Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/388

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KELSPOKE. 3SO KEJIBACK. arc carried on. The principal are skin-dressing, stocking and shoe making, also a large iron foundry and a distil- lery. It is a burgh of barony, governed by a baron, bailie, and commissioners of police. The Kclso cabinet- makers and upholsterers aro celebrated for their skill. Here are three good inns, three or four branch banks, insurance agencies, a museum, besides libraries and scientific and literary institutions. A largo public park has been laid out at the E. end of the town by the munificence of Mrs. Robertson, of Ednam House. A sheriff's small-debt court is hold in February, April, June, August, October, and December ; quarter sessions every month. Friday is market day. Fairs are lield on the second Fridays in liny and July, and on the 2nd November and 5th August the latter is St. James's cattle fair, one of the largest of the border fairs, Races are run in the spring and autumn. KELSPOKE, a vil. in the par. of Kiiigarth, co. Bute, Scotland, 6 miles S. of Rothsay. In the vicinity is Kelspoke Castle. KELSTERN, a par. in the Wold div. of the hund. of Louth Eskc, parts of Lindsay, co. Lincoln, 5J miles N.W. of Louth, its post town and nearest railway station. The par. contains the hmlt. of Lambcroft. To the E. there is a barrow. The soil is loamy and subsoil chalk. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Lin- coln, val. 150. The church, dedicated to St. Faith, has a square tower. In Iho interior is a monument erected by Sir Francis Louth to his wife Elizabeth, which is curiously figured and inscribed, bearing date 100-1. There is a place of worship for Wcsleyans. The Right Hon. J. E. Denison is lord of the manor and solo land- owner. KELSTERTON, a tnshp. in the par. of Ncrthop, hund. of Coleshill, co. Flint, 3 miles S. of Flint. KELSTON, a tnshp. in the par. of Llanasaph, co. Flint, 5 miles N.V. of Holywell. It is situated at the month of the river Dee. There is an extensive brewery. KELSTON, or KILVESTON, a par. in the hund. of Bath Forum, co. Somerset, 4 miles N.W. of Bath, and 8 E. of Bristol, its pest town. It is situated on the river Avon, and formerly belonged to Shaftosbury Abbey. At the Dissolution it was given to the natural daughter of Henry VIII. , from whom it passed to tho Harringtons of Kelston House. A fountain was erected here in 1858, at the expense of Colonel Inigo Jones. The soil is clayey and the surface diversified with hills. Tho tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge cf 240. The living is a rcct.* in tho dioc. of Bath and AVells, val. 296. The church, dedicated to St. Nicho- las, is a stone structure with tower containing four bells. The church was rebuilt in 1860. In the interior aro the tornbs of Sir John Harrington, tho poet, author of " Oceana," and godson to Queen Elizabeth, Henry Harrington, M.D.,tho famed musician, and Sir William Cockburn, Bart,, Dean of York. The register dates from 1538. There is a parochial school, with the endow- ment of 5 per annum, for both sexes, also a Sunday- school. Tho principal residence is Kelston Park, situated on the banks of the river Avon. KELTHORPE, a hmlt. in the par. of Kclton, co. Rutland, 4 miles S.W. of Stamford. It is situated near tho river AVelland. KELTON, a par. in co. Kirkcudbright, Scotland, containing tho post-oflice stations of Castle Douglas and Kelton Hill. It is 6 miles long by 3 broad, and is bounded by Crossrnichael, Buittle, Kirkcudbright, and Balmaghie. Tho river Dee traces part of the W. boun- dary, and Castle Douglas Loch is within the parish. The surface towards the S. and S.E. is rather broken and rocky, but tho greater part is pasture and fertile arable land. The road from Dumfries to Portpatrick traverses tho interior. Tho par. is in tho presb. of Kirkcudbright and synod of Galloway, in tho patron, of tho crown. The minister has a stipend of 253. Tho church, situated at Kclton Hill, was erected in 