Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 2.djvu/812

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MEARS-ASHBY. 804 MEATH. built, and contains a branch of the City of Glasgow bank, and an inn. About 1 mile S. of the village of Newton Mearns are the moated ruins of Meams Castle, consisting of a large square tower, seated on a rocky eminence, and surrounded by a strong wall. In the parish are two bleach-fields, calico printing works, and a cotton-spinning mill. The latter is situated at Busby, and gives employment to a large number of hands. This par. is in the presb. of Paisley and synod of Glasgow and Ayr. The minister has a stipend of 283. The parish church is an ancient structure, restored and enlarged in 1813. There is an United Presbyterian church at Ncw- ton-Mearns, also one at Busby. The former was rebuilt in 1840, and the latter erected in 1836. The parish, which is studded with numerous residences, is diversified by three lakes, called Brother, Little, and Black Locks. The last named is nearly two miles and a half in circum- ference. MEARS-ASHBY, a par. in thehund. of Hamfordshoe, co. Northampton, 7 miles N.E. of Northampton, its post town, and 4 from Wellingborough. The village, which is small, is wholly agricultural. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Peterborough, val. 235, in the patron, of Trustees. The church, dedicated to All Saints, is a stone edifice, with a square tower. The parochial charities produce about .18 per annum. There is a free school, also a Sunday-school. The Baptists and Wesleyan Methodists have each a place of worship, the former being but little used. Lewis Loyd, Esq., is lord of part of the manor. MEARSBRO', a hmlt. in the chplry. of Barnsley, par. of Silkstone, West Riding co. York, 2 miles from Barns- ley, and 33 S.W. of York. It is situated near the river Dearne and the Barnsley canal. Some of the inhabitants are engaged in the linen manufacture, and others in the collieries. MEASAND, a hmlt. in the par. of Bampton, co. West- moreland, 4 miles S.W. of Bampton. It is situated on the W. side of Hawes- Water lake, and near Fordingdale Beck, a small stream which forms several waterfalls in its course. There is a free school, endowed in 1713 by E. Wright and Richard Lacy, with an estate now pro- ducing about 40 per annum. MEASHAM, a par. in the hund. of Repton, co. Derby, 3 J miles S. W. of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, its nearest money- order office, and 9 N. of Atherstone. It is situated on the Ashby-de-la-Zouch canal and small river Mease, from which it derives its name. This latter rises at Ashby, and runs 16 miles S. and W. to the river Trent, below Croxall, bounding the parish of Measham. The par. includes, on the S. and E., the hmlts. of Donisthorpo and Oakthorpe. The chief trade of the town is in the manufacture of silk, tape, and small ware. There is also a steam boiler and chain manufactory, giving employ- ment to a large number of hands. A brisk trade is car- ried on in malting and brewing. Coal is found, but not worked, and there are quarries of good building-stone. The living is a perpet. cur. * in the dioc. of Lichfield, val. 97. The church, dedicated to St. Lawrence, has a tower containing a clock and four bells. The parochial charities produce about 325 per annum, of which 268 goes to Monk's school. There are National, British, and infant schools. The Wesleyans and Baptists have each a chapel, and the latter have a Sunday-school in connec- tion. Measham Hall is a brick-built mansion, situated in the midst of an extensive park. MEATH, 01 EAST MEATH, a large maritime co. in the prov. of Leinster, Ireland. Its boundaries are, cos. Cavan, Monaghan, and Louth, on the N. ; the Irish Sea and Dublin on the E. ; Kildare and Queen's County on the S. ; and Westmeath on the W. It extends between 63 23' to 53 55' N. lat., and from 6 13' to 7 19' W. long. It is 40 miles in length from N. to S., and 47 broad from E. to W., comprising an area of 906 square miles, or 579,899 statute acres, of which 16,033 are un- cultivated, 12,767 are plantations, 547,391 arable, 3,244 under water, and 464 occupied by the sites of towns, &c. The coast line extends for 10 miles, the greater part of which is low and sandy, without