Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/94

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AUDI monuments of I -I !>'" Watson and l.dward ii on F.rin i AR] i )ir. in tlio bar. of L 1. i:i i iry, piov. of Munstcr, Ireland, 4 mile.-, to tin Derg is about S miles tully light. is obtaim <1 in abundance, ami tlu-rc arc some of bog. Tim living is a vie. in the di , and Kihnaeduagh , val in t!io patron, of the bishop. TluTu are ruins of tl. church on a hill near the road, and of a castle at 1 : luskey, and remains of a fort at Beechwood. The cipal seats arc Beechwood, fom. -o of ury, Mount Falcon, Conger ARDDA, a toahp. in the tnshp. of Dol-y-Garrog, and par. of Llanbedr-y-Onnin, in the hand, of Isaf, co. of Carnarvon, North Wales, 4 miles to the N.W. of I.luu- ARDDYNWENT, a tnshp. in the par. of Mold, and hund. of the saino name, in the co. of Flint, North . close to Mold. AKDEA, a par. in the bar. of Portnahinch, in Queen's Coun: 1, 6 miles to the N. of borough. It contains the vil. of Irishtown and Mit 1. 1 Mimntmellick. AKIlKA, a limit, in the par. of Tuosist, in the bar. of CilenarouL- 1 -ndprov. of Mun-- 10 miles to tin- S.W. N ot far off is Ardea l V.!- ARDEE ]!A1J< 'NV, one of the six bars, of the co. of Louth, in tin- ].iuv. of Leinstcr, Ireland, in bounded on thcN. by tin- .-.unity "I M.mairhan mid the barony of Louth, on the E. by the bay of Dundalk and the barony of rYnanl, on tin- S.' by the barony o; rard, 'and on the W. bv the county of M-ath. It contains the pars, of Ardee, Cappogc, Ct keen, Dronim, Drumcar, Gemonstown, Kildi-moek, Kilsaran, Mapastown, Mosstown, Philipstown, Richards- town, Shanlis, Smarmore, Stabannan, Stickellin, and TaUanstown, with part of Killonny and Louth. ARDEE, a par. and market town in the bar. of Ardec, in the co. of Louth, and prov. of Lcinstcr, Ireland, 12 miles to the N.W. <>f Droghoda, and 43 miles to ' of Dublin. It is a town of great antiquity, and i r Dec, from which it d.'rivcs its name, nnci. :i Alhirdrt or Ath-air-dte, the " ford on the Dec." Atthocomnn ni. nnntof the 13th century-, a castle was built hero by Roger dc Pcppard, one of the English settler*. About the same time ho also founded and n- dowed a hospital for crouched friars, of the Au: order, which became and im|>ortant house. There was also a Cnrnn lit friary. This friary was attacked and destroyed by Edward Bruce. The town itself was burnt, in 1538, by O'Nial. The possessions of the monastery were granted by James ]., in (','l, to Sir Garret Moore. The town became the head- quarters of the I rich army in 1641, but was i by !>ir II. TichboX] -quently fc-11 int.. tin- pooeasion of Cromwell, and was occupied by Jan after ho retired from Dundalk. Ardec was a bore.- an early period. It is referred to as a corporation in a charter of tin ) t"" m. in' the Irish ] . wh.-n it was disfran- chised. It is a. held f'lttiiiirhtlv, and i sessions for the i

..-. It is the

Poor-law Union, and head of an excise distnrt. Tin insists of one long street. < ..nt.iins . in the las'. market cm: 6, a i>i l" the old . he two ! i'ti-r or ire the rorn-trndc maltini The principal > and boski ; ix>pulation, according census of 1861. ire Roman oat. Thi- in the dioc. of Armagh and Clogher, val. with the reel, of Kildemuck and several ves, 807, in tho patron. church of tho old monastery still the parish church. It is a larg' -d was probably built about the year 1208. Except the church, 1. monii- no traces of tin- Ii chapel b. longing t]ios.-il to b. cf Roger de Peppard's castle. Ardce House is tin prin- i .jsidence. Ardee gives tho title of Bonn , of Ardee to tho Earl of Meath. '1 i kit- day. Fairs ore held on tho 1st March, the 10th April tho 6th Juno, tho 8th July, tin 2o;h August, the 'J3rd October, and the 17th Decem ABDEL1 in the bund, of Odscy, in tl. i. not far from Buntingford, its post!

ing is a vie. in tho dioc. of Rochester, 

in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. ARDEN.a ]r. in the hund. of Barlichway, in tl

rwick, 3 miles from Alcester, now forming i>nl

of the parish of T.n,] rrox. ARUEN, a vil. in the par. of New Monkland, in CO. of Lanark, Scotland, not far from Airdrie. ARDEN, FORKS'!' ( iF. in ancient times an cxti i tract of forest, situated between the rivers Tn-n-

i; but at present the designation is occasi' :

applied to that port of tho county ot ' lies to tho north of tho river Avon. Tin takes from this district the has made the name a household word ; and it legion of British woodbind ii true scene of " A It." ARDKX-WlTll-AKDKNSIIli:, a tnslip. in tin ,ii llavnhy. wap. of Ilirdforth, in tho North Kid. tho CO. of York, 7 mili-s to tin- N.W. ..i ILlui-l, -. Benedictine nunnery was foumb-d In re about the m- of the 12tli century. Tin-re is :i small endowment by John Smales and Gregory Elsley, for i six boys. The di incipally moorland. .' Hall is tho chii-t i ARDEONAIG, or LOCH-TAYSIDE, a vil ecclesiastical district in tin pars, of Killin and Kei.: in tho co. of Perth. Scotland. Its greatest 7 miles by Tho church was built by tho Marquis of Brcadul ARDl.KKA. a par. in the bar. of Ivcrk, al -,. piov. of l.i instil, Inland, Smiles to the V at. AM , or AI:III:IISSI-:I:, a par. i, the N.I-:, of [nvra It is situated on tho coast of the Moray Frith, contains Fort George and the -ullage of Can It wa possession of tho Bishop of nnd l itallers. The living, val. li in tin !i clr.iivh was built in ' Tin i . M. Tin- soil is Will culli. impioM m- 11 made of late ,i obelisk, ii foe) bi-b, the Kebbock

h in this ].aii-h, of which there are

onnts. It may mark tho grave of a . , . or notln: than a ciiiinty. Fort (!e(,iLr.- stands at the .-t'tln- jH-niiiMi!;.. "E. ARDESS, a limit, in the bar. of Lurg, in the co. i

',.1, '2 miles to the '

1 1-:, a par. in tin- co. of Forfar, Scotland, now In-Ill. AV, MoMi AIM -. chiefly in tbo in that of Trilgb . G miles to