1SOG, and 1ms been recently repaired. There aro Free and Pres- byterian churches at Castle Douglas. Here are three parish schools, besides two or three private establish- ments. The old parishes of Kclton, Gelston, and Kirk- connock constitute the present parish. The chief resi- dences are Gelston Castle, Carlingwark House, ami Daldawn. In this parish are two ancient encampments Thors Circle and the Gelston Cairn. At Carlingwark Loch several ancient urns and other relics have been found. KELTON, a vil. and small subport to Dumfries, on tho borders of the pars, of Dumfries and Carlaverock, co. Dumfries, Scotland, 1| mile N. of Glencaple. It stands on tho left bank of the Nilh. Shipbuilding is carried oil. KELTON, a tnshp. in the par. of Lainplugh, ward of Allerdale-abovc-Derwent, co. Cumberland, 6 miles E. of Whitehaven. It contains a great many scattered houses, also tho hmlt. of Kirkland. The Earl of Lonsilalc is lord of the manor and one of the chief landowners. KELTON-HILL, a post-office vil. in the par. of Kelton, co. Kirkcudbright, Scotland, 2j miles S. of Castle-Douglas. It is known for the largo horse fair which is annually held here. KELTY, a vil. iu the par. of Beath, co. Fife, Scotland, 4 miles S. of Kinross. It is a station on the Kin: shire branch of tho North British railway. KELVEDON, a par. and post town in the hund. of Witham, co. Essex, 4 miles N.E. of William, 9] S.W. of Colchesler, and 3 S. of Coggeshall. It is a si on tho Great Eastern railway. The parish is situ- ated on tho north-western bunk of the river Black- waler or Pant, and on the high road from London to Colchester. Tho manor formerly belonged to King Edward the Confessor, and is the place where tho mas- sacre of the Danes commenced. William 111. visiled Kelvodon in the years lGi)l and 1092. The town, which is well paved and lighted wilh gas, tuiisi.-t.-j chie.'.y f one slreet, nearly a mile in length, containing several well-built houses. Tho land is chiefly arable, and the soil is good sandy loam. The appropriate tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge of 015, and tho vicarial for 381, and there aro 07 acres of glebe. The living is a vie.* in Ihe dioc. of Rochester, val. 570, in the patron, of the bishop. The church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, is a stone edifice with a tower contai. a clock and five bells. The iulcriorhas been thoroughly restored. The parochial charities produce about 17 per annum. There is a National school, also British and infant schools. Felix Hall is the principal residence. The Bishop of London and Sir T. B. Western, Bart, are lords of the manor, the latter being chief landowner. ; KELYEDON-HATCH, a par. in the hund. of 0: co. Essex, 5 miles N. of Brentwood, ils post tovn:. of Ongar, and 8 N. of Romford. It is situated near the river Roding, and assumed ils present name prior to tho reign of King Edward the Confessor. The par; wholly agricultural. Tho land is nearly evenly di between arable and meadow, with a considerable c of woodland, common, and waste. The tithes have commuted for a renl-chargc of 430. The living i. in Ihe dioc. of Rochester, val. 513. Tho church, ded cated lo St. Nicholas, is an ancient structure with tower containing one boll. In Ihe i. 1 monuments and brasses to the families of Luther, and Dolby. The parochial charities produce ; ?er annum. There is a Nalional school. 1 lall is the principal residence. It is situated in the midst of woods and plantations, and has a Catholic chapel adjoining. KELVIN, a feeder of tho river Clyde, ris, I Kelvin Head, co. Stirling, Scotland, and after the borders of Lanark and Dumbarton, joins ;' below Glasgow. KELVIN, a feeder of the river Roc, rises nc-.,, togher Hill, co. Londonderry, Ireland. KEMAES. Sec KEMI^SS, co. Pembroke. KEMBACK, a par. in tho district of St. Audi Fife, Scotland, 3 miles E. of Cupar, its post town. lies along the S. bank of tho river Eden, and cm: the vil. of Biebo-crag-s. It is 4 miles long by 1 broad, and is bounded by the pars, of I >