any inlet of importance. The surface, though not mountainous, is diversified in contour, and possesses in some of its districts picturesque scenery. The greater part of the arable soil consists of a rich loam. Portions of the bog of Allen take up a considerable area. The principal rivers of the county are the Boyne and Blackwater. Numerous small streams likewise water the county in wending their way towards those waters. The chief lakes are, Sheelin, Bawn, and Kilmainham, also Lough Dereveragh, Lough Annagh, Lough Ennel, Lough Leign, and Lough Drin. About 15 miles of the Royal canal are included within the limits of the county. The climate of Meath is very temperate, and the amount of rainfall under the average. Geologically this county forms the eastern portion of the great central limestone field of Ireland, with clay slate occurring occasionally, also a little coal. There are traces of copper and iron, and paving stones and slate are quarried. This part of the country was originally inhabited by the Eblani. It afterwards formed part of the kingdom of Meath, subject to the M'Laghlins. It was overrun by the Danes in the 9th century, and again in the llth century, and after being taken by Strongbow in 1171, was granted to the Lacy family by Henry II. Trim, Dunboyne, Tara, and other places in the county were at different later periods the scene of conflict and siege, as noticed in the descriptions of the various towns and parishes. The inhabitants are almost entirely agri- culturists. 10< to Is. a day is paid for farm labourers, without rations. Grazing occupies considerable atten- tion. Some coarse linens are manufactured. This county is divided into 18 baronies, viz. Lower and Upper Deece, Lower and Upper Duleek, Lower and Upper Dunboyne, Fore, Lower and Upper Kells, Lower and Upper Slane, containing together 140 parishes, and parts of 7 others. Trim is the county and assize town. The next principal and market towns are Navan, Kells, Duleek, Athboy, Slane, and Oldcastle. The first four, with Dunshaughlin, are quarter sessions towns, and the first three, with it and Oldcastle, are Poor-law Unions. The county contains 6 police districts, with 51 stations. It is in the Dublin military district, and has barracks at Navan and Trim. The county returned 14 members to parliament before the Union ; it now sends two representatives to the imperial parliament. Constituency in 1859, 4,383. It is governed by a lord- lieutenant, custos rotulorum, vice-lieutenant, 19 deputy- lieutenants, high sheriff, and about 120 magistrates, &c. It is in the home circuit, and the assizes are held at Trim. The greater part of the county is in the diocese of Meath, with parts in the dioceses of Armagh and Kilmore. The population in 1851 was 140,750, which had decreased in 1861 to 110,373. There are about 137 National schools, besides parochial and sectarian schools. The chief anti- quities are numerous fossils, which are found in the. limestone ; the great rath at Tara, an interesting object, and anciently a royal seat, was the scene of the corona- tion of the Irish monarchs ; at New Grange, Taijtean, Tlachtga, and Dunsany, are remains, probably Druidical ; at Kells and Donaghmore round towers ; at Trim, New- town, Duleek, Bective, Ballybogan, Clonard, Castle Kieran, Fingall, Lough Sheelin, Balsoon, Navan, Slane, Trevet, Killeen, Koran's Cross, and Skreen, remains of abbeys, churches, and ecclesiastical buildings. There are castles at Trim, Athlumney, Scurlogstown, Dunmow, Moyrath, Athcarne, Asigh, Donaghmore, Navan, Dan- gan, and Laracor. The principal residences in the county are Dunsany Castle, of Lord Dunsany; Kil- leen, of Earl Fingal ; Slane, of Marquis of Conyngham ; Headfort House, of Marquis of Headfort ; Rathmore, of Earl Darnley ; Dowth, of Viscount Netterville ; Stack- allan, of Viscount Boyne ; Corbalton, of Viscount Gor- manstown ; Ardbraccan, of the Bishop of Meath ; Trim- lestown, of Lord Trimlestown; Lismullin, of Baron Dillon, &c. The family of Brabazon takes from hence the title of Earl of Meath. The chief communications of the county are the Royal canal, the Dublin and Drogheda, and the Dublin and Meath railways ; and the coach roads from Navan to Tara, Dnnshaughlin, Ratouth, Greenoge, Swords, Clonee, and Dublin; to