Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/70

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FRANKTON. 62 FRECKLETON. ship. Here is a chapel-of-ease, the living of which is a cur. annexed to the rect. of Whittington, in the dioc. ot Lichfield. The Independents have a chapel, and there ia a National school. FRANKTON, a tnshp. in the par. of Ellesmere, himd. of Pimhill, co. Salop, 4 miles S.E. of Ellesmere. FRANKWELL, a tnshp. in the par. of St. Chad, borough of Shrewsbury, co. Salop. It forms a suburb of Shrewsbury. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Lichfield, val. 150, pat. the Vicar of St. Chad. FRANSHAM, GREAT, a par. in the hund. of Laun- ditch, co. Norfolk, 3 miles S. of Litcham, and 6i V. of East Dereham. It is a station on the Lynn and Dere- ham branch of the Great Eastern railway. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 504, in the patron, of Magdalene College, Cambridge. The church is an ancient structure dedicated to All Saints. It has several brasses. The charities produce about 14 per annum. FRANSHAM, LITTLE, a par. in the hund. and co. as above, nearly 1 mile S. of Great Fransham. The living is a rect. val. 400. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is an ancient structure containing an antique font and two brasses. The register commences in 1558. The charities produce about 15 per annum. There is a National school. Some Roman remains have been found in the neighbourhood. FRANT, a par., partly in the hund. of Rotherfield, rape of Pevensey, co. Sussex, and partly in the hund. of Washlingstone, co. Kent, 2 miles S. of Tunbridge Wells, its post town. It is a station on the South-Eastern line of railway. The parish includes part of the town of Tun- bridge Wells and Bayharn Abbey, the latter founded in the early part of the 13th century. The village is situated on very high ground, and commands an extensive prospect. A public well has recently been sunk here in memory of the late Prince Consort. The High Rocks and Bridge Rocks are of great size, and very picturesque. Here is a reservoir from which the town of Tunbridge Wells is supplied with water, and there are good chalybeate springs. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Chichester, val. 800. The church is dedicated to St. Alban, and has some fine monuments of the Abergavenny and other families. There is also a district church at Bridge Green called Trinity church, the living of which is a perpet. cur., val. 150. The parochial charities produce about 23 per annum. There are National schools for both sexes, and a mixed one at Bridge Green. The principal residences are Bridge Castle, the seat of the Earl of Abergavenny, and Bayham Abbey, built near the site of the old religious establish- ment of that name, a seat of the Marquis of Camden. Some remains of the old abbey are still to be seen. The Earl of Abergavenny and the Marquis of Camdeu are the lords of the manor. FRAOCH ELAN, an island and ruined castle in Loch Awe, co. Argyle, Scotland. A romantic story is told that Fraoch was killed by a guardian monster in at- tempting to obtain a delicious fruit for his lover Mego. The castle was the seat of the Macnaughtons, to whose ancestor, Gilbert Macnaughton, it was granted by Alexander III. in 1267. It was prepared for the recep- tion of Charles Stuart in 1745. FRASTOW, a hmlt. in the tnshp. of Sedbergh, West Riding co. York, a short distance from Sedbergh. FRATING, a par. in the hund. of Tendring, co. Essex, 2 miles N.W. of Great Bently, and 6 S.E. of Colchester, its post town and nearest railway station on the Great Eastern line. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of Rochester, val. with that of Thorington annexed, 799, in the patron, of St. John's College, Cambridge. The church is a small edifice of ancient date, having a stained-glass window and private chapel. The register commences in 1560. The charities consist of plots of garden-ground for the poor. There is a parochial school. The manor belongs to Caius College, Cambridge. FRATTON, a hmlt. in the par. of Portsea, co. Hants, in the neighbourhood of Portsmouth, within which borough it is included. FRAZERBURGH, a par., post and market town, i the district of Buchan, co. Aberdeen, Scotland, 28 mil N. of Aberdeen, and 152 from Edinburgh. It is situati on the sea-coast, and is bounded inland by the pars, i Rathen, Strichen, Aberdour, Pitsligo, and Tyrie. Rathe: penetrates into and bisects the par. on the S.W. Ifc length is 6 miles, its breadth 3J miles, with about miles of coast. 'The surface is generally flat, except < the Mormond Hill, where it rises 800 feet above t' level of the sea. The soil is gravelly in the interio but improves on nearing the coast. This par. is in t presb. of Old Deer and synod of Aberdeen. The minis has a stipend of 262, the pat. being Lord Saltou of Philorth, heritor. The church stands in the t and was built in 1802. Here are also a Free chu Episcopal and Congregational chapels, a parish school, and nine other schools. The seaport of Frazerburgh is burgh of regality, situated on the bay of its name, near Kinnaird Head, which is supposed to be the Taixalium of Ptolemy. The town has recently been much improve" and is now a thriving place. A fine old cross standing he: was erected by Sir Alexander Fraser, who obtained a oha ter to establish a university in 1 592 : it was commenced but neverfinished, and a portion of the building, consisting of a tower, is seen at the W. end of the town. The town- house is a handsome building erected in 1855. Here are also a gaol, three banks, good schools, water-works, me- chanics' institution, and public library. The town council consists of 2 bailies, a dean of guild, a treasurer, and 7 councillors. There are two harbours, one of recent con- struction, and a coastguard station. On the pierhead are two fixed lights. The town was founded in the 16th century on the Philorth estate, the original name of the parish, and it obtained its charter of regality in 1613. On Kinnaird's Head stand the remains of a castle called the Wine Tower, beneath which the ground is pene- trated by a cave. There are also ruins of a small chapel formerly a cell to Deer Abbey, and Danish and Pictish dwellings. Fishing and linen weaving are extensively carried on. Chalybeate waters occur in different parts. Granite, limestone, and iron ore, are abundant. Friday is market day. FREAGH, a coastguard station in the bar. of Tbrickan, co. Clare, prov. of Munster, Ireland. It lies between the bays of Lisanor and Dunbeg. There is also an island of this name in Birtirbuy Bay, West Galway, Conne- mara, Ireland. FREAKS GROUND, an ext. par. place in the borough and co. of Leicester. FREAZLEY, a hmlt. in the par. of Polesworth, co. Warwick, 3 miles S.E. of Tamworth. Hall End is included in this tnshp. FRECKENHAM, a par. in the hund. of Lackford, co. Suffolk, 3 miles S.W. of Mildenhall, and 5 N.E. of New- market. Soham is its post town. It is situated near the borders of Cambridge, from which it is separated by the river Lark, which is here navigable. The tithes were commuted for land and a money payment under an Enclosure Act in 1815. The living is a vie. and rect.* in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 600, in the patron, of Peter House, Cambridge. The church is an ancient stone edi- fice; the roof is of thatch, and the interior contains some curious specimens of carved work. It is dedicated to St. Andrew. The register commences in 1558. The paro- chial charities produce about 25 per annum. There is a National school for both sexes. Near the church is a mound surrounded by a deep entrenchment, supposed to be the site of an ancient fortification. FRECKLETON, a tnshp. in the par. of Kirkham, hund. of Amounderness, co. palatine Lancaster, 2 miles S. of Kirkham, and 8 N. of Preston. It is situated at the mouth of the river Ribble, on its northern bank, near Naze Point. The principal occupation of the people is in the manufacture of rope, twine, sail-cloth, and sack- ing. Here is a chapel-of-ease to the parish of Kirkham. The living is a perpet. cur. annexed to that of Warton, in the dioc. of Manchester. The Wesleyans have a chapel in the township, and there is a National school for both sexes.