Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/309

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HORSLEY, EAST. 301 HOBTON. of Duffield railway station. The parish, which is con- biili rable, is situated near the river Derwent, and on the Derby and Alfreton road. It contains the vils. of Hors- Icy, llcrsley Woodhouse, and Kilburne. Here formerly stood a castle, built by Ealph-dc-Burun. The surface is diversified with hill and dale, and the soil is in general lighr. The Little Eaton railway passes through tho parish. The living is a vie. * in the dice, of Lichfield, val. 210. Tho church, which stands on a lofty emi- nence, is dedicated to St. Clement. It has a lofty tower and spire containing four bells. Tho parochial charities produce about 15 Ws. per annum, of which 5 10s. is distributed to tho poor in cloth and flannel. Here is a National school for both sexes. E. 1). Sitwcll, Esq., is lord of the manor and chief landowner. On the summit of a hill, about 1 "mile from the church, are tho ruins of the ancient baronial castle of Horeston, built in tho 12th century, and formerly held by the Stanhope family. HORSLEY, EAST, a par. in the second div. of the hund. of Woking, co. Surrey, 5 miles S.W. of Leather- head, 6 N.E. of Guildford, and 2J S.E. of Bipley, its post town. The northern part of the parish is flat and clayey, but tho S. hilly, with a chalk subsoil. The higher lands abound in beech timber, and there is a considerable extent of wood and waste land. The arable and pasture are in nearly equal proportions. The main road from Leatherhead to Guildford crosses the interior of tho parish. The village is small, and wholly agricultural. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Winchester, val. 257, in the patron, of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The church, dedicated to St. Martin, is a structure of the 12th century, in tho Norman style of architecture, with embattled tower. It contains a brass with efligy of John Bowthe, Bishop of Exeter. There is a frco school. Horsley Place is the seat of the Earl of Lovelace, who is lord of the manor and owner of the whole of tho soil. HORSLEY-LONG, a par. in the V. div. of Morpeth ward, co. Northumberland, 7 miles N.W. of Morpeth, Ha post town, 5 S.W. of Felton, and 8 S.E. of Kothbury. It is situated on a branch of the river Coquet, and con- tains Longshaw, Stanton, and 6 other tnshps. It was given by Gospatrick to the Merlays. At the W. end of the parish is an old tower of the Eiddells, which is used as a place of worship by the Koman Catholics. The soil consists of clay and sand. Coal and lime arc worked. The living is a vie.* in tho dioc. of Durham, val. 336, in the patron, of the lord chancellor. The church, dedicated to St. Helen, is a modern edifice with a turret containing one bell. The communion table and rails were made out of an oak-tree that was found a few years ago buried in a neighbouring moss. The register dates from 1688. The parochial charities produce about 3 per annum. There is a National school, partly sup- ported by subscription, and partly by a bequest left by I Mrs. Oglo for education. Thomas Biddell, Esq., and Henry John Baker, Esq., are lords of the manor. HOESLEY, WEST, a par. in the second div. of the hund. of Woking, co. Surrey, 3 miles S.E. of Ripley. The parish is of considerable extent, and part of the land in common. Here is an old seat which once belonged to s ir Walter Raleigh. Tho tithes have been commuted i rent-charge of 305. The living is a rect.* in the of Winchester, val. 317. The church, dedicated Mary, is an ancient structure with an ivy-mantled tower surmounted by a spire. It contains several antique 1 stalls and tombs of the Berner, Nicholas, and Raleigh i'.'S. The head of the illustrious Sir Walter Raleigh '. was buried here, though his body was laid in St. Mar- . Vr ^minster. IK iKSLEY- WOODHOUSE, a tnshp. in tho par. of Iiund. of Morlcston, co. Derby, 7 miles N. of inhabitants arc principally employed in work knitting and in nail making. TheWesleyans .1 place of worship. Edward D. Sitwcll, Esq., is I lord ol and principal landowner. HORSLK1 DOWN, co. Sim-oy. ,SW SouTinvAHK. !l(tl;.vn:.l> T1H STAN . GHALL, a par. in Ithe hund. of Taverham, co. Norfolk. 