Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/516

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KNAPDALE. 508 KNAKESBOEOUGH. KNAPDALE, a district of co. Argyle, Scotland. This was formerly a parish, but in 1734 was divided into the two parishes of North Knapdale and South Knap- dale. KNAPDALE, NORTH, a par. in co. Argyle, Scot- land. It belongs politically to tho district of Islay, though it lies on the mainland. It is 12 miles in length by 3 in breadth, bounded on the E. by Loch Fyne, on the W. by Jura Sound, and deeply indented by the arm of the sea termed Loch Swin. The surface is mountainous after Cruach Lusach, which attains a height of 2,004 feet above sea-level, the loftiest eminences are Arichonan, Ervary, and Dunardary. The area of the par. is about 27,700 imperial acres, of which 3,400 are in tillage, 2,180 under wood, and the remainder in pasture or waste. The length of coast line within Loch Swin and along Jura Sound is about 50 miles. The parish is intersected by the Crinan canal, and has easy access to the steamers which pass to and fro. Here are upwards of 20 fresh water lakes, the largest, however, being but 3 miles in circumference. There are several springs. The par. is in the presb. of Inverary and synod of Argyle, in the patron, of the crown. The minister's stipend is .164. There are two parish churches situated on either side of Loch Swin ; the one at Tayvallich, erected in 1827 ; tho other at Kilmichael- Inverlussay, erected in 1819 ; they are used by the minister alternately. Here is a Free church, and also three parochial schools. The fisheries on the coast are prosecuted with much vigour, and their annual value amounts to 100. A few small vessels trade between this place and Liverpool, Greenock, and some parts of Ireland. On the N.E. shore of Loch Swin stands Castle Swin, parts of which are said to have been built in the eleventh century by Sweyne, Prince of Denmark. In the neighbourhood is a mound on which it is tra- ditionally stated the Lords of the Isles held their courts of justice. Here also are three forts, an ancient cross 9 feet in height, and the remains of the chapel of St. Carmaig. KNAPDALE, SOUTH, a par. in the district and op. of Argyle, Scotland. It is 20 miles in length by 16 in breadth, having the Atlantic Ocean on the W., and Loch Fyne on the E. It comprises the whole of the district of Knapdale, save that which is comprised in the par. of North Knapdale, and contains the post towns of Ardrishaig and Tarbert. The surface is mountainous, and the parish contains a large extent of waste and pasture land. The soil is for the most part of a mossy nature, lying on a stratum of sand, but in the low ground it is loamy. The par. is in the presb. of Inver- ary and synod of Argyle, in the patron, of the crown. The minister's stipend is 159. It contains two parish churches, one at Inverneill and the other at Achoish. Here the Free Church has a preaching station, and there are four parochial schools. In the neighbourhood are the remains of three chapels. A lead mine was formerly worked at Inverneill. The herring fishery on Loch Fyne employs as many as 50 boats. There are several bays with good anchorage. KNAPP, a tythg. in the par. of North Curry, co. Somerset, 6 miles W. of Langport. KNAPTHOEPE, a hmlt. in the par. of Caunton, co. Notts, 3 miles N.E. of Southwell. KNAPTOFT, a par. in the hunds. of Gartree and Guthlaxton, co. Leicester, 8 miles N.W. of Market Harborough, its post town, 7 N.E. of Lutterworth, and 2 from the Theddingworth railway station. It contains the tnshps. of Shearsby, Mowsley, and Walton. A portion of the inhabitants aro employed in framework knitting. There is a famed mineral spring at the " Bath Inn " called the " Spa." The tithes were com- muted for land and a money payment under an Act of Inclosure in 1778. The living is a rect.* with the curs, of Shearsby and Mowsby annexed, in the dioc. of Peterborough, val. 591. The inhabitants of Knaptoft frequent the church of Shearsby, as the old parish church is in ruins. The church of Shearsby, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene, has a tower containing four bells. The parochial charities produce about 1 pe annum. There are remains of an old camp. The Du" of Eutland is lord of the manor. Dr. Richard Wuti Bishop of Llandaff, was incumbent of the parish. KNAPTON, a par. in the hund. of North Erping- ham, co. Norfolk, 3 miles N.E. of North Walsham, its post town, 17 from Norwich, and 8 from Cromer. The village is small, and situated on an eminence near the coast. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 295, in the patron, of the Master of Peter House, Cambridge, and Bern. Wigg, Esq., alternately. The church, dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul, is an ancient structure, with tower containing five bells. The church has a carved roof. The register dates from 1660. There is a Church school supported by the children and subscriptions. The parochial charitiea produce 1 per annum. KNAPTON, a tnshp. in the par. of Acomb, York Ainsty, co. York. 1 mile W. of Acomb, and 3 N.W. of York. KNAPTON, a tnshp. in the par. of Wintringham, wap. of Buckrose, East Riding co. York, 7 miles N.E. of Malton, its post town. It is situated near the navigable river Derwent, and has a station on the Scarborough and Malton railway. The tnshp. is well wooded. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of York, val. 48. The church is an ancient edifice, with a turret containing 1 bell. The Tindall family supports a school for the township. The Wesleyans and the Society of Friends have places of worship. KNAPWELL, a par. in the hund. of Papworth, co. Cambridge, 4 miles S. of Swavesey, 5 N.E. of Caxton, and 8 N.W. of Cambridge. Tho parish is wholly agricultural and very woody. The tithes were com- muted for land under an Enclosure Act in 1775. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Ely, val. 150. The church, dedicated to All Saints, is an ancient structure, with a low tower. The charities produce about 8 per annum. There is a school supported by subscription. KNABESBOBOUGH, a par., market town, and par- liamentary borough in tho lower TUT. of the wap. of Claro, West Riding co. York, 18 miles N. of Leeds, 16* N.W. of York, and 59 N.E. of Manchester. It is situated on the river Nidd, and is a station on the Thirsk and Leeds railway. It contains tho tnshps. of Arkendale, Brearton, Bilton, and Scriven. It occupies part of the site of an ancient forest which was 20 miles in length, and is supposed by some writers to have been a Roman station. It was a crown manor prior to tho Conquest, and was given by William the Conqueror to Serlo-de-Burgh, Baron of Tonsburg, in Normandy, by whom its stately castle was built. It was afterwards held by the Estotevilles, Richard Plantagenet, who founded a priory here, Piers Gavestone, and John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and since that period tho manor lias continued to form an appanage to the Duchy. The castle was for some time the place of confinement of Henry II. During the Civil War it was held for Hie king, but after the battle of Marston Moor it was t;; by Fairfax, and dismantled by order of parliament in 1648. It was a remarkably fine building, perched on a lofty rock and covering an area of 400 yards in diameter. It was flanked by eleven towers, only one of which is still standing. The other ruins consist of a small portion of the keep and some vaulted apartments of very beautiful and elaborate workmanship, in which the murderers of Thomas-a-Becket took refuge. On the cliffs opposite to the castle is a dripping well famed for its petrifying qualities. About half a mile below castle aro the ruins of a friary for brothers of the Holy Trinity, founded in the 13th century by Richard Plan- tagenet, brother of Henry III. Its revenue at the Dissolution was returned at 35 10*. lid. About half a mile S. of the castle, at a considerable elevation above the river, is St. Robert's Chapel, hewn out of the solid rock, 10 J feet in length by 9 wide, and 74 feet high, the roof of which is groined. It has an altar on the E. side, and contains carvings of the Trinity and of the Virgin Mary. A little lower down the river is St. Robert's