Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/918

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KNDKKI-.Y, wool). 908 ENGLEBOUBNE a corn-rent under an Enclosure Act in 38 George III. at which time! ac n-s were allotted to the p- KNKKKHY, wool), a pir. int)i<-.~kr .,r u,,n,, , CO. Lincoln, I miles S.I-'.. -I lloim Boston is iU post town. The living in a ] r|'t. cur. tin 1 reel, of Moorby, in tie- dioe. of Lincoln, of the joint val. oi' '.'JIIO, in the patron, ot'thi- I'.ishop "I Manchester. Tin church, dedicated to St. I'" : haa reci-ntly been enlarged anil beautified. The Wesley - an-, have a plan- of worship. In the neighbourhood of tin- illairi- is an anrirnt liai ' I-:X 1 i-Ml n 'U, a limit, in the tnshp. i.f 1'rcstnn Itichard, co. Westmoreland, 3 mil" -s X.K. of Milnthorjw. It is situated on the rivt-r l!.-i-tlm. LNDON, a i-h]ilry. in the par. of Leek, X. div. nf the hund. of Totmonslow, ". ot ' Lo. k. its post town. It is nituat.d n th-- Cal-.oii and embraces within!tn limits the tnshps. of Kndoii, Lungftdoii. and Stinley. The ft-oin Leek to castle-under- 1. i rough the Tillage. The living i ft pcr]>et. cur. in the dine, of Liehlield, val. lln. Church is a plain structure, wit h a handsome tower crowned with turrets and pinnaeles. It i.-, dedicated to St. Luke, and contains tablets to the (ioddrclls, Heutons, and others. The parochial charities produce about 1" per annum for th>- |>or. There is a free school with a small endowment. Gibbs Crawford Antrobus, Ksq., is lord of the manor. LNDKICK. a liver flowing through the cos. of Stir- ling and Dumbarton, Seotland. Its source is among the k hills. After receiving the linnitoot's tribu- it falls over the I/oup of 1- intry, making a cataract st. It then flows westerly, and pausing through Killearn, has another beautiful fall called the Pot of Gartnces. Near this spot it is joined by the Blanc, and ultimately falls into Loch Lomond, alter a course of 23 miles. Salmon and trout are in plenty. The valley ot the Kndrick is at some points very romantic, and is tch poetry. KNKU-GLYX, a limit, in the par. of Eglwys Llan, hund. of Caerphilly, co. Glamorgan. It is situated ntar the river Kuniney, in the south-eastern part of the county. The t"wnof Cacrphilly is within the boundary of the ham! ire iron-works which give employment to most of the inhabitants. Km-r-(.lyn House is the priii 1 l.N l-'l KLD, a par. and town in the hund. of Edmonton, co. Middlesex, 2 miles N.W. of Kdiuontun, and 10 N'.K. of London. It U connected with the Great Kastcm rail- way by a branch line of about 3 miles. The parish includes the hmlU. of Coc-1. i nliild Highway, Bull&cross, and 1'oiider's Knd, where there is a railway station; and is divided into thn e divisions, called the Town and Chase division, Given Street and Ponder's Knd division, and ISullscroBS division, each under separate inanageuu nt, and containing several small vil- lages. The New Kiver t'.uws through the parish, which Is eastward to the riv r l...i. In I lorn, -.-day > it is called EtufrMf, and was then held by (..'.llr.y di- Mandovillc. It afterwards passed to the eioun, and was i . '11 stocked with deer. Several privileges and exemptions were gi to the inhabitants by various M in the time of Kit-hard II., and the Tudor kind's built a palace here for the purpose of hunting i VI., Klixabeth, J)iiring the Civil 'ars, the parliamentary aimy ved the game and eut down tin- tn -. and a

ion of the land was divided into :

n. the Chase was replanted and sto< -k> d with deer, and so rontinued till 1777. when an Ait i! Parliament wu obtaiind t :i_', and the 1'ortioiied out into allotne nts. I in :idn the Chase was found to roniain s,.j.j() acres, of whii-h

