Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/934

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KYKKTON. '.'21 EVINOTON. EVKKTON, a par. in the hund. of Biggleswado, co. Bedford, G miles N.K. of Biggleswade, and 11 E. of Bedford. Potton is its post town, and the Sandy station on the Great Northern railway is about 3 mill s S.W. of the village. It in situated on the borders of (.'ami : a portion of the pariah being in that county. The village is very finuill. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. i.f Kly, val. with tho vie. of Tutworth ttnncxed, '200, in tin patron, of Clare Hall, Cambridge. Thr church is a small building, dedicated to St. Mary. Tin' charities amount to about per annum. There is a National .-. hool for both sexes. There are two manors in tin; parish Evorton and Tetworth. Stephen and Edward Thonitnn, Esqs., are lords of the first, and the lion. Octavius Duncombe lord of tho latter. EVERTON, a jar. in tho North Clay div. of the wap. of Bassetlaw, co. Nottingham, 3 miles S .}]. of llawtry, its post town, and 6 N.E. of Rctford. It is the river Idle, and includes tffe tnshp. of Scaftworth and the hmlts. of Drakeholcs and 1 larwdl. 'Die Chester- field canal passes through tho parish. On the SI. brick-making is carried on. Tho living is a vie.* in the dioe. of Lincoln, val. 209. The church is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. There are charities producing about 8 per annum. The Wesley ans have :i < i Some Koman remains have been found in the n. iuh- bourhood. The Rev. Christopher Neville is lord of the manor. EVESBATCH, a par. in the hund. of Radio ml, o miles S.E. of Bromyard, its post town. The village consists of a few farmhouses. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Hereford, val. 150. The chun-h is a plain structure, dedicated to St. Andrew. Tho parochial charities produce nearly 10 per annum. EVESIIA.M. a market town, municipal and parlia- mentary borough, in tho lower div. of the hund. of Blackenhurst, co. Worcester, 15 miles S.E. of Worcester, and 1,1 N.E. of Tewkesbury. It is a station on the West Midland railway. Tho town, which ib situated mi a bend of the river Avon, in the rich vale of Evcsham, is a place Oi ildo antiquity, and was called by the Saxons Kufctham or Eons/mm. It owes its origin to the mitred abbey founded here in 709 by St. Kgwin, who retired hither after he had resigned the bishopric of Worcester to tho Pope. Tho abbots sat in parliament as spiritual peers till the reign of Henry VIII., whrn, at tho Dissolution, the greater part of tho buildings were sold for the materials, and the possessions of the abbey, valued at 2,076 Hi. 4</., were forfeited to the crown. The clock tower, which served as the gate of entrance to the monastic cemetery, was purchased by the citizens, and was consequently preserved. It is 110 feet high, and about 28 feet square at tho base, with panelled but- tresses, and crowned with open l>attlini,nts and pinnacles. The most memorable ' .the hUt"ry. ! tin tnv.a was the decisiv, battle fought on the 4th of August . During the parliamentary- war of Charles I. the town was taken by Massey (1043). It was incorporated by James I., and returns two members to parliament. Its limits, which wore unaltered by the Reform Bill, include the two pars, of AH Saints and St. Lawrence, as below, and Bongeworth on the opposite side of tho Avon crowed by a stone bridge. This last-named parish is situated on the eastern bank of the Avon, and was added to the borough by the second charter of .lames I. The municipal borough is governed under the new Act by a mayor, 4 aldermen, and 18 councillors, with the style of the " mayor, aldermen, and burgesses of tho barm 'iam." The greater part of the town, which is built on a sloping emin. n, . ii.