Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/247

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HEMEL HEMPSTEAD. 239 REMINGTON. muted for a rent-charge of 290 5. 6rf. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 56. The church is a small structure, with a round tower, situated near a spacious lawn, by Hemblington Hall, and is dedicated to All Saints. There is a National school. HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, a par. and market town in the hund. of Dacorum, co. Herts, 5 miles E. of Berk- hampstead, 6 W. of St. Alban's, and 2 from the railway station at Boxmoor, which is 24J from London by the London and North-Western railway. It is situated on the river Gade, and close to the Grand Junction canal. The par. includes, besides the market town of Hemel Hempstead, the tnshps. of Boxmoor and Twowaters, and the hmlts. of Corner Hall and Crouchfield. The town was incorporated by Henry VIII., and is governed by a bailiff chosen annually on St. Andrew's Day. It consists of one principal street, nearly a mile in length, the houses being well built though somewhat irregular. It is well lighted with gas, and partially paved. It contains the townhall, where petty sessions are held on the second and fourth Wednesday in each month, a savings-bank, literary and scientific institute with good library, police station, union poorhouse, besides a brewery, iron foundry, and limekilns. The new corn exchange is held in the enclosed space under the town- hall. At Marlowes, a short distance to the S. of the town, is the West Herts County Infirmary, erected in 1830, and liberally endowed by the late Sir J. S. Sebright, Bart. The staple manufacture is paper, several of the largest paper mills in the kingdom being situated on the Gade in the neighbourhood of the town ; straw plaiting is also extensively carried on by .the female portion of the population. Hemel Hempstead is a polling place for the county, and head of a Poor-law Union containing six parishes. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Rochester, val. 709, in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral, on the nomination of the Bishop of Peterborough. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is an ancient cruciform structure with a lofty spire. It hqs recently been entirely reno- rated at the cost of 3,600. It contains several windows of painted glass, a very ancient font, monumental brass bearing date 1480, and a monument to the late Sir Astley P. Cooper, Bart. The register dates from the early part of tho 16th century. There is also a district church for the populous villages of Boxmoor and Two- waters, the living of which is a perpet. cur., val. 150, in the patron, of the vicar. The Independents, Wes- ley ans, Primitive Methodists, Society of Friends, and Baptists, have chapels, the last being a Gothic struc- ture erected in 1861. There are two endowed schools, besides National, infant, and denominational schools. The principal residences are Gadebridge, the seat of Sir A. P. Cooper, Bart., and Marchmont House of the Dowager Lady Cooper. Thursday is market day, when a considerable business is done in corn and straw plait. Fairs are held on Holy Thursday for live stock, on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday for toys, and on tho third Monday in September for hiring servants. HEMINGBROUGH, a par. in the wap. of Ouse, East Riding co. York, 5 miles N.W. of Howden, its post town, 5 E. of Selby, and half a mile from the Cliff station on the Hull and Selby railway. The par., which is of large extent, is situated on the river Ouse, and contains tho tnshps. of Menthorpe-with-Bow- !'0, Osgodby, Barlby, Cliff-cum-Lund, Duffield i Brackenholme-with-Woodhall. The living is a vie. in tho dioc. of York, val. 85, in the patron, of i-own. There is also a district church at Barlby, tie living of which is a perpet. cur., val. 105. The h church, which was made collegiate in 1426, is a u structure dedicated to St. Mary. The tower 'H in the centre of the building, and ia crowned I'ire 191 feet in height, and contains eight bells. 1 he interior of the church contains several monuments, xlso a screen, old register, &c. In the chantry of St. Nicholas is an altar tomb, and the figure of a skeleton. The parochial charities produce about 83 per annum, 1 of which 41 goes to a school. There is a school for both sexes in which a Sunday-school is also held. The Wesleyans have a place of worship. Wilson, Esq., is lord of the manor and principal landowner. HEMINGBY, a par. in the N. div. of the wap. of Gartree, parts of Lindsey, co. Lincoln, 4 miles N. of Horncastlo, its post town, and 18 E. of Lincoln. Tho village, which is small, is situated on the river Bain and belongs to the duchy of Lancaster. The tithes have been commuted for land. The living is a rect. * in the dioo. of Lincoln, val. 355. The church, dedicated to St. Margaret, has a tower containing three bells. The register dates from 1579. The Wesleyans have a chapel. The charities produce about 145, which goes to Lady Dymoke's free school and almshouses. Miss Trafford Southwell is lady of tho manor. HEMINGFIELD, a vil. in the tnshp. of Wombwell, and par. of Darfield, West Riding co. York, 4 miles S.E. of Barnsley, near the river Dearne and Dove canal. HEMINGFORD ABBOTTS, a par. in the hund. of Toseland, co. Huntingdon, 2* miles W. of St. Ives, its post town, and 3 E. of Huntingdon. The village, which is inconsiderable, is situated on the S. bank of tho river Ouse. It was given by Bishop JEthelic to Ram- sey Abbey, and at the Dissolution came to the Pages and Barnards. The land is chiefly arable. The tithes were commuted for land and a money payment under an Act of Enclosure in 1801. The living is a rect.* in tho dioc. of Ely, val. 424. The church, an ancient edifice, is dedicated to St. Margaret, and contains tombs of tho Dickenses. The parochial charities produce about 18 per annum. HEMINGFORD GREY, or EAST, a par. in tho hund. of Toseland, co. Huntingdon, 2 miles from St. Ives, its post town. It is a small village situated on the S. bank of the river Ouse, which is navigable from Bedford to Lynn. It was given by Hardicanute to Ramsey Abbey, and by the Conqueror to Alberic, or Aubrey-de-Vere ; thence it descended to the Greys of Wilton, Newmans, &c. St. Ives union poorhouso is situated in this parish. The tithes were commuted for land and money payments under an Enclosure Act in 1806. Tho living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Ely val. 177. Tho church, which is situated near tho river, is an ancient structure, dedicated to St. James. The interior of the church contains some stained windows and a tomb of Sophia, sister to the "beautiful Miss Gummings," who was born in this parish, and became Duchess of Hamilton and Argyle. HEMINGSTONE, a par. in the hund. of Bosmere, co. Suffolk, 6| miles N. of Ipswich, its post town, and 3 N. of the Claydon railway station. It is a small agricultural parish, formerly held by the singular tenure of performing before " our lord the king, one saltus, one sufflatus, and one bumbulus " every Christmas Day. The tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge of 369 5s. 6d. Tho living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 381. The church, dedicated to St. Gregory, is an ancient structure. Hemingstone Hall is the principal residence, a brick-built mansion in tho Elizabethan style of architecture, erected in 1558. HEMINGTON, a par. in the hund. of Kilmersdon, co. Somerset, 5J miles N.W. of Frome railway station. The village is small, and the inhabitants are principally employed in agriculture. The land is chiefly in pasture, and the soil is clay. The living is a rect.* with that of Hardington united, in the dioc. of Bath and Wells, val. 641. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is an ancient stone structure with a tower containing five bells. It was some few years past thoroughly restored, at which time a fine Norman arch was discovered. The register commences from the reign of Henry VIII. Tho charities consist of an annuity of 20 by the Bampfylde family, and 1 5s. by Mr. Vigo, both of which are distributed to the poor at Christmas. There are two almshouses for aged men and women ; also National schools for both sexes, and a Sunday-school. HEMINGTON, a par. in the hund. of Polebrook, co. Northampton, 5 miles S.E. of Oundle, its post town. The village, which is very small, ia wholly agricultural.