Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/359

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IXVEKKE1THXY. 3.51 INVEBNE66. of old Rosyth Castle, once the seat of the great S;u -i,t i':i!iii!y, stands on the opposite shore to the present '. Sir Walter Scott makes an allusion to the old castle in tha " Abbot." INVERKEITHNY, a par. and post-office vil. in the co. Banff, Scotland. It is about 6 miles long by 5 broad, and is bounded by the pars, of Rothiemay and Marnoch and the co. of Aberdeen. The surface is hilly, and is traversed by the little river Keithney. There is a con- siderable area of waste and uncultivated land, with some wood. This par. is in the presb. of Turriff and synod of Aberdeen. The minister lias a stipend of 215. There is Free Church accommodation and a parish school here. DTVEBKINDY, the seat of a post-office between the pars, of Strathdon and T'owie, co. Aberdeen, Scotland. INVEIiLKVEN, or DTJBBIESIDE, a vil. in the par. of Markinch, co. Fife. It is situated on tho right bank and near tho mouth of the river Leven. INVERLOCHY, a Til. on Loch Eil, in the co. Inver- ' ness, Scotland, 1 mile E. of Fort- William. It is situated near the river Lochy, and has remains of an old moated castle. It was here that Donald of the Isles routed the Earl of Mar in the reign of James I., and in 1GJ5 Montroso defeated the Campbells, as described in the " Legend." 1NVERMORE, a vil. in the par. of Invor, bar. of Lower Belfast, co. Antrim, prov. of Ulster, Ireland. 1NVERMORISTON, the seat of a poet-office, on the left side of Loch Ness, 7 miles N.E. of Fort-Augustus, co. Inverness, Scotland. INVERNAHAVON, a farm in the co. Inverness, Scotland, 8 miles N. of Dalwhinnie. It is situated near the junction of the rivers Spey and Truim. It is famous in history as the scene of the skirmish between the Mackintoshes and Camerons in tho reign of James I. INVERNESS, one of the largest counties of North Central Scotland, comprising, besides a very extensive tract of mainland, the western portion of the Hebrides, the Isle of Skye, and a portion of the ancient prov. of Moray. It was in former times considered a kind of viceroyalty, and is mentioned in Acts of David I. as having a sheriff. Ita present limits were determined bout 1661. Ita boundaries are the co. Ross and the inner end of tho Moray Frith on the N., cos. Elgin and Aberdeen on the E., cos. Argyle and Perth on tho S., and tho ocean on tho W. 1 1 lies between 50 40' and 67 30' N. lat,, and between 3 50' and 5 50' W. long. Its length from N.E. to S.W. is 85 miles, and its breadth from N. to S.E. is 55 miles. Its superficial measure- ment, including its insular district, has been estimated at 1,209 square miles, of which about 59 are lacustrine, and 500,000 acres under cultivation. The area of its Hebridean district is 1,150 square miles. Its mainland coast line is remarkably irregular. This county is divided' into tho following districts, viz. Lochabar, Badenoch, Moydart, Arisaig, Glenclg, and Strathglass. Tho county contains 29 whole and 7 parts of parishes. Its only borough is tho county town, Inverness ; Beauly and Grantown rank next in importance. Balloch, Broadford, Campbeltown, Connago, Clacknaharry, Cul- cabock, Fort-William, Fort-Augustus, Glenclg, Hilton, rmorriston, Kvlcakin, Kingussie, Lewiston, Loch- 'y, Lynchat, Ncwtonmore, Portree, Petty, Resan- lialia Stein, Smithtown of Culloden, and Stunrton, no principal villages. Tho surface of the mainland tremely mountainous, and constitutes a very con- siderable portion of tho Highlands of Scotland. The I'ort-aan-alliin, or " great glen of Scotland," tra- verses tho county from S.W. to N.E., dividing it into nearly equal parts. Tho Caledonian canal is earned < tho bottom of tho glen. The Aird, the pars, of rsier, and the lordship of Petty, constitute the low- ict; Glengarry, Glenmoriston, and Glenurqu- hart, inn pardlel to, and Stratherrick flanks the Great .ihnairn, Badeuoch, and Strathdearn, are the basins of tho rivers Nairn, Spey, and Findhorn ; tho lli'ln i'li- in portion rrtiupris'-s Skye, Harris, North and South l'i-t, ISarra, and Eig. The general aspect of the surface is on< ; oi frowning grandeur, so primitive, indeed, that