Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/421

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KILCOWEN. 413 KILCULL1KEEN. KILCOWEN, a tnshp. in the par. of Llanll -chaiarn, Montgomery, 5 miles S.W. of Aborayron. It is ftted on New Quay Bay. K1LCKEA CASTLE, in the bar. of Muskerry, co. >rk, Ireland, 8 miles N. of Bandon. It is a ruin on the banks of the river Bride, and formerly belonged to (lie McCarthys. There are also the remains of an ancient friary near the old bridge. Kl LCKEDAN, a par. in the bar. of Imokilly, co. Cork, urov. of JIunster, Ireland, 6 miles S.E. of Castle Martyr, its post town. It is 2 miles long by 1 mile broad, and lies towards tlie N. of Ballycottin Hay. The soil is mostly good. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Cloyne, val. with two others, 364, in the patron, of the crown. The church is over 200 years old. The Roman Catholic chapel is at Kilmacdonough. Here are two day schools. Ballycrenan Castle, standing near the coast, was the seat of the Carews. KILCREDANE, a par. in the bar. of Magunihy, co. Kerry, prov. of Munster, Ireland, 5 miles N. of Killar- noy. Milltown is its post town. It is about 1 mile square, and consists of a soil varying in quality. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Ardfert and Aghadoe, val. with Molahifle, i'285. The Roman Catholic chapel is nniti-d to those of Molahifle and Kilbonane. There are two hedge-schools. KILCKEDAUN, a coastguard station and fishing .tillage in the bar. of Sloyarta, co. Clare, prov. of Slun- cr, Ireland, 2 miles S. of Carrigaholt. It is situated on 11 small promontory at the mouth of the Shannon, to the AV. of Carrigaholt Bay. A lighthouse was built here in 183 1, and the light is visible at a distance of 16 miles. KILClvEGGAN, a post-office vil. in Rosemcath, co. Dumbarton, Scotland, 3 miles E. of Strone. A watering- place on the E. side of the opening to Loch Long. KILCROAN, a par. in the bar. of Ballyuioe, co. Gal way, prov. of C'onnaught, Ireland, 5 miles N.E. of Glennamaddy. Athleague is its post town. It is 4 miles long by 3 broad, and contains the vils. of Tober and Cornamucklagh. The surface lies along the V. bank of the river Suck, and is crossed by the road from Ballymoo to Dunmorc. The soil is good, and there is much bog. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Elphin, val. with Damon. 157, in the patron, of the bishop. The Roman Catholic chapel is united to that of Kilbcguct. There ;tre a Sunday and two day schools. Glinsk is the residence of Sir Joseph Burke, Bart. Kl LCROHANE, a par. in the bar. of Dunkerron, co. Kerry, prov. of Munster, Ireland, containing Sneem, its post town. It is 14 miles long by 6 broad, and extends along the coast of the Kenmare estuary, between the liver Blackwater and Hoghead. The surface is a tract of wild mountain and bog. The living is a rect. in the j-dioc. of Ardfert and Aghadoe, val. with one other, 355, the patron, of the crown. The church was built in 1810 by the late Board of First Fruits. There are four lited Roman Catholic chapels in the parish, likewise ral day schools. The principal mansion is Dery- i, late the residence of Daniel O'Connell. A remark- fort stands upon the coast, called tho Eslaigue-an-ar, near the village are the ruins of the abbey of Dary- KII.CROIIANE, a par. in the bar. of West Carbery, Cork, (i miles S.W. of Bantry, and 7 N. of Skull. !:, which is often considered a part of Durrus, ! on tho coast near Sheep's Head, between Mini Dunnianus bays. The surface is generally Mini lime. The living is a vie. united' to the rect. Tlif ]>rinripal residence is Donovan's Cove, i the old castle of the O'Donovans.

il.n;nllANK. Ste KILCOCKAX, co. Waterford.