-ing from the bank of the river Avon, consists of old wooden houses. The High-street is Tery spa, i'.ii.i, and the streets are paved and lighted with gas under a local Act obtained in IsJI. It contains an old townhall, situated in the market-place, two hanks, a savings-bank, and two ribbon in r hi th> vi. i- nity are &-. nils and a mill tor the nianufaeiure of linseed oil. Evcsham is a polling-pi astern unty, a sessions town, and once an assize town; also the ). r-law Union, embracing -H parishes, 10 of which are in Gloucestershire, and IS in Worcestershire. The union poorhouso is situated in Hampton parish. It is likewise the seat of a superin- tendent registry, and of a new County Court district. The limits of the municipal and parliamentary boroughs are co-extensive, comprising 2,150 acres, a great part of which is in gardens and orchards, letting at from 1 2 per acre. The ad j i interesting scenery, and the whole of the Vale of Kv. - sham, extending from Ki.sham to 'IVwkeshury, and from he Vale ot Aon inclusive, hrated for the extreme richness and fertility ot its soil. Horticulture constitutes the chief i,ecupution of the labouring class, and asparagus and other vegetables are extensively cultivated f.,r tie ' tlie prin- cipal towns iu the surrounding district. The parishes of All Saints and St. Lawi formerly in the peculiar jurisdiction of the Abbot of Evesham. The living of All Saints is a vie.* in the dioc. of Worcester, val. with th, poip, t. , ur. of St. Lawrence annexed, 208, in the patron. <il the lord chancellor. The chur, .nits was built at the beginning of the 13th tury as a chapel to tho abbey. It is an irregular structure with a tower and spire, and has a western porch, surmounted by j t the angles. On the is a chapel, built by Abbot l.ychfield, tie of which is lite utifiilly ml with tin tiac, r. The church of St. I^iwrence w. ruins until isir, when it was restored. It lias a tower and spire of ca; than the body of tho building, ami attached to it is a small chapel of great beauty. The charities produce about i'l'.io p.-r annum, exclusive of tho parish of Bwgewofth. The Wesh Baptists, Society of Friends, and I'nitai of worship. There is a grammar school, founded in 1'itii by Abbot Lychfield, which has an endowment of 13, ot which 10 is paid out of the cxclnijuer, D the settlement of Henry VIII., who assigned tin in lieu of iU former revenue on the di- sham Abbey, to which it was attached. It was H quently incorporated by James I., and | government of tho mayor and corporation. Then- is also a National school and a foundation school in Die i ngeworth. Of the abbey, which had 15 and 104 marble pillars, nothing now remains except tho clock-tower incnliiiiiid above, and an elegant gat The aneii nt i i^tle belonging to the Do 1!, aiich.unps in the parish of liengcworth was em. Abbot William de Andeville in the I2t! dilial Hugh MI, liishop Vat.son, and llelnaldi tin Jacobite, v, -re born In n ; Va!t, r ot K esham, tho chronicler, and .John ! . n of St. I monks of Evesham. Earl Somers takes the title of baron from this place. Tho market is on Monday. Fairs are held on the ay, Easier and Vhit- ! >i of Septl Illber. EVIE, a par. and p...-.t'il vil., one of the Mainland (')rkii' ;iand. It includes K.ndali and the isle of Gairsay. Its length is 10 miles, its gr< breadth 4 miles. The surface is broken and hilly. This par. is in the pn >b. of Kirkwall and synod of Orkney. The minister has a stipend of 154. The church ' . ii>. It was built about tho year 17011. Hero are also a Free church and Congregational chapel. '1 are four private and a Society's school. The best 1 that of Woodwick on the South Loch. Swana is within the limits. Fairs arc held on the last Wednesday in June and the last Friday in Octo: EVIXGAR HUKDEED, one of the 3!( hund subdivisions of co. Hants, situated in the Kinc div , and lying on the N. side of the county. It isd: into Cppcraiid Lower. The !<>nncr contains th. of St. M:. I i,, folk Manor, Hur.-tl" . :id Whitchurch. The lower div . tains the ]. i i I'aniihurst, Iligb Iti hingswell, Xewtown, East Voodhay, and jiart of ut -7, 1'.n EVIXGTOX. a |Kir. in the hund. of Gaitree, e, Tho