w in tillage. The town, whieh

to the W. i f tin- lleitfoid i -el, or Koman s ..t tM, slic.ts. in whieh an- '-built hoiiM'-i. 1'elty sessions are h. -.-, .ing place for 'the county. There is a Board of Health for sanitary purposes, and police MS in four different par: nn nt inanul'ai-tory tor sn,all -inus on an i tenairo .-.Iso a brewery, eorii-mill, and saw-inills. town and neighbourhood are li^'b; , will Supplied with water from springs. At I'midei's Knd in .rish is a large manufactory for finishing i i Tin- living is a vie. in the dioc. of Ixjndon, val. 1,174, in tin patron, of Trinity i i-hureh is about . r >00 years old. and is thought to : - d to Sathoii N'. .ntry attaehi d, now converted into a vestry. It is dedicated to St. Andrew, and contains N-VI lal curious and finelv-exe- 1 at. d iiioiitiiiieiits and i ^ter commcncea in 1.1'itl. There-are also the folio-,- vi/. St., lames,] n rpet. cnr., vn! :,el, ].er]'et. cur. val. 11. both in tin- juitron. of the vicar, and Tii nt Christ C'hiirch.]ier]iet. cur. The charitable endow- ments of the parish produce nearly 1,00(1 ]K>r annum, the principal ot which are Blossom's grammar school, Wright's, Wilson's, Katun's. Meyr's. and David's, and il other charities for the benefit of the poor. ' it Dissenting chapels then' are live, vi/. 0! three - I'rimitiv. il :.-i dii!. n nt parts of the jurish. Of schools th National, one British, and six for infants; also a free grammar school, and a school of industry lor giils. Of the ancient palace there are some remains, but i part WM taken down in 17'.'^. The one room which n -mains il in its original state, with oak par-

1.1 - 1 1 , '-as 

ol l-'awki s and his fellow conspirators in the (fmipowdcr Plot. Coins, urns, and other Human r- -n..unK. have been found. There are several handsop in the neighbourhood. KnfieM gi-. to the Karl of Stratford. The n part of the soil belongs to the dm -h;. .Meyer, Ksi[., is lord of the manors of V. and ( ioldbeaters; and Woodham Connop, Ksi)., i of the manors of Durants and (iarstnii market day, and fairs are held on the I'^ird and 30th Norember for horses, c. KNI'TKLU, or 1NM li:i,l), a j>ostnl ril. in the par. '.hcorc, bar. of Lower Mnyfi-niiith, co. M of!. -nd, ~> miles W. of Kil, from Dublin to (ialway. It stands on tin- I and Jlullin ee station and a . ithin the Trim 1'oor-law- I'nion. I'.N I'l K.I I ' M'lKl.n, co. I,-ini-asti r. KNKOKD, a jiar. in the huml. of Klstul. ai < Pewsey, and 6 X. of Ame.-i its ]i -si town. The village is pleasantly situated; river Avon, in ar a ford connecting tin turn Wanninster to 1-lvi rley. It is called in Dome--! .joins Salisbury Plain. The par. in- w ithin its limits tin tythgs ton, l-'.n!oid,l-'ifield,Littlei ott.aml l.on- .- soil is a light loam, mingled with Hints, and n oil of chalk. The living is a vie. in then of Christ's Hospital, London. The church is a handsome modern 8tru< erected on the site of a former one struck by ii-btning in tin- year 1H17. It is dedieated to All S charii- about il per annum. The Ilaptista i place of woi-hip. Sir Kdmuiid is lord of the manor. This is a meet for Mr. ' Smith's hounds. In the vicinin in which anei>-nt armour and earthen Tessels have found. I NiilNK, NKW and OLD, two vils. in the par. of n, eo. Kdinburgh, Scotland, 5 mil Edinburgh. KM. LAND. NKW ISLAND, in the par. of 1 Wak. i id llavi n ' LNi.l.l.le il I T and I.lTi'I.K. bin! the pir. ' I llai n, in tin- vicin