pLCRONAGHAN, a par. in the bar. of Dunkerron Ki Try, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, containing 11, Tnbermore. It is 5 miles long and 3 broad, surface is mountainous and boggy. Tho parish is H tho E. and N. by the rivulet Moyola, and i by the road from Jl'-ncynioro to Dungiven. living is a rect. in the dioc. of Deny, val. 412, in patron, of the bishop. The church is an old building. VOL. II. Hero are Presbyterian and other Dissenting meeting- houses, also six Sunday, and several day schools. Fort William is the seat of the Rev. J. S. Knox. KILCROW, a small lough in co. llonaghan, Ireland, 3 miles N.E. of Cootehill. On its banks is Kilcrow House. KILCRUMP, a hmlt. in the par. of Whitchurch, co. Waterford, Ireland, 4 miles W. of Dungarvan. There are quarries of black marble. KILCRUMPER, a par. in the bars, of Condons and Clangibbon, and Fermoy, co. Cork, prov. of Munster, Ireland, near Kilworth, its post town. It is 3 miles long and 2 broad. The surface consists of a peninsula formed by the confluence of the rivers Blackwater and Tuncheon. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Cloyne, val. with Kilworth, 712, in the patron, of the bishop. Here is a day school. Ballinacarriga is the principal residence. Limestone is quarried. KILCULLANE, a par. in the bar. of Smallcounty. co. Limerick, prov. of Munster, Ireland, 3 miles N.E. of Crumper. It contains Herbortstown, its post town. It is 1 mile long by half a mile broad. Tho surface consists of good land, and is watered by tho river Com- inoguo. Tho living is a vie. in the dioc. of Emly, united with C'ahercorney. Kilcullane House is the seat of Viscount Guillamore. Hurley C'astlo is in the neigh- bourhood. This parish came to the Bourchier family from the Desmonds. KILCULLEN, a bar. in co. Kildarc, prov. of Leinstcr, Ireland. It is 5 miles long and 4 broad. It is bounded by Connell, Southncss, and co. Wicklow, and contains the par. of Kilcullen, with part of Tully. It lies within the Poor-law Union of Nass. KILCULLEN, a par. in the bar. of Kilcullen, co. Kildare, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, containing tho greater part of the post town Kilcullen-Bridge, and the whole of tho vil. of Old Kilcullen. The par. is 5 miles long by 3 broad. It lies within the valley of the Liffey. The living is a cur. in the dioc. of Dublin, val. 375, in the patron, of the Chancellor of Christ Church. The church was built in 1815, partly by means of a gift from the late Board of First Fruits. There are two Roman Catholic chapels, a Sunday and several day schools. Castlo Martin and Halverstown arc tho principal residences. The hamlet of Old Kilculleu was formerly a walled market town and a place of some importance, but fell into rapid decay on the building of tho village of Kil- cullen-Bridgo [which see]. It is now interesting as containing several monuments of antiquity. A monas- tery was founded hero by St. Patrick in the 5th century. Tho town was sacked by the Danes in 1037. Tho wall was thrown round it in 1319 by tho Fitz Eustaces and tho Fitz Martins, who also founded an abbey in 1460. It was granted to Spenser the poet. The town waa occupied by the parliamentarians in 1647, and General Dundas defeated the rebels here in 1798. There arc remains of a round tower and a cross near the abbey. KILCULLEN-BRIDGE, a post and market town in the pars, of Carnalway and Kilcullen, bars, of South Naas and Kilcullen, co. Kildare, prov. of Leinstcr, Ireland, 2 miles N.E. of Old Kilcullen, and 26 from Dublin. It is situated on the river Liffey, and the road from Dublin to Carlow. Tho bridgo was erected in 1319 by Maurice Jakis. There are a fever hospital, dispensary within tho Naas Poor-law Union, and a police station. Petty sessions arc held occasionally. Saturday is market day. Fairs are held on tho 2nd February, 25th March, 22nd June, 8th September, 2nd October, and 8th December. KILCULLIKEEN, a par. in the bar. of Guulticre, prov. of Munster, Ireland, 1 mile N.E. of Waterford, its post town, and partly within the limits of that city. It is 3 miles long and 1 mile broad. Tho surface, which consists of a fair soil, extends along the banks of tho Suir. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Ossory, val. with Macully, 107, in tho patron, of the Bishop of Cashcl. The chm m ch was built in 1823 by means of a loan from the late Board of First Fruits. Tho Roman Catholic chapel is united to those of Rathpalrick and 3 c