and plundering or levying black mail upon tin ir in bours on both sides of the bonl frequent dissensions between thi- .tch autlioi but wheat seldom comes to perfection. The livin rect.* in the dioc. of Durham, val. Mi:t. 1 ebureh is a stone structure, dedicated to St. Cutl There is also a district church, the living of which is a

. cur. Uyrness, Ottei burn, and I . ha-

pcls-of-easc. The charities produce about 'J per anii'ini. There are five schools. In the neighbourhood some Roman relics have been found, also a quantity "i The ancient castle, erected by Sir Kol the 14th century stands near the church, and has the arms of the Umfravillo family in the S. p lower story is spanned by a single arch. Thi- Duke of Northumberland is lord of the manor. ELSDON WARD, a tnshp. in the par of div. of Coquetdale ward, co. Northumberland. ELSECAR, a hmlt. in the tushp. of Uram low, par. of Wath-upon-Dcarne, West Kidii.i 5 miles S.E. of Harm -sley. The neighliourh" in ironstone and coal, which are extc-nsively - i there are also quarries of excellent building branch of the Dearne and Dove can-.! village, -which is considerable, and c-.-r works for the smelting of pig-iron, and ton castings of all kinds. The living is a ] - u the dioc. of York. There is a village s. ntiful fossils are found. J-'.arl Fit/william is the [u ii : ud. ELSKMIAM, a ],ar. in the hund. of ft; . I N.I.. 1. 1 I'i-h-.p's Storttord, its post town. 7 N.K. of Dimmiiw. It is situated on a tril.i; river Stort, and is a station on the (Jnat Kasti ni rail- way. The place is very ancient. Tho land is i ! aiable. The living is a vie.* in tho dim- of K'"i 1 val. '._', in the patron, of trusties. The church is a small h square tower, dedicated to St. Mary the Virgin. The parochial charities prudtn- JMT annum. There is a National school. Mrs. Itush U the manor. KI.SKY, a hmlt. in thcpar. of Mumby, Marsh di the hund. of Cain-worth, parts of Lindscy, co. Lincoln, of Alford. -I -11 .].!'. a par. in the hund. of Bullingdon, co. Oxliird. :i null N. N.K. of Oxford, its ]ist town ( 'herwell nms in the vicinity, and a branch of : and North-Western railway passes through This was anciently a ].l> importance, brt a small hamlet. The living is a vie. in the il The church, built in 127^, is dedicated