Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/565

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LEASINGHAM. 557 LECALE. LEASINGHAM, a par. in the wap. of FlaxweD, parts of Kesteven, co. Lincoln, 2 miles N. of Sleaford, its post town. The par., which is of small extent, is situated the canal, and contains the tnshps. of North and

L Lcasingham, with the hmlt. of lioxholm. The

tithes of South Leasingham have heen commuted for a rent-charge of 640. The living is a rcct. * with that of North Leasingham united, in the dioc. of Lincoln, joint val. 924. The church, situated in South Leasing- ham, has a lofty spired tower containing four bells. The church of North Leasingham, formerly a distinct parish, was dedicated to St. John, and has heen in ruins many years. There is a National school for both sexes. The Reformed Methodists have a place of worship. LEA SO WE CASTLE, a demesne in co. Chester, 4 miles N.W. of Birkeuhead. It is situated between the rivers Dee and Mersey, and is the property of the Hon. Sir E. Cust. On the coast is a lighthouse 118 feet above the sea, in N. lot. 53 25' and W. long. 3 7'. LEASOWKS, a demesne in the par. of Halesowen, 00. Worcester, 7 miles S.W. of Birmingham. It is situated near the river Stour, and the grounds were laid out by the poet Shenstone, whoso seat it was. . LEATH, a ward in co. Cumberland, contains the pars, of Addingham, Ainstable, Alston, Castle Sowerby, Croglin, Dacre, Edenhall, Greystoke, Hesket-in-the- st, Hutton-iii-the-Forest, Kirkland, Kirk-Oswald, Lazonby, Langwathby, Melmcrby, Newton - Rigny, Ousby, Penrith, Eenwick, Great Salkcld, Skelton, and port of St. Mary, comprising an area of 217,430 acres. LEATHAN, a loch in the Isle of Skye, co. Inverness, Scotland, near Portree. LEATHEKHEAD, or LETHERHED, a par. and post town in the second div. of the hund. of Copthorne, co. Surrey, 4 miles S.W. of Epsom, 5 N. of Dorking, and 12J N.E. of Guildford. It is a station' 011 the London and South- Western railway. It is situated on the river Mole, which is here crossed by a bridge of fourteen arches. A portion of the parish consists of an extensive common, which has recently been enclosed. There are brick and tile kilns, and a good trade is done in malting, brewing, tanning, &c. The town formerly had a market, is well paved, and lighted with gas. It contains several commercial inns, posting-houses, and a mechanics' institute. In the vicinity are numerous Mats, with parks and plantations, occupying the steep lopes which bound the valley of the Mnle on either side. The living is a vie. * in the dioc. of Winchester, valued in the king's books at 14 Os. O^d., in the patron, of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester. The church, dedicated to SS. Mary and Nicholas, formerly belonged to Leeds Priory, in Kent. It is an ancient cruciform structure built about 1346, and since restored. It has a square tower containing a clock and eight bells. The transepts arc cparated from the navo by carved screens. The inte- rior contains an E. window, ancient piscina, stoiio seats, and several monuments. The register dates from 162G. The Independents have a place of worship. There is a National school built in 1839, and endowed with 30 per annum. The parochial charities produce about 105 per annum, exclusive of the school endowment. The I old inn near the bridge is supposed to be the " woning" ' Elynor Rumming," the famous ale-wife of the poet ion. Leatherhead House was the seat of the Gores I and of Judge Jeffries. The principal residences are Gribbon's Grove, Randalls, and Thorncroft. A fair is held on llth October, in a field to the N. of the town, I chiefly for the sale of horses and pigs. I.KATHLEY, a par. in the upper div. of the wap. of Claro, West Riding co. York, 3 miles N.E. of OUey, its I poet town, and the same distance from the Arthington station on the North-Eastem railway. The par., which I U wholly agricultural, is situated on the river Wharfe, I and contains the tnshp. of Castley. The soil is light rich, with subsoil clay. The village is small. The !? is a rect. in the