Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/920

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EN MS U'.Ni;. 910 MI IT,.

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b ||. ' ill numb. : -ar Hill, and an : -"n men, win., alter a short hut aliint resi-' murdered with the i a was burnt, an. 1 ii >rror ami 1 i such ... liy been equalled in tin! annals of In principal seals an- Kiln mini- House and Wilton 1 1. i. in- tlu; remains of a Franciscan friary, founded in lliiii )>y DmiaM Kavanagh. 'I t,Tanted by <;u. en Kli/.abeih, with the manor. In Sir HI my Wallop, are also traces of an Auguatinian ry i>t tin' l:i!h century, a cell to tin' Abbey ill St. Tlmma* of l>ii)ilin, foundeu liy (J nd granted tn Spenser tin 1 ] . ' ..rthy is a I. maikabiy line specimen of early Anglo- Norman military architecture. It is said to have been founded liy Kaymond-lo-liros, relative of tstron Tho corn Uadc is tin- principal staple of the tow i tin navigation of tin- Slain y jrnatlv laeilitatcseoim are aevei.. lor blankets. It is a chief police station and sessions town, and returned two mem- bers before tin- I'liinn to the Irish parliament. II the pariah church, a nunnery, a Methodist chapel, a tholic chapel, two banks, almsbousea em: liy Bishop Vigor, and u fever hospital. The Poor-law riliy has 14 electoral divs. in the cos. nf Veliinl and Carlow, with 29 guardians. The poor- house has arian . 1,039 paupers. The town i, tin property of I. "i.l rmiMnouth. The conveyances are u:ho8 and cars to Nowross and Wcxford everj- day. A lailwav :i 1. 1 Kiiniscorthy, on the Diildin, .low, and Wcxford line. Tho river abounds in tine salmon and trout. Thursday and Saturday are market r'air.s are hold on the 21st January, February, March, and tin: 2-ith April, 10th Slay, 7th .June, .It'll July, L'tith Aii-ust, I'.lth September, loth October, 15th November, and 21st December. . MSI I;O.M:. m IMSIUKONK, a vil. in the bar. of Tireragh, co. E nd, 7 milt s S.V. uf Easky. It is situated on the K. side of Killala Bay, and is a coastguard station. Tho principal residence is Kmiis- crono House. KNN'ISKKKN, a par. in the bars, of Clonkee, Lower , and Morgallion, ens. Meaih and Cavan, provs. of i'i and I'ister, Ireland. It contains Kin- its post town. The MM!. ire is hilly, rising to the height of 1,1 1C feet on .Mount Loughaiileagh, but the sok is .ally good. The living is a perpct. cur. in the val. Jtl'.'ti, ill tile jiatron. of the i : The church, at K . was erected in 1787. i are also lioman Catliolie ehajiels, 1'n sbytrrian and '. -ig- houses, a Sunday and eii; day schools. Cftbra Castle, situated in a beautiful is the teat of J. 1'nitl, Ksi(. In th.' grounds are ruins of an old castle. Knniskeen was anciently a llanish settlement, and is snii ..m, !. I l.y IIUIIIM-IIIIS forts and earthworks. Large quantities of coins and bavi been |..nn.l at dillm :it linn -'. I ']' 'U lii.' si I nun it i if Loughanlcagh is us pool," suid to be very u diseases, and mar it is a eurious i ,iii n. At Mull tluie are ruins of a castle and bridge. Good build:' . .|U.lllii .1. I.N N ISK lli:N. a p,.,t t,,wn in 111. ]ir. of Kinm i^b, bar. ; iov. of Munsti i 7 miles W. of Itandoii. It stands upon th.' iiv.i 11, oil the i to l',.intiy. (Ill ritllir side -. ats 1'al:. ' >ik. 1.NN1SKKUKV, a |iost town in the ]ir. o| I'owirs- . o| U..' Vieklnw, ; usti-r, MI Dublin, and I! S.W. ol a "ii tie I'liblin and M'icklow railway. It U situated in a n.mantii '.i- muuntaii. and ili.-|,i-nsiry within the lialli.lown 1'oor-law I'nioii. I i vi iv (..itni^lit. In the i l is I'owerscourt, the sent "t I.' id P"M i of l/ii' Moiirk and the Kail of t'am- wath. This spot has 1 . irt of the lili/i'iisof Dublin, and now jiossesses i I.NNISKI'.KI: i m Ih.' bar. vvv. at Dunbfg Hay. Mutton Island, the larj,;. has an I.NNISKll.1,1 ivn, and parlia- ment:' L and county tom i^h.mtho .nd i'irkennedj . co. !'. imana^h, prov. :.. land, in'. 1 miles N.'...r Iiiil'lin. U is a station on th' ;h- Western rai. Knniskillen is a pla. .lively modem origin, having been previous to tho reign of James I. only a stronghold ol tl. - t.iki-n l. sir Kiihud Itingham in 1-V'l. In 1U12 Williai; ancestor of the Earls of Knniskill : a rh ut. i MI. hiih into iinp..rtaiiri'. At tii. K. volution the

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defeated the besiegers. Tho parish is partially moun- tainous, and is very picturesque. The average quality of the soil is good. The living is a rect. and vie. loiinii corps of the Prcccntorship <.t Iral, in tho I C'loglier, net val. il.'ii), in of Trinity College, Dublin. Tho church stands in thr town ; it u a plain building, with ' inn-, ereeted in : eliuich at Temixj, an licensed for Church of England worship at Dcngcehan ; iln'ii. ore, besides, a Itomai. and two Mi thixiist chapels. There ore, 1111.1 tional 1'ioard, two liomall Catllolii: sehonls ali-1 Chureli of Knu'land school, ' Tho Ii 'iisly touted mi tin- skirts of tho town, the ^11 r which stands upon an island lying In i - and S. expansion of Lough Eruc. Ji ; ii ils suburbs by a bridge at cither end which is rather irregular, with BUI branching oil' on either side. I'm' into the parish of Kossory. Its gemial up: ehei-rt'iil, eli an, and is an assize and ecssions town, also a chief p- and head-quaiten of the county militia. Tl., styiid "tl. , 1 1 . e burgesses, and monalty of the boiou^K oi l-.nni-.kiiii n," is n..w extinct, and its pi I in town i i.nn tho A. IV. Its population in I.M.I 1U1, showing a decrea us one member to the im- j.arliamcnt,and had in l.Mio In the town arc situated the townhall, in whie' niiieis lion., by the Knniskiileiiers at the battle ot 111. l!o r ; the county prison, tin Ullty v, inlanti and artillery barracks, dispensary, linen-ball t now used as a i hi . .- hanks, market-hi niaiket,corn market, and gas- w oiks. 'I , i- iii corn and linen. 'I lie new>p.q.. is pui.ii.-b. .1 an- ihu 'intiijh Jiij iiw I in. in has 20 electoral divisions in Kiim... .e, ith ;;o guardians. The )i

tol 'l.'J.'o j .ins. lay is nialki t day;

butter markets me In Id on .M,m.ias and Ih" l"th 1. 1 ei cry mouth, and on tho ^(ilh May and 20th (letob.r. I.N N IS.N A i i, a [Mir. in I be bars, of Kn..ekt' ;.ln r and Kilkenny, prov. of Leinstei. miles S. of Kilkenny. St. n t.iwn. It itnl oil King's rh.i, j with Die Non. The livinu i. a and vie. ill the de , al. ill'.', in the patron, of th" bishop. The chorCO is a : i ill 1M7 by the late is at united to those of D.I:'s l.NMSTU.vIIL'L, an island in the par. . : bar. of Inn . Iru-