6 miles N.E. of TOI.. II. Norwich, and half a mile W. of Coltishall, its post town. The village, which is small, is situated on the S. bank of the river Bure, and on tho road from Norwich to North- Walsham. The inhabitants are chiefly employed in agriculture. Here was once an alien priory, founded as a cell to the abbey of tho Holy Trinity at Caen, in Normandy, and subsequently given to King's College, Cambridge. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Nor- wich, val. 580, in the patron, of King's College, Cam- bridge. Tho church, dedicated to All Saints, is an ancient structure with a square tower. The interior of tho church contains an antique font, and monuments of tho Hornseil, Ward, and Townsend families. The paro- chial charities produce about 11 per annum. Here is a school, supported by subscriptions. Horstead Hall is a mansion erected in 1835, belonging to Lord Sheffield, but is at present the seat of the Dowager Lady Suffield. Thomas Blake, LL.D., is lord of the manor. HOESTED-KEYNES, a par. in tho hund. of Danc- liill Horsted, rape of Pevensey, co. Sussex, 8 miles S. of East Grinstead, its post town, and 5 N.E. of Hayward's Heath railway station. The parish is small, and wholly agricultural. Tho soil consists of clay and sand. Nearly half tho parish is in woodland, the remainder arable and pasture. The tithes have been commuted for a rent- charge of 500. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Chichester, val. 342. The church, dedicated to St. Giles, is an ancient cruciform stone structure, with a spired tower containing a clock and three bells. Leighton, Archbishop of Glasgow, died here in 1681, and was buried in tho S. chancel. A new tombstone was erected to his memory in 1857. There are also monuments to tho Wyatt family bearing date 1753. Tho charities produce 3 per annum, which goes to Lightmaker's free school. There is a National school for both sexos. The Inde- pendents have a place of- worship here, and the Bnptists one at Danehill. The Hon. H. Brand is lord of the manor. There is a chalybeate spring called tho Holy Well about a mile from the village. HORSTED, LITTLE, a par. in tho hunds. of Rush- mondeu and Loxfield-Dorsot, rape of Pevensoy, co. Sussex, 2 miles S. of Uckfield, and 5 N.E. of Lewes. Ironsand and lignite are found in considerable quan- tities. The village, which is small, and wholly agricul- tural, is situated near the river Ouse. The land is distributed into arable, pasture, hop grounds, meadow, and woodland. Tho tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge of 421. The living is a rect.* in tho dioc. of Chichester, val. 356. The church, which is situated on an eminence, has a square embattled tower. HOETON, a par. in tho hund. of Stoke, co. Bucks, 3 miles E. of Windsor, 1 mile S. of Colnbrook, its post town, and 3 miles from Langley station on tho Great Western railway. The village, which is small, was foi-merly a market town. It is situated on tho river Colne, and contains part of the vil. of Colnbrook, which is separated from the par. by the above-mentioned river. The parents of Milton, the poet, resided here, and some of the earlier poems, as " Comus" and "Arcades," were composed here for the children of the Countess of Derby, whose seat was at Harefield. Milton's house and apple tree still remain, and under the latter he wrote several of his works. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in agriculture, and in tho large paper-mills on tho Colne. The tithes were commuted for land and a corn-rent under an Enclosure Act in 1799. Tho living is a rect.* in tho dioc. of Oxford, val. 385. The church, dedicated to St. Michael, is an ancient structure partly coveied with ivy, and is the burial-place of Milton's mother, who died here in 1637. It contains a Norman doorway with a circular arch enriched with mouldings. The charities produce about 4 20 per annum. Thomas Peers Williams, Esq., is lord of the manor. An old Roman wall surrounds the churchyard. HORTON, a par. in the hund. of Badbury, co. Dorset, 6 miles N.E. of Wimborne, its post town, and 4J S.W. of Cranborne. It is a small agricultural village situated in a well-wooded country on tho road between Shaftesbury and Ringwood. Here was formerly a Benedictine priory, QQ