dioc. of Ripon, val. 302, in the the lord chancellor. The church is an ancient tower containing a clock and four bells. I The interior of the church contains several mural monu- - it. mcnts. The parochial charities produce about 35 per annum. There are a frco school, and almshouses founded by Mrs. Anno Hitch in 1769. There is a National school for both sexes. The Methodists have a place of worship. Leathley Hall is the principal residence. Francis H. Fawkes, Esq., is lord of the manor and principal laud- owner. LEATON, a tnshp. in the par. of St. Mary Shrews- bury, hund. of Pimhill, co. Salop, 4 miles N.W. of Shrewsbury. It is a station on the Shrewsbury and Chester section of the Great Western railway. The township is situated near the bank of the river Severn. LEATON, a tnshp. in the par. of Wrockwardine, hund. of South Bradford, co. Salop, 2 miles W. of Wel- lington. It is situated near tho river Tern and the Shrewsbury canal. Many of the inhabitants arc en- gaged in the coal and ironstone mines. LEAVELAND, a par. in the hund. of Faversham, lathe of Seray, co. Kent, 4 miles S.W. of Favershum, its post town, and 8 N. of Ashford. The village, which is small, is situated near the Ashford and Faversham road. The land is partly in hops. Tho living is a rect. an- nexed to that of Badlesmere, in the dioc. of Canterbury. Tho church, dedicated to St. Lawrence, is a small struc- ture with a wooden turret. Lord Sondes is lord of tho manor and chief landowner. A fair is held in Whitsun week. LEAVEN, a river rising under Bolton Head, in Cleveland, North Riding co. York, and joining tho Toes below Yarra. LEAVENHEATH, a. vil. in the par. of Stoke, hund. of Babergh, co. Suffolk, 2 miles N.W. of Nay land, and 7 from Colchester. It is situated in tho valley of the Stour. The living is a perpet. cur. * in the dioc. of Ely, and in the patron, of tho vicar. The church is a modern edifice. LEAVENING, a tnshp. in the par. of Aeklam, wap. of Buckrose, East Riding co. York, G miles S. of New Malton, and 14 from York. The village, which is con- siderable, is situated at tho western foot of the Wolds, and is chiefly agricultural. The soil is fertile, and a large portion of the land in market gardens. The tithes were commuted for land and a money payment, under an Enclosure Act in 1804. A stone building lias re- cently been erected, which is used as a school and chapel- of-ease. There are places of worship for Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists. Lord Middleton is lord of the manor. LEAVESDEN, a hmlt. in the par. of Watford, huud. of Cashio, or lib. of St. Albau's, co. Herts, 2 miles N. of Watford, its post town, and 19 from London. It is situated near the river Colne and Grand Junction canal. The North- Western railway hero passes through a tunnel, 1 mile 170 yards in length, and has a station at Watford. Tho soil is fertile, on subsoil clay and chalk. Some of tho inhabitants are engaged in tho working of straw plait, and in tho silk mills. The living is a perpet. cur.* in tho dioc. of Rochester, val. 110, in the patron, of the Vicar of Watford. The church is modern. Grovo Park, tho principal residence, is a seat of tho Earl of Clarendon. It contains a choice collection of pictures. LEAVINGTON, KIRK, a par. in tho W. div. of tho lib. of Langbaurgh, North Riding co. York, 2 miles S.E. of Yarm, and 6 S.W. of Stokesley. It is situated on the river Leaven, which rises under Bolton Head, in Cleveland, and joins the Tees below Yarm. The par. contains the tnshps. of Castle-Leavington, Pickton, and LowWorsall. The village is considerable, but chiefly agricultural. The living is a perpot. cur. in tho dioc. of York, val. 100, in the patron, of the archbishop. Tho church, dedicated to St. Martin, is a small ancient structure. The charities produce about 8 per annum. There is a National school. LEBBERSTON a tnshp. in the par. of Filey, wap. of Pickering Lythe, North Riding co. York, 3 miles N.W. of Filey, and 4 S.E. of Scarborough. It is situated near the coast, on the river Filey. There arc a fow small charities. LECALE, UPPER AND LOWER, a bar. in co. 4u