Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/932

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ETTBICK. l.VKN VUOD. of the Border, and his clan. It is said that .lames V. captured and hung him up to an old ash st. Hiding 11 few yitrds fn Q JlowsTreo. L'TTKICK, a river in co. Selkirk, Scotland, passes through Ettrick par., along tho borders of the pa- iv and Sdkiik. It ! : -.1 tin- town df Selkirk, 'JS milr.s. Tin- Tinia Water and the Yarrow arc iU prim -ipal tributaries. Its banks possess most of the beauties of a highland sti.-am. BTTEICK-BEIDQE, a vil. in the par. of Kirkhopo, cp. Selkirk, Scotland, miles S.V. of Selkirk. It is situated on tlio Eltrick Water. l.ll KH'K-FOKKST, anciently extending over co. Selkirk and parts of Peebles and Edinburgh Scotland. This district, from ; the great hunting-ground of the Scottish kint;-. Kd- word I. was the first monarch to give away portions of the forest. It was forfeited 1 y .1 Jas in 1 I.Vi. to whom it had I royal property, .laniei V., in l.VJS, made a grand hunting expedition into the forest, which I month, accompanied hy the nobles and gentlemen of the land, amounting to 1'2, QUO men. After tho Union this noblo forest degenerated into iu piv-ent state, forming extensive sheep-walks, with hardly a trace of its h . been once woodland. ETWALL, a |tr. in the hund. of Applelrec, co. , li mil, s N.E. of Burton-on-Trent, G S.W. of y, its post town, and about 2 N. of Eggiuton statio'n on the North Statlordsliire railway. The manor formed a part of the demesne of Welbeck Abbey, and at tho dissolution of the monastic orders, iu tho reign of Henry VIII., wag given to the 1'urt family, and by marriage and purchase passed to tho Gcrards, M. Sleighs, and Cottons. It includes tin. tn.-hps. of wardcote and Etwall, and the limit, of liui-naston. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Lichlicld, val. 3IJ church is a plain structure with embattled tower. It is dedicated to St. Helen. The parochial charities produce about 12 per annum, in addition to Sir John Port's hospital, win, li was founded and endowed in tho middle of tlie 16th century, for poor persons, who are well pro- vid'-d for, at present to the number of 16 ; together with a grammar ,-ehool at liepton. Tho Wesleyans have a 1, and there is a school for both sexes. The !.>-,. ('.!:.< 'otton is lord of the manor. Etwall Hall, contain- ing some valuable antique carvings and paintings, and M the principal residences. KYAKTil, a tushp. in tho par. of I.laiiiaii--i|yHryii-Clwd, 00. I ' nbigh, North 2 miles S.E. of Kuthin. Euarth House is the principal residence. IMSIHN", a par. iii the hund. of Blackbourn, co. Sullolk, :i miles S.K. of Thetford, its post town and rail- way .station on the (Jreat Kastcrn line, and 10 N. of I'.ury St. Edmund's. It is situated on the ri and contains the vil. of Liule r'akcnliaiu, and the cxt. par. place called K mer. Tic Mutton and I'atishall tumilies formerly possessed it, from whom it passed to ' Earl of Arlington, and by marriage to the Duke of (irafton, in whose family it remains, and to whom it gives the title of earl. The In ing U a icet.* in the if Ely, val. with tin- reels, of Eakenh.-un 1'arva i'.amhain :r... "'. The ( hureh, dedic.. Si i .. I' irk. It is a ban.! r, containing monuin. thodu (Item, with the members an of their family, a!-o four brasses, dating back to the l.ith century, and tombs of the Kith. Kuston Hall in the seat of the Uuke of (irafton. The park and L'ardcn.-, are laid out with ej md i ontaiu a temple, desigm d by Kent. '1 i school t,,i -the c hildn n T(>N, a cliplry. and tnshp. in the par. and hund. i. . .. : , . post town. It i near th* rirer Yarrow, and ii .;i'Ul 0,1 (I !i.,,, of the I.'li! ' ', iii railway. 'I'll.' In,, triding, I', all," 1 , Uunshaw, and Spout Hillock, ai -.-. ithin this township. Tin- living Is a pcrpet. iur.' in ti The church is an '.tains a Norman ; ; ..-r antiijiiitics in good prcs, lion. The Unman Catholics and Y] each a chapel, and tie Tin- ]. . fa num, '28 of which an; for edu< -atioii. The 1 late Sir. Longworth ore lords of t : Kuxion Hall is the j.rincii<il residence. KVAL, ST., a par. in th hund. of Pyd.-r, OO. ' wall, 4 miles N.V. oi St. (,'olomb-XIajor, its post town, and (J S.W. of !'..! :w. It is situated on the dills looking tie . The liing is a vie.* in tho di< of the bishop. ..ilh lolly 1 which serves as a landmark to marineis. Tic- V. I- and lliU' ' 'olirll 1 1: massive rocks oi le, and on i .! barrows. MVAN 'ATI'.i;, a stica; ; r Kodger Law,

iid. It joins the river Annan 1

Motlat. i --shire. KVANTO.N, a ]H,stal vil. in the par. of Kilt.ani, CO. Scotland, l nth. It contains a use and schools. l.Y Id K )., a par. i; of Kesteven, co. Lincoln, '1 u.ili - N.K post town, and niilwa;. li* m line. The nal passes near it. II:. Priory is sitiiati d in li.' | in the dioc. of Lincoln, val. .tuoo. The elmn h i- to St. Maly. 'I The Earl of Win. uior. MX'KI.K 'K, a . the par. "t ; CO. Perth, Scotland. Kvclick Hill, surmounted by an old stronghold, and th it Beat of t : incut 1 .VI. LICKS, a small river in co. Suthcrlaic. It abounds b nd trout, and falls in: Frith lit Meikle ferry. KVl'.NlilNK, a limit, in N.I-'.. of Ledhury. It : at tie- i vcrn hills. Hen) are - .lie iniarii- which nianv fossils are I'.und. EVENJOBB, or l-.N.Ii Pl'.l!. a tiLshji. in I Old Radnor. borough and co. i;.-idnor, i miles N.w. of Kington. i llarland, Iturfa, I in the upper div. of the h',- llilii .- N 1 . :s-thu- Wol.I. ! town und i V. st .Midland line. situated locally i" the Co. of tilom i -ter, 01 y Hook it is call, and v. : ! church. i the soil a in tho dioc. of W..i..-|.i, val. ' church is an ai.. : me, j.aitly N. .iman. charit: annum. i Nati- 1 o| tin- manor. KYKN LY. a par. in the limn] n, 1 mile S. ..I P.iack: is silo J'he Jiung is a '. the dine, e: .al. IlM', ill tin church, ii St. ( . and j : l i ivy. There is a sch- sexes. T'he Hon. Philip Sidney Piein-iHint is loid of the manor. l.N-SWIhilN,a tythg. in the |r. of liodl Cheney, co. Wi N W. o| Swindmi. Wiltshire canal and (ii- D I iihvay ].a-s ti,i this township. KYi:NY(l(lD, a limit, in < par. ol St. Ai. unl, N.W. div. of Darlington ward, co. l'i.