Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/940

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i:i 93C in the dioc. of Winchester, vol. 331, in the patron, of tip- bishop. The church is dedicated r, s-v 1'. tcr and Paul. The Dean and < Winchester arc lords of tin manor. Orovo Housu nnd Exton Lodge are the prin- cipal rcsiil'-ncc.s. (In a hill, which divides this parish from that ^ a Roman encampment, and near it several harrows. KXToN.upar. in thchund. of Williton, c< 6 mil iton, its post town, and 9 S.W. of tar. The main road between tin se tw . , ; through tho parish. It is situated on the ri. includes tho hmlt. of Bridgetown. The village stands on an eminence overlooking the river. Tho living is a rect. inthedioc. of Bath and Wells, val. 2'Jl. church is an ancient edifice of stone, dedicated to St. James. There are several small charities producing about 20. per annum. Captain .1 ('. Kverod is lord of the manor. On tho first Sunday in August a revel is held 1 I'.XTi l.V, a par. in the hund. of Alstoe, co. Rutland, 6 miles N.K. of Oakham, its post town and railway station on the Midland Counties line. A tributary of the river Gwash passes through the parish. This place was called Eifatutu before the Norman Conquest. It was possessed by David, Earl of Huntingdon, and the Unices ; subsequently by the Culpepers, Harringtons, and Noels. The surface is gently undulating, and tin- soil a reddish mould, resting on limestone, alternated with red rock. In this parish is a small mound, bearing the name of " Robin Hood's Care," supposed to have been tho retreat of that celebrated outlaw. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Peterborough, val. 325. The church is a handsome structure, dedicated to SS. and Paul, and contains monuments of the Harrington and Noel families. Tho charities produce about 40 per annum. There is an endowed free school for boys, a girls' school, and one for infants ; and a library and reading-room for tho use of the inhabitants. Exton Park is the seat of tho Earl of Gainsborough. Numerous fossils arc found. KXTXVISTI.K WITH imiERCLIFFE, a tnshp. in the jar. of Whallcy, higher div. of tho hund. of Black- burn, co. palatine of Lancaster, 3 miles N.K. of liurnloy. It is situated at the foot of Boulsworth Hill. A cotton- mill gives employment to many of the people. i: VIcK, a hmlt. in the par. of St. Thomas, hund. of Exminster, co. Devon. This is a suburb of Exeter, being half a mile N.W. of the railway station, and situated on the river Exe. Blankets and serge are manufactured here, and there is a paper-mill. Tho church, or chapel-of-ease, is a modern stone stru dedicated to St. Andrew, and has the interior very handsomely fitted up. James W. Buller, Esq., is lord of the manor. Tho limits, of Foghay and Foxhays are within a short distance. KYAM, a par. in the hund. of High Peak, co. Derby. 5 miles N. of liakewcll, its post town, and 12 S.W. I I Shetlicld. It includes the tnshps. of Eyam, Foolow, and Woodland Evuin. The river Dcrwnit passes close by the parish. The greater part of tho land is pasture and meadow, with a considerable tract of moor and wood- land. In .September, 1665, the infection having been conveyed hither in a package from London, four-fifths uf the inhabitants of tho village were carried off by tin plague. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Liehtielil, val. t , T - arly covered with ivy. It is dedicated to St. Helen, anil contains monuin 1 iddletons and other fun The parochial charities produce about 20 per annum. The W. sl.-yan M. thodwta have places of worship in the parish, and there is an endowed free school. Fairs are held on the l.'ilh April, 1th September, nnd ISth October for live stock and provisions. The dukes of Devonshire and Bui'kinL'ham are lords of tho manor. I. YAK I II. .SVrKrAimt, 00. Denbigh. KVI'O.N'.a jar. in the hund. of Chipping Ward- KoTttuunptOB. :i miles N.W. ..f I'.nn !J. y. and 1(1 S.V. There is a mineral spring, known by the name of Kcdwell. The tithes have been commuted for land under the Enclosure Act of 1761. The living is a reel, in the diiK-. of Peterborough, val. 477, in the patron, of the lord chancellor. Tho church is a stone structure, dedicated to St. Nicholas, and con- tains a Norman font. Tin Moravians have a chapel, and the Society of Friends a meeting-house. Tin iniial school for both sexes. Tho liev. Charles A. V. AT. id of the manor, whoso seat is Eydon Hall. l-'.VK, a par., market town. and parliann n- tary borough, in the bund, ol II ,il'olk, nearly 20 miles N. of Ipswich, 21 S. of Norwich, and !H from London. It is situated between two streams, which hero unite and flow into the river 'av. my, hence its ancient Saxon name ofa, or " island." A castle was built and a Benedictine coll to Bernay Abbey founded hero by Robert Malet, shortly alter tho Norman Conquest, of which there are still some remains to the E. of tho town ; at tho Dissolution its revenues amounted to 184 9. ~>l. In it was preserved St. Felix's Book of tho Gospels, described by I /eland as written in largo Lombardie cha- racters, and called tho Rod Book. The earliest charter granted to the borough is that of King John, which was enlarged and confirmed by William III. Tin government is now vested in a mayor, 3 aldermen, and 12 common councillors. Potty sessions are held also a magistrates' court, county court, and court of record. The principal employments of the people aru in tho preparation of flax and iron founding ; brewing is also extensively carried on. Lace making used : a source of employment, but has much declined. Tho town is pleasantly situated in a valley, surrounded by streams, and within 2 miles of tho road from London to Norwich. It contains a townhall, corn exchange, two banks, savings-bank, theatre, and a library and news- rooms. Tho municipal boundaries of the DOCOHrgi co-extensive with those of tho parish of i tivo franchise was conferred in the 1 from which time tho borough returned two members to parliament until tho 2nd of William IV., when it was deprived of one by the Reform Bill. The living i.s a vie.* in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 331. Th< dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul, and conku old monuments. Tho parochial charities produce about 450 per annum, mostly arising from land. The I lists and Wesleyans have each a chapel here. Tie a free grammar school, also National and infant schools. Some Roman remains aro said to have ! . n found in the neighbourhood. Brome Hall, Oakley Thornham Hall are the principal seats. Sir K. Kerri- son, Bart., is lord of the manor. Tuesdays and Satur- days arc the market days for corn, ^ aru held on Whit-Monday for live stock, and 22nd Ju 1-lVi:, a par. in tho hund. of Wolphy, co. Hereford, 4 miles N. of Leominster, its post town, and 8 s of Ludlow. The Shrewsbury and Hereford railway i station a little to the W. of the villag.-. It comprises two tnshps., Luston with Ky .and .-ht..n with Mm The Lcominster canal passes through the parish. Th< living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Hereford, val. H17, in the patron, of the lord chanc, -ll.ji-. The i huii 1 plain Gothic structure dedicated to St. .Michael. The charities produce about I'Jo per annum. Tlni> school tor the children of tin paiir-h. Tin' principal Hcrrington, the seat of Lord Rodney. EYK, a par. in the lib. of Peterborough, co. North- ampton. ;i milis N. 11. nf 1'eterho rough, its jiost town. It is situated mi the N.K. hinder of tin oo mar tho river Muscat. The village is c i.iisid, lahle. The tithes were commuted for land and a money payment n the Knelostiro Actof 1820. The living is a perpct. cur.* in the dioc. of Peterborough, val. 312, in the jmtron. of -hop, who is lord of the manor. Tho church U a p stun tun- dedicatid to St. Matthew. The I pendents, We-lryans, and Primitive .Mrth. each a chapel, and there aro National and Sunday schools. At Singlcxholt in this parish were formerly a chapel and hermitage.