posts aro frequently observed set up to mark tho doubtful roads which thread their way through wild mountain ranges and sombre valleys. The Great Glen abounds in the grandest scenery. Along its course are stationed Fort- William, Fort-George, and Fort- Augustus. Tho latter, with Loch Ness, Glenurquhart, and Corrimony, present some very striking features. Strathglass has its attractions, and a very imposing pros- pect is enjoyed from Erchless Castle. A large part of the county is covered with heath, extensive fir woods, and other plantations, but the glens and straths aro generally fertile and highly cultivated. The sea-lochs Hourn, Nevis, Mirror, and Moidart, indent the mainland coast in the W., while on the S. side of the county aie lochs Shiel, Eil, Levcn, Ericht, Laggan, and Treig. Among the numerous lakes of tho W. the principal one is Loch Arkcg, which is connected with lochs Lochie, Oich, and Ncsslie, in the N.E. Tho river Glass traverses tho N.W. of the county, and, after receiving tho waters of tho Farrer, enters the head of Loch Beauly. Tho river Foyers, with its beautiful fall, after receiving tho tribute of the Spey, tho Findhorn, and the Beauly, empties itself into Loch Ness. The highest summits are those of Bon Nevis and Mcalfourvounic. Tho geolo- gical formations vary according to tho district, bat primary rocks prevail throughout the county, especially gneiss ; and among tho Grampians and at Ben Nevis granite, trap, and porphyrity. In the lower lands sand- stone and limestone are abundant, and tho latter in tho vicinity of Fort- William assumes tho compactness of marble. In tho Lochabar district are those remarkable natural terraces which arc supposed to mark the lino of tho sea-beach during the glacial period. In this locality also is found a spotted marble intermingled with lead ore and copper pyrites. Iron ore in small quantities occurs in some parts of the county, as also lead and silver. The soil generally consists of a light sandy mould resting on a subsoil of clay or gravel, except in the valley of the Great Glen, where a rich alluvial soil occurs. Tho area of plantation has been on the increase latterly, and small farms aro constantly being abandoned to make way for extensive sheep-walks, for which modo of farming tho climate scorns particularly adapted, being mild and rainy by reason of its mountainous character and its proximity to the ocean. The favourite breeds of sheep aro the Cheviot and Linton, and of cattle tho Skye and Kyloe "breeds. The inhabitants generally speak the Gaelic language, and in the seclusion of their primitive mountain homes frequently retain the customs and display tho spirit of their Celtic forefatncrs. Tho greater number are engaged in farming pursuits, and some few in trade and manufacture. In the western districts they direct their attention to fishing, the herring fishery being the most considcrablc.-The county of Inver- ness returns one member to parliament, its constituency in 1854 being 932. Tho population in 1851 was 96,500, and the number of inhabited houses 17,536. The now valued rental in 1860-61 was 215,506. Sheriffs' courts for the county are held at Inverness twice a week during session, and sheriffs' small-debt courts at Granlown, Kingussie, Beauly, and Fort-Augustus. There aro 27 police stations in the county, with three district and ono county prison. Tlio military roads, which were con- structed in tho early part of the 18th century, aro monu- ments of industry and skill. The principal of these are, from Inverness to Dalwhinnio and to Fort-Augustus ; from Fort-Augustus to Fort-William ; and from Inver- ness to Fort-Augustus. Game is abundant, including the Alpine hare, wild cat, roo deer, red deer, otter, hawk, and eagle. INVERNESS, a par. in the N.E. district of tho co. Inverness, Scotland, containing the county town of Inverness (as ubove) and several villages. It has a length of 14 miles, and its breadth averages about 2 miles. It is environed by the firths of Moray and Beauly, by Petty, Daviot, Loch Ness, Urquhart, and Kirkhall. Tho parish lies nearly wholly within tho valley of the Great Glen of Scotland. The hill of Tomnahurich near tho town is